
Permaculture is a design system based on ethics and principles which can be used to establish, design, manage and improve all efforts made by individuals, households and communities towards a sustainable future.

The term permaculture is derived from permanent agriculture and permanent culture and is a combination of traditional wisdom, modern science and technology and a detailed understanding of natural processes. Permaculture provides practical solutions to current unsustainable living standards, generating life styles which minimise our impact on the environment.

CERES Nursery encourages and supports people to grow their own organic and sustainably produced food at home. We stock a large range of food plants as well as plants that support healthy systems, such as native flowering species that can attract birds and beneficial insects into your garden.

We can work with you to devise systems that maximise your backyard food production through the building of healthy soil, correct species selection and, if desired, working towards a closed system of gardening in which you collect and propagate seeds, roots and cuttings, make compost and mulch, harvest rainwater and grow mainly perennial food plants that need minimal input.

We also run a permaculture design course several times a year. Click the button below for more information.

Permaculture Design Course