

Australia climbs aboard Britain's long, meandering bus ride to Brexit

London: "The best deal is the deal that's done most quickly," trade minister Steve Ciobo said on Tuesday night when asked about the prospects of a free trade deal with a Brexited Britain.

But after a weekend at the G20 in which talk of a Britain Australia free trade deal was seized upon as a positive pointer to a post-Europe UK, reality has hit.

Trade Minister Steve Ciobo and Tower Transit director Neil Smith.
Trade Minister Steve Ciobo and Tower Transit director Neil Smith.  Photo: Supplied

When Mr Ciobo met the UK's secretary of state for international trade, Liam Fox, Dr Fox admitted it was only his second day in his new office.

"We had very good conversations today … but clearly it's only been a couple of months (since the Brexit referendum)," Mr Ciobo said in a Q&A; session at the Asia House thinktank in London on Tuesday evening. "On the UK side there's still a lot of work to be done."

Officially, Australia is right on board the Brexit bus.

Indeed we've offered to help drive it - lending some of our trade deal negotiators to the UK which will have to quickly negotiate a web of new trade agreements with scores of trade partners (Mr Ciobo joked with his hosts that a UK-Australia trade deal would go more smoothly if negotiated entirely between Aussies).


The message from the minister was relentlessly positive, promising Australia would be "an ideal partner while Britain navigates its new economic freedom".

After meeting Dr Fox he talked about the "terrific opportunity" for both countries.

Learning the ropes: Liam Fox, UK international trade secretary.
Learning the ropes: Liam Fox, UK international trade secretary. Photo: Bloomberg

And later in the day he and Dr Fox announced that senior officials from both countries would form a 'working group' to start mapping out negotiations on the deal.

But this is just a working group to "scope out the parameters" of such a deal, and "advance an agenda that will ensure the expeditious transition to FTA negotiations".

Trade minister Steve Ciobo on a Tower Transit bus.
Trade minister Steve Ciobo on a Tower Transit bus. Photo: Supplied

In other words officials will soon start discussing how future discussions will work.

Mr Ciobo concedes the actual, proper negotiations are a few years off yet – talks cannot even officially begin before Brexit is a reality (though there's a bit of hypocrisy in the EU's position on this, as other member countries have already started excluding the UK from informal policy meetings).

Trade minister Steve Ciobo, left, with Tower Transit director Neil Smith.
Trade minister Steve Ciobo, left, with Tower Transit director Neil Smith. Photo: Nick Miller

But a FTA cannot precede Brexit, and Brexit will only happen several years after the UK triggers the EU's Article 50 exit clause, and British Prime Minister Theresa May will not be drawn on when that will take place, beyond some time in 2017.

This is a bus with many, many stops on a meandering route.

Mr Ciobo began his day on a London red top double-decker, run by an Australian-owned company. He wanted to spruik it as an example of how Aussies love to invest in the UK, and the UK loves Aussie investors.

But Tower Transit isn't exactly delighted with Brexit. When it arrived in London three years ago it envisioned it as a first stop for expansion through Europe. Like many other companies, it's now having to revisit such plans. London is already a less obvious base for tapping into the 500-million-strong EU market.

Free trade is one thing.

But reasons to do business are quite another.