

Image: Pexels/freestocks
Social media algorithms are shaping our daily lives -- and they're not neutral | Oct 6 2016 | Kyle Curlew | People need to know how social media platforms can evoke the power of code and algorithms to shape entire populations. It's a rough battle.
Image: Kristina D.C. Hoeppner/flickr
Imagination takes flight in the worlds of Birdly and Topobox | Oct 5 2016 | Wayne MacPhail | At the Association of Science and Technology Centers conference, two products stuck out. One created virtual reality, the other augmented reality. Both were imagination prosthetics for adults.
Photo: Kent Lins/flickr
Despite flaws, the government's consultation finally gives us a real chance to repeal Bill C-51 | Oct 4 2016 | David Christopher, Digital Freedom Update | It's here. The Liberal government has finally launched its long-awaited public consultation on Bill C-51, and a broad range of privacy and national security issues.
Will the European Commission's copyright rules spell destruction for Wikimedia? | Oct 1 2016 | Meghan Sali | Without an exception for nonprofits, monitoring and filtering provisions in the EU Commission's new copyright law would bankrupt some of our favourite services -- like Wikipedia
Photo: Mike/flickr
Right-wing newspaper owners want your taxes to subsidize their obsolete, mismanaged, biased publications | Sep 29 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Nobody had more warning of the extent and nature of the coming digital revolution than the Canadian newspaper industry, and they still blew their future to smithereens. Now they want your tax money.
Image: Flickr/Blue Coat Photos and
Social media is amazing at manufacturing our consent and it's not OK | Sep 28 2016 | Kyle Curlew | How have the world's social media platforms not only convinced us into giving away virtually every bit of information about us, but made us happy to do it?
Over 42,000 Canadian voices against data caps are now on the public record at the CRTC | Sep 22 2016 | Katy Anderson | With support from over 42,000 Canadians, we've just delivered a 43-page submission against data caps to the CRTC.
Image: francisco toquica/flickr
In praise of stickers and emojis | Sep 21 2016 | Wayne MacPhail | The ideograms of Chinese, Egyptian and Sumerian texts all demonstrate how powerful a picture-based language can be. Maybe all we've really done with emojis is come full circle.
CRTC decision paves way for affordable fibre Internet choice, but could have gone further | Sep 21 2016 | Katy Anderson | Customers can now look forward to accessing high-speed fibre Internet from affordable indie providers, but some choices by the CRTC will limit the range of competitive options available to Canadians.
EU flag with copyright logo imposed
Publishing giants just hurt the right to link in a disappointing court ruling. Will the EU Commission follow suit? | Sep 14 2016 | David Christopher | The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that it can be illegal for websites merely to link to copyrighted content, even if they don't host such content themselves.
Photo: flickr/Paul Hudson
Apple, the iPhone and the case of the missing headphone jack | Sep 14 2016 | Wayne MacPhail | Was Apple's decision to remove the headphone jack arrogant, elitist and greedy? Maybe. Is it the first time it has done something like this? Definitely not.
OpenMedia is defending your free expression at the Supreme Court | Sep 13 2016 | Meghan Sali | OpenMedia will be intervening in a landmark case at the Supreme Court of Canada -- defending the free expression of Internet users across the globe.

on babble

how do I search the Ontario Elections site for a list of contributors? mark_alfred said... Hi folks.  I've been trying to find the information on who (either person or corporation or...
Canadian Submarine Fleet Needs Billions To Stay Afloat Sean in Ottawa said... CanadianEh19 wrote:
The Information Age of Warfare Has Arrived Webgear said... Depends on what you considered "Information Age of Warfare", I would suggest there hasn't been a...
Libs selling out Canada: not conducting security reviews on foreign takeovers mark_alfred said... Trudeau...
Spell Check in Babble Post (it is possible) mark_alfred said... Hello.  For anyone who sometimes makes typos and would like to be able to review a post...
Why is Rabble now sidelining Babblers in its comments section? mark_alfred said... It used to be that comments on articles in Rabble came exclusively from signed in Babblers. ...
Marine Energy Doug Woodard said... Scottish island to be entirely powered by tides:   in
Internet privacy mark_alfred said... In the thread, linked...
Harperite Dirty Tricks: Have We Had Enough Yet? Brachina said...  Does a bear shit in the woods? Of course. in
No audio on YouTube videos Tito Dutta said... Namaste, lagatta, Have you checked Antivirus and Firewall software to see if its blocking third-...

in cahoots

B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union
B.C.'s social welfare software system failing, says Auditor General
British Columbia's social welfare software system is failing to fulfill its intended role, the B.C. Auditor General said in a report.

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