An initiative by websites to inform users to update their web browser is a tool to unobtrusively notify visitors that they should update their web browser in order to use your website.

This is done with care not to annoy, lock out or erroneously notify visitors!

91 602 sites are using this notification

11 721 409 visitors have already updated their browser

How it works

  1. Include our small javascript notification on your website
  2. Visitors with out-dated browser will be informed by a small, undisturbing message box, that their browser is not up-to-date and it is recommended to update. (Try it out!)
    Your browser (Internet Explorer 6) is out of date. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Learn how to update your browser
  3. By clicking the message, they will get to an info page with reasons why to update (or change) and a list of browsers available for their system.
  4. If the visitor ignores the advice, it won't reappear for some time.

Advantages and features

Install the browser update notification on your site

Just include this code anywhere in the source of your page.

The following browsers will be notified:

The script and service is open source under the MIT License.

You can customize the style of the message, the text and other options.

There are plugins for: npm, WordPress, ember-cli, TYPO3, Contao, vBulletin, concrete5, MODx, Drupal, Habari, Magento, WCF2, CMS made simple, XenForo, ProcessWire.

Why you should tell users to update

Help this project by using the update-notification on your site, sharing or translating this page.