Brigadistas & Volunteers – The Same But Different?


Editor’s Note: The author of this guest blog, raises some interesting questions about the motivations of North American volunteers in Nicaragua from the 1980s and now. The speculations and questions he raises ring true to me, but I realize I am also of that 1980s generation and my first trip there was to pick coffee.…

AfGJ Statement of Solidarity with Standing Rock Sioux Pipeline Protest

dakota pipeline

Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) formally denounces the further construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline and is in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux and the Native American coalition on the ground in North Dakota. The effort to resist this pipeline is yet another example of the continual struggle against US colonization and its destructive…

Corporate Media Piles on to Discredit Nicaragua’s November Election


August seems to have been the month when the corporate media decided it was time to try to delegitimize Nicaragua’s November election for president and President Daniel Ortega in particular. None of the attacks were news stories; all were editorials and op-eds where any kind of nonsense can be written with no expectation that it…