9 September 2016

Obama heightens antagonisms with China at East Asia Summit

By Joseph Santolan, 9 September 2016

Unable to enlist the Philippines or a reliable proxy from other ASEAN members, Obama was compelled to directly intervene.

Tensions between Washington and Moscow rise as Russia intercepts US spy planes over Black Sea

By Jordan Shilton, 9 September 2016

Whatever the precise cause of the incident, primary responsibility for the exacerbation of tensions lies with US imperialism and its NATO allies.

Turkey prepares joint action with US in Syria

Mounting evidence of British “boots on the ground” in Syria

More on the war in Syria »

ECB keeps monetary policy on hold as tensions grow

By Nick Beams, 9 September 2016

The European Central Bank has kept its monetary policy on hold but there are growing concerns about what it can do as deflationary pressures continue.

Wells Fargo bank fined for account and credit card fraud

By Nick Beams, 9 September 2016

Questions are sure to asked as to how a bank, supposedly with tight internal controls and reviews, did not know about the creation of two million fake accounts.

German army steps up military intervention in Middle East

By Johannes Stern, 9 September 2016

According to media reports, the German army will massively expand its presence at the Incirlik air base in southeastern Turkey.

Arbitration results in concessionary contract for US postal workers

By Hector Cordon, 9 September 2016

The contract recently imposed on members of the American Postal Workers Union by national arbitrators continues the attack on the wages, benefits and working conditions.

Long Island University-Brooklyn locks out 400 professors

By Daniel de Vries and Allen Whyte, 9 September 2016

LIU’s action marks the first time a university has used a lockout to impose concessions on faculty.

Long Island University faculty and students oppose lockout

By a WSWS reporting team, 9 September 2016

Chicago mayor plans to boost size of police force in response to social crisis

By George Marlowe, 9 September 2016

The call for greater policing and an escalation of law-and-order measures comes on the heels of growing public disaffection with the entire political establishment.

Milwaukee Democrats propose to dramatically increase size of police force following Sherman Park protests

South Korea’s Hanjin Shipping bankruptcy has global impact

By Ben McGrath, 9 September 2016

The company’s financial problems are a further indication of the economic instability facing the world economy.

Spanish economic recovery through savaging workers’ living standards

By James Lerner, 9 September 2016

Millions have been plunged into poverty as the wealth of the elite has soared.

Australian senator falls victim to anti-China witch-hunt

By Mike Head, 9 September 2016

Dastyari’s removal sends a wider message to the parliamentary elite that no dissent will be tolerated to the bipartisan policy of backing Washington.

Australian Greens signal pro-business agenda in portfolio appointments

By Oscar Grenfell, 9 September 2016

Greens leader Richard Di Natale installed senators with “fiscally conservative” credentials to key frontbench posts.

New Zealand: Daily Blog opposes jury trials in rape cases

By Tom Peters, 9 September 2016

The statement by the union-funded blog demonstrates how hysterical denunciations of “rape culture” are helping to strengthen the state and attack democratic rights.

New in French

Les pourparlers entre Obama et Poutine échouent, la guerre syrienne menace de dégénérer

Par Jordan Shilton, 8 septembre 2016

Les appels à l’aide humanitaire et à des zones de sécurité sont des prétextes transparents pour légitimer une vaste intensification de l’intervention impérialiste en Syrie.

Le Front de gauche appuie l’opération Français de changement de régime au Gabon

Par Stéphane Hugues, 8 septembre 2016

Mélenchon a rejoint une manifestation, qui a implicitement appelé à une intervention militaire de la France, l’ancienne puissance coloniale, pour renverser le président sortant Ali Bongo.

Les forces armées allemandes préparent des opérations intérieures

Par Peter Schwarz, 8 septembre 2016

En février prochain, les forces armées allemandes entreprendront pour la première fois des exercices sur le territoire national – un tournant politique et une violation manifeste de la constitution allemande.

New in German

Der Aufstieg der AfD und der Rechtsruck der deutschen Eliten

Von Peter Schwarz, 8. September 2016

Nach dem Wahlerfolg der Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern übernehmen die etablierten Parteien das Programm der ultrarechten Partei.

Weißes Haus hält an nuklearer „Erstschlag-Strategie“ fest

Von Andre Damon, 8. September 2016

Das Weiße Haus will offenbar an der nuklearen „Erstschlag-Strategie“ der Vereinigten Staaten festhalten. Das berichtete der langjährige Militär- und Geheimdienstinsider David Sanger am 6. September in einem Leitartikel der New York Times.

Nach Scheitern der Gespräche zwischen Obama und Putin droht Syrienkrieg zu eskalieren

Von Jordan Shilton, 8. September 2016

Bei den Forderungen nach humanitärer Hilfe und Schutzzonen handelt es sich um offensichtliche Vorwände, mit denen eine deutliche Verschärfung der imperialistischen Intervention in Syrien gerechtfertigt werden soll.

Hillary Clinton verurteilt russische „Einmischung“ in die US-Wahlen

Von Patrick Martin, 8. September 2016

Die demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidatin verschärft ihre Kampagne im McCarthy-Stil gegen den Republikaner Donald Trump, den sie als Verbündeten oder Handlanger von Präsident Wladimir Putin bezeichnet.

Elefantenrunde zur Berlinwahl – ein abstoßendes Schauspiel

Von Ulrich Rippert, 8. September 2016

Am Dienstagabend fand im rbb Fernsehen eine Diskussionsrunde mit zahlreichen Spitzenkandidaten für die Wahl zum Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus am 18. September statt.

Erdbeben-Katastrophe verschärft soziale Krise in Italien

Von Marianne Arens, 8. September 2016

Zwei Wochen nach dem Erdbeben vom 24. August in Zentralitalien wird klar, dass es eine menschengemachte Katastrophe war, hervorgerufen durch Korruption und Verantwortungslosigkeit.

Other Languages


Two months until the US elections: The political issues facing the working class

9 September 2016

Whether it is Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump who occupies the White House, the next administration will be one of war, austerity, repression and violence.

Earlier Perspectives »

International Committee of the Fourth International

“You are a man of unimpeachable revolutionary integrity”
On the 75th birthday of Sri Lankan Trotskyist leader Wije Dias

By David North, 9 September 2016

In his greetings, David North reviewed the significance of the more than 50-year struggle for revolutionary internationalism waged by Wije Dias, the leader of the SEP in Sri Lanka.


Canada’s pseudo-left Socialist Project propagandizes for US imperialism in Iraq

By Roger Jordan, 9 September 2016

Socialist Project is promoting an article by a former US State Department official that advocates a Kurdish state in northern Iraq because it would advance “America’s national interest.”

Greek PM Tsipras promotes nationalism, austerity at Southern European conference

By Alex Lantier, 9 September 2016

Amid protests against its austerity policies in Greece, Syriza is boosting the EU and trying to divert social anger along nationalist lines, inciting anti-German sentiment.

Clinton and Trump bow to the military

By Patrick Martin, 8 September 2016

“Stand Up against Racism”: A right-wing alliance in support of an SPD/Left Party/Green coalition government

By Katerina Selin, 8 September 2016

White House to maintain nuclear “first strike” policy

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

Appeal by Berlin Senate candidate Andy Niklaus: Workers need their own party!

By Andy Niklaus, 9 September 2016

Andy Niklaus has worked for the Berlin Transport Company for 25 years and is running as a candidate of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit in the Berlin Senate elections on September 18.

The repulsive spectacle of the Berlin Senate election television debate

By Ulrich Rippert, 9 September 2016

The debate took place Tuesday night between the leading candidates for multiple parties standing in the election to the Berlin Senate on September 18.

State election in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
The right-wing threat in Germany and the need for a socialist party

Mehring Books

The Political Lessons of the Bernie Sanders Campaign and The Great Autoworkers Struggle of 2015
Mehring Books announces two new SEP pamphlets

7 September 2016

Mehring Books has published two pamphlets: one dealing with the political lessons of the Bernie Sanders campaign in the US and the other reviewing the great autoworkers struggle of 2015.


Warming of Earth proceeding at unprecedented pace

By Bryan Dyne, 3 September 2016

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

9 September 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

“Health care is a human right”
Minneapolis students express support for striking Allina nurses

By Matt Rigel and Anthony Bertolt, 8 September 2016

Minnesota nurses strike highlights militant mood of US workers

Detroit teachers angered by contract deal

By Marissa Ross, 8 September 2016

Tens of thousands of Australian public sector workers set to strike

By Oscar Grenfell, 8 September 2016

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

24 August 2016

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

SEP US presidential candidates denounce war drive at Humboldt University meeting in Berlin

By our correspondents, 6 September 2016

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White speaks to workers at Detroit Labor Day event

By Shannon Jones, 6 September 2016

Socialism and the 2016 elections
Socialist Equality Party campaign launches fall election meetings

5 September 2016

SEP West Virginia candidate Naomi Spencer speaks on heroin epidemic

By Naomi Spencer, 5 September 2016

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »

Green Party presidential candidate seeks to corral antiwar sentiment

By Jerry White, 5 September 2016

The 2016 US elections

Clinton denounces Russian “interference” in US elections, calls for escalation in Syria

By Patrick Martin, 7 September 2016

The most unpopular candidates in American history

Trump outlines ten-point plan for mass deportations and martial law

Nothing revolutionary about Sanders’ “Our Revolution”

As Clinton escalates war threats, Sanders begins campaigning for Democratic nominee

The 2016 elections and the crisis of American democracy

More on the 2016 US elections »

Arts Review

Jason Bourne again

By Hiram Lee, 6 September 2016

War Dogs: Cry havoc? Or what exactly?

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Join the IYSSE! Join the fight against war, inequality and the danger of dictatorship! Join the fight for socialism!
Statement of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality

27 August 2016

25 years ago: Greyhound striker freed on bail

Roger Cawthra, the framed-up Greyhound bus lines striker, walked out of a Connecticut prison September 5, 1991, free on bail.

More »

50 years ago: President Johnson rejects Vietnam withdrawal

On September 5, 1966, US President Lyndon Johnson rejected a proposal by French President Charles de Gaulle to establish a timetable for the withdrawal of US military forces from Vietnam.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi Germany lays siege to Leningrad

On September 9, 1941 German armies encircled Leningrad and launched a supposed final blitzkrieg to take the city.

More »


100 years ago: Mass transit strike in New York

On September 6, 1916, the second phase of a mass strike by New York transit workers began with a unanimous vote to walk off the job on the IRT subway lines.

More »