Fergus Hunter認証済みアカウント


Political reporter, The Sydney Morning Herald & The Age. Living Mencken's life of kings. fergus.hunter@fairfaxmedia.com.au

Canberra, Australia




  1. 固定されたツイート

    Can't help but notice some of you haven't liked my exclusive official Facebook page yet.

  2. I sense much discomfort out there as critics of Trump and the US find themselves agreeing with him.

  3. Amazing moon in Canberra right now. Anyone seen any good pics?

  4. They speakers at the RNC are getting crazier and crazier

  5. . "Asked how he would solve that problem, Mr. Trump paused, then said: “Meetings.”

  6. There's got to be some sort of syndrome associated with watching too much 24-hour TV news and commentary. High doses not good for sanity.

  7. Laura Ingraham, ladies and gentlemen...

  8. "Radical Mullahs" would be quite a good band name.

  9. Each Trump face, watching Cruz, is its own work of art.

  10. This is going to make an entertaining HBO mini series one day

  11. The look on the Trumps faces as they watched Cruz’s speech

  12. Good evening I'm Milo Yiannopolous. Welcome to Frontline.

  13. Kind of bizarre that Republican figures were showing up at an event held to condemn their leader (whom they support)

  14. Nearly 50 journalists have accepted buyouts at The New York Times ( / The Wrap)

  15. "The plan is simple: kill the Batman"

  16. US air strike in Syria kills nearly 60 civilians 'mistaken for Isil fighters' via



