Etruscan civilization

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768 BC–264 BC
Extent of Etruscan civilization and the twelve Etruscan League cities.
Capital Velzna
Languages Etruscan language
Religion Etruscan
Government Not specified
Legislature Etruscan League
Historical era Ancient
 •  Villanovan 768 BC
 •  Roman conquest of Volsinii 264 BC
Today part of  Italy
Part of a series on the
History of Italy
Emblem of Italy

The Etruscan civilization (/ˈtrʌskən/) is the modern name given to a powerful, wealthy and refined, civilization of ancient Italy in the area corresponding roughly to Tuscany, western Umbria, and northern Lazio. As distinguished by its unique language, this civilization endured from before the time of the earliest Etruscan inscriptions (c. 700 BC)[1] until its assimilation into the Roman Republic, beginning in the late 4th century BC with the Roman–Etruscan Wars.[1]

Culture that is identifiably Etruscan developed in Italy after about 800 BC approximately over the range of the preceding Iron Age Villanovan culture. The latter gave way in the 7th century to a culture that was influenced by ancient Greece, Magna Graecia, and Phoenicia. At its maximum extent, during the foundational period of Rome and the Roman Kingdom, Etruscan civilization flourished in three confederacies of cities: of Etruria, of the Po Valley with the eastern Alps, and of Latium and Campania.[2] After 500 BC, the political destiny of Italy passed out of Etruscan hands,[3] but the decline was gradual, with the last Etruscan cities formally absorbed by Rome around 100 BC.

Although the Etruscans developed a system of writing, the Etruscan language remains only partly understood, and only a handful of texts of any length survive, making modern understanding of their society and culture heavily dependent on much later and generally disapproving Roman sources. Politics were based on the small city, and probably the family unit. In their heyday the Etruscan elite grew very rich through trade with the Celtic world to the north and the Greeks to the south, and filled their large family tombs with imported luxuries. Archaic Greece had a huge influence on their art and architecture, and Greek mythology was evidently very familiar to them.

The latest mitochondrial DNA study (2013) shows that Etruscans appear to fall very close to a Neolithic population from Central Europe and to other Tuscan populations.[4]

Legend and history[edit]

Main article: Etruscan history


Main article: Etruscan origins
Etruscan pendant with swastika symbols from Bolsena, Italy, 700-650 BC. Louvre.
Etruscan riders, Silver panel 540-520BC, from Castel San Marino, near Perugia.
Painted terracotta Sarcophagus of Seianti Hanunia Tlesnasa, about 150-130 BCE

The ancient Romans referred to the Etruscans as the Tusci or Etrusci.[5] Their Roman name is the origin of the terms Tuscany, which refers to their heartland, and Etruria, which can refer to their wider region. In Attic Greek, the Etruscans were known as Tyrrhenians (Τυρρηνοί, Tyrrhēnoi), earlier Tyrsenoi, from which the Romans derived the names Tyrrhēni, Tyrrhēnia (Etruria), and Mare Tyrrhēnum (Tyrrhenian Sea),[6] prompting some to associate them with the Teresh (Sea Peoples). The word may also be related to the Hittite Taruisa (gr. Tursha).[7][8] The Etruscans called themselves Rasenna, which was syncopated to Rasna or Raśna.[9]

The origins of the Etruscans are mostly lost in prehistory, although Greek historians as early as the 5th century BC, repeatedly associated the Tyrrhenians (Tyrrhēnoi/Τυρρηνοί, Tyrsēnoi/Τυρσηνοί) with Pelasgians. Thucydides,[10] Herodotus[11] and Strabo[12] all denote Lemnos as settled by Pelasgians who Thucydides identifies as "belonging to the Tyrsenoi" (τὸ δὲ πλεῖστον Πελασγικόν, τῶν καὶ Λῆμνόν ποτε καὶ Ἀθήνας Τυρσηνῶν), and although both Strabo and Herodotus[13] agree that the migration was led by Tyrrhenus/Tyrsenos, son of Atys, king of Lydia, Strabo[12] specifies that it was the Pelasgians of Lemnos and Imbros that followed Tyrrhenus/Tyrsenos to the Italian Peninsula. The Lemnian Pelasgian link was further manifested by the discovery of the Lemnos Stele, whose inscriptions were written in a language which shows strong structural resemblances to the language of the Tyrrhenians (Etruscans).[14] Dionysius of Halicarnassus[15] records a Pelasgian migration from Thessaly to the Italian Peninsula noting that "the Pelasgi made themselves masters of some of the lands belonging to the Umbri" and Herodotus[13] describes how the Tyrsenoi migrated from Lydia to the lands of the Umbri (Ὀμβρικοί).

Strabo[16] as well as the Homeric Hymn to Dionysus[17] make mention of the Tyrrhenians as pirates.[18] Pliny the Elder put the Etruscans in the context of the Rhaetian people to the north and wrote in his Natural History (79 AD):[19]

Adjoining these the (Alpine) Noricans are the Raeti and Vindelici. All are divided into a number of states. The Raeti are believed to be people of Tuscan race driven out by the Gauls, their leader was named Raetus.

Historians have no literature and no original Etruscan texts of religion or philosophy; therefore, much of what is known about this civilization is derived from grave goods and tomb findings.[20] An mtDNA study of 2007 confirmed that the Etruscans were not related substantially to the Upper Paleolithic hunter-gatherer populations of Europe and that they showed no similarities to populations in the Near East. Another earlier DNA study performed in Italy, however, partly gave credence to the theory of Herodotus, as the results showed that 11 minor mitochondrial DNA lineages extracted from different Etruscan remains occur nowhere else in Europe and are shared only with Near Eastern Anatolian people.[21]

Another source of genetic data on Etruscan origins is from four ancient breeds of cattle. Analyzing the mitochondrial DNA of these and seven other breeds of Italian cattle, it was found that the Tuscan breeds genetically resembled cattle of the Near East. The other Italian breeds were linked to northern Europe.[21]

Other hypothesis gives credence to a claim made by a DNA study, which state that the Etruscans are indigenous, probably stemming from the Villanovan culture or from the Near East,[22] while the latest mitochondrial DNA study (2013) also suggests that the Etruscans were probably an indigenous population,[4][23] showing that Etruscans appear to fall very close to a Neolithic population from Central Europe and to other Tuscan populations,[4] strongly suggesting that the Etruscan civilization developed locally from the Villanovan culture, and genetic links between Tuscany and Anatolia date back to at least 5,000 years ago during the Neolithic.[4]


Etruscan expansion was focused both to the north beyond the Apennine Mountains and into Campania. Some small towns in the sixth century BC disappeared during this time, ostensibly consumed by greater, more powerful neighbours. However, it is certain that the political structure of the Etruscan culture was similar to, albeit more aristocratic than, Magna Graecia in the south. The mining and commerce of metal, especially copper and iron, led to an enrichment of the Etruscans and to the expansion of their influence in the Italian peninsula and the western Mediterranean Sea. Here their interests collided with those of the Greeks, especially in the sixth century BC, when Phocaeans of Italy founded colonies along the coast of Sardinia, Spain and Corsica. This led the Etruscans to ally themselves with Carthage, whose interests also collided with the Greeks.[24][25]

Around 540 BC, the Battle of Alalia led to a new distribution of power in the western Mediterranean. Though the battle had no clear winner, Carthage managed to expand its sphere of influence at the expense of the Greeks, and Etruria saw itself relegated to the northern Tyrrhenian Sea with full ownership of Corsica. From the first half of the 5th century BC, the new international political situation meant the beginning of the Etruscan decline after losing their southern provinces. In 480 BC, Etruria's ally Carthage was defeated by a coalition of Magna Graecia cities led by Syracuse, Sicily. A few years later, in 474, Syracuse's tyrant Hiero defeated the Etruscans at the Battle of Cumae. Etruria's influence over the cities of Latium and Campania weakened, and the area was taken over by Romans and Samnites.

In the fourth century BC, Etruria saw a Gallic invasion end its influence over the Po Valley and the Adriatic coast. Meanwhile, Rome had started annexing Etruscan cities. This led to the loss of the northern Etruscan provinces. Etruria was conquered by Rome in the third century BC.[24][25]

Etruscan League[edit]

Main article: Etruscan cities

According to legend,[26] there was a period between 600 BC and 500 BC in which an alliance was formed among twelve Etruscan settlements, known today as the Etruscan League, Etruscan Federation, or Dodecapolis (in Greek Δωδεκάπολις). The Etruscan League of twelve cities was founded by two Lydian noblemen: Tarchon and his brother Tyrrhenus. Tarchon lent his name to the city of Tarchna, or Tarquinnii, as it was known by the Romans. Tyrrhenus gave his name to the Tyrrhenians, the alternative name for the Etruscans. Although there is no consensus on which cities were in the league, the following list may be close to the mark: Arretium, Caisra, Clevsin, Curtun, Perusna, Pupluna, Veii, Tarchna, Vetluna, Volterra, Velzna, and Velch. Some modern authors include Rusellae. The league was mostly an economic and religious league, or a loose confederation, similar to the Greek states. During the later imperial times, when Etruria was just one of many regions controlled by Rome, the number of cities in the league increased by three. This is noted on many later grave stones from the second century BC onwards. According to Livy, the twelve city-states met once a year at the Fanum Voltumnae at Volsinii, where a leader was chosen to represent the league.[27]

There were two other Etruscan leagues: that of Campania, the main city of which was Capua, and the Po Valley city-states in the North, which included Spina and Adria.

Possible founding of Rome[edit]

Main article: Founding of Rome
A former Etruscan walled town, Civita di Bagnoregio.
The Capitoline Wolf, long considered an Etruscan bronze, feeding the twins Romulus and Remus.

Those who subscribe to an Italian foundation of Rome followed by an Etruscan invasion, typically speak of an Etruscan "influence" on Roman culture – that is, cultural objects which were adopted by Rome from neighbouring Etruria. The prevailing view is that Rome was founded by Italians who later merged with Etruscans. In this interpretation, Etruscan cultural objects are considered influences rather than part of a heritage.[28] Rome was probably a small settlement until the arrival of the Etruscans, who constructed the first elements of its urban infrastructure such as the drainage system.[29][30]

The main criterion for deciding whether an object originated at Rome and traveled by influence to the Etruscans, or descended to the Romans from the Etruscans, is date. Many, if not most, of the Etruscan cities were older than Rome. If one finds that a given feature was there first, it cannot have originated at Rome. A second criterion is the opinion of the ancient sources. These would indicate that certain institutions and customs came directly from the Etruscans. Rome is located on the edge of what was Etruscan territory. When Etruscan settlements turned up south of the border, it was presumed that the Etruscans spread there after the foundation of Rome, but the settlements are now known to have preceded Rome.

Etruscan settlements were frequently built on hills – the steeper the better – and surrounded by thick walls. According to Roman mythology, when Romulus and Remus founded Rome, they did so on the Palatine Hill according to Etruscan ritual; that is, they began with a pomerium or sacred ditch. Then, they proceeded to the walls. Romulus was required to kill Remus when the latter jumped over the wall, breaking its magic spell (see also under Pons Sublicius). The name of Rome is attested in Etruscan in the form Ruma-χ meaning 'Roman', a form which mirrors other attested ethnonyms in that language with the same suffix : Velzna-χ '(someone) from Volsinii' and Sveama-χ '(someone) from Sovana'. This in itself, however, is not enough to prove Etruscan origin conclusively. If Tiberius is from θefarie, then Ruma would have been placed on the Thefar (Tiber) river. A heavily discussed topic among scholars is who was the founding population of Rome. In 390 BC the city of Rome was attacked by the Gauls, and as a result may have lost many – though not all – of its earlier records. Certainly, the history of Rome before that date is not as secure as it later becomes, but enough material remains to give a good picture of the development of the city and its institutions.

Later history relates that some Etruscans lived in the Vicus Tuscus, the "Etruscan quarter", and that there was an Etruscan line of kings (albeit ones descended from a Greek, Demaratus of Corinth) that succeeded kings of Latin and Sabine origin. Etruscophile historians would argue that this, together with evidence for institutions, religious elements and other cultural elements, proves that Rome was founded by Italics. The true picture is rather more complicated, not least because the Etruscan cities were separate entities which never came together to form a single Etruscan state. Furthermore, there were strong Latin and Italic elements to Roman culture, and later Romans proudly celebrated these multiple, 'multicultural' influences on the city.

Under Romulus and Numa Pompilius, the people were said to have been divided into thirty curiae and three tribes. Few words of Etruscan entered Latin, but the names of at least two of the tribes – Ramnes and Luceres – seem to be Etruscan. The last kings may have borne the Etruscan title lucumo, while the regalia were traditionally considered of Etruscan origin: the golden crown, the sceptre, the toga palmata (a special robe), the sella curulis (curule chair), and above all the primary symbol of state power: the fasces. The latter was a bundle of whipping rods surrounding a double-bladed axe, carried by the king's lictors. An example of the fasces are the remains of bronze rods and the axe from a tomb in Etruscan Vetulonia. This allowed archaeologists to identify the depiction of a fasces on the grave stele of Avele Feluske, who is shown as a warrior wielding the fasces. The most telling Etruscan feature is the word populus, which appears as an Etruscan deity, Fufluns. Populus seems to mean the people assembled in a military body, rather than the general populace.


Main article: Etruscan society


Main article: Etruscan governance
Etruscan mother and child, 500-450 BC.

The historical Etruscans had achieved a state system of society, with remnants of the chiefdom and tribal forms. In this they were different from the surrounding Italics, who had chiefs and tribes. Rome was in a sense the first Italic state, but it began as an Etruscan one. It is believed that the Etruscan government style changed from total monarchy to oligarchic republic (as the Roman Republic) in the 6th century BC although it is important to note this did not happen to all the city-states.

The Etruscan state government was essentially a theocracy.[citation needed] The government was viewed as being a central authority, ruling over all tribal and clan organizations. It retained the power of life and death; in fact, the gorgon, an ancient symbol of that power, appears as a motif in Etruscan decoration. The adherents to this state power were united by a common religion. Political unity in Etruscan society was the city-state, which was probably the referent of methlum, "district". Etruscan texts name quite a number of magistrates, without much of a hint as to their function: the camthi, the parnich, the purth, the tamera, the macstrev, and so on. The people were the mech. The chief ruler of a methlum was perhaps a zilach.


Etruscan couple (Louvre, Room 18)

The princely tombs were not of individuals. The inscription evidence shows that families were interred there over long periods, marking the growth of the aristocratic family as a fixed institution, parallel to the gens at Rome and perhaps even its model. There is no sign of such a hereditary aristocracy in the preceding Villanovan culture.[citation needed] The Etruscans could have used any model of the eastern Mediterranean. That the growth of this class is related to the new acquisition of wealth through trade is unquestioned. The wealthiest cities were located near the coast. At the centre of the society was the married couple, tusurthir. The Etruscans were a monogamous society that emphasized pairing.

Similarly, the behaviour of some wealthy women is not uniquely Etruscan. The apparent promiscuous revelry has a spiritual explanation. Swaddling and Bonfante (among others) explain that depictions of the nude embrace, or symplegma, "had the power to ward off evil", as did baring the breast, which was adopted by western culture as an apotropaic device, appearing finally on the figureheads of sailing ships as a nude female upper torso. It is also possible that Greek and Roman attitudes to the Etruscans were based on a misunderstanding of the place of women within their society. In both Greece and Republican Rome, respectable women were confined to the house and mixed-sex socialising did not occur. Thus, the freedom of women within Etruscan society could have been misunderstood as implying their sexual availability. It is worth noting that a number of Etruscan tombs carry funerary inscriptions in the form "X son of (father) and (mother)", indicating the importance of the mother's side of the family.


Etruscan warrior, found near Viterbo, Italy, dated c. 500 BC.

The Etruscans, like the contemporary cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, had a significant military tradition. In addition to marking the rank and power of certain individuals, warfare was a considerable economic advantage to Etruscan civilization. Like many ancient societies, the Etruscans conducted campaigns during summer months, raiding neighboring areas, attempting to gain territory and combating piracy as a means of acquiring valuable resources, such as land, prestige, goods, and slaves. It is likely that individuals taken in battle would be ransomed back to their families and clans at high cost. Prisoners could also potentially be sacrificed on tombs as an honor to fallen leaders of Etruscan society, not unlike the sacrifices made by Achilles for Patrocles.[31][32][33]


Main article: Etruscan cities

The range of Etruscan civilization is marked by its cities. They were entirely assimilated by Italic, Celtic, or Roman ethnic groups, but the names survive from inscriptions and their ruins are of aesthetic and historic interest in most of the cities of central Italy. Etruscan cities flourished over most of Italy during the Roman Iron Age, marking the farthest extent of Etruscan civilization. They were gradually assimilated first by Italics in the south, then by Celts in the north and finally in Etruria itself by the growing Roman Republic.[31]

That many Roman cities were formerly Etruscan was well known to all the Roman authors. Some cities were founded by Etruscans in prehistoric times, and bore entirely Etruscan names. Others were colonized by Etruscans who Etruscanized the name, usually Italic.[32]



Main article: Etruscan mythology
Inscription of Tinia on the Chimera's leg

The Etruscan system of belief was an immanent polytheism; that is, all visible phenomena were considered to be a manifestation of divine power and that power was subdivided into deities that acted continually on the world of man and could be dissuaded or persuaded in favour of human affairs. How to understand the will of deities and how to behave had been revealed to the Etruscans by two initiators, Tages, a childlike figure born from tilled land and immediately gifted with prescience, and Vegoia, a female figure. Their teachings were kept in a series of sacred books. Three layers of deities are evident in the extensive Etruscan art motifs. One appears to be divinities of an indigenous nature: Catha and Usil, the sun; Tivr, the moon; Selvans, a civil god; Turan, the goddess of love; Laran, the god of war; Leinth, the goddess of death; Maris; Thalna; Turms; and the ever-popular Fufluns, whose name is related in some way to the city of Populonia and the populus Romanus, possibly, the god of the people.[34][35]

Ruling over this pantheon of lesser deities were higher ones that seem to reflect the Indo-European system: Tin or Tinia, the sky, Uni his wife (Juno), and Cel, the earth goddess. In addition, some Greek and Roman gods were taken into the Etruscan system: Aritimi (Artemis), Menrva (Minerva), Pacha (Dionysus). The Greek heroes taken from Homer also appear extensively in art motifs.[34][35]


Main article: Etruscan architecture
3D view, facing west, of the Etruscan Hypogeum of the Volumnis, Perugia, Italy, cut from a laser scan.

Relatively little is known about the architecture of the ancient Etruscans. They adapted the native Italic styles with influence from the external appearance of Greek architecture. In turn, Ancient Roman architecture began with Etruscan styles, and then accepted still further Greek influence. Roman temples show many of the same differences in form to Greek ones that Etruscan temples do, but like the Greeks use stone, in which they closely copy Greek conventions. The houses of the wealthy were evidently often large and comfortable, but the burial chambers of tombs, often filled with grave-goods, are the nearest approach to them to survive. In the southern Etruscan area tombs have large rock-cut chambers under a tumulus in large necropoli, and these, together with some city walls, are the only Etruscan constructions to survive. Etruscan architecture is not generally considered as part of the body of Greco-Roman classical architecture.[36]

Art and music[edit]

Main article: Etruscan art
5th century BC fresco of dancers and musicians, Tomb of the Leopards, Monterozzi necropolis, Tarquinia, Italy
Etruscan Civilization dancer in the Tomb of the Augurs, Tarquinia, Italy

Etruscan art was produced by the Etruscan civilization between the 9th and 2nd centuries BC. Particularly strong in this tradition were figurative sculpture in terracotta (particularly life-size on sarcophagi or temples), wall-painting and metalworking (especially engraved bronze mirrors). Etruscan sculpture in cast bronze was famous and widely exported, but few large examples have survived (the material was too valuable, and recycled later). In contrast to terracotta and bronze, there was apparently little Etruscan sculpture in stone, despite the Etruscans controlling fine sources of marble, including Carrara marble, which seems not to have been exploited until the Romans. Most surviving Etruscan art comes from tombs, including all the fresco wall-paintings, which show scenes of feasting and some narrative mythological subjects.

Bucchero wares in black were the early and native styles of fine Etruscan pottery. There was also a tradition of elaborate Etruscan vase painting, which sprung from its Greek equivalent; the Etruscans were the main export market for Greek vases. Etruscan temples were heavily decorated with colourfully painted terracotta antefixes and other fittings, which survive in large numbers where the wooden superstructure has vanished. Etruscan art was strongly connected to religion; the afterlife was of major importance in Etruscan art.[37]

The Etruscan musical instruments seen in frescoes and bas-reliefs are different types of pipes, such as the plagiaulos (the pipes of Pan or Syrinx), the alabaster pipe and the famous double pipes, accompanied on percussion instruments such as the tintinnabulum, tympanum and crotales, and later by stringed instruments like the lyre and kithara.

Language and etymology[edit]

Main article: Etruscan language
Cippus Perusinus. 3rd-2nd century BC, San Marco near Perugia

Knowledge of the Etruscan language is still far from complete. The Etruscans are believed to have spoken a non-Indo-European language; the majority consensus is that Etruscan is related only to other members of what is called the Tyrsenian language family, which in itself is an isolate family, that is, unrelated directly to other known language groups. Since Rix (1998), it is widely accepted that the Tyrsenian family groups Raetic and Lemnian are related to Etruscan.[citation needed]

No etymology exists for Rasna, the Etruscans' name for themselves, although Italian historic linguist Massimo Pittau has proposed the meaning of 'Shaved' or 'Beardless', backing the opinion of ancient figurines collector and author Paolo Campidori.[38] The etymology of Tusci is based on a beneficiary phrase in the third Iguvine tablet, which is a major source for the Umbrian language.[39] The phrase is turskum ... nomen, "the Tuscan name", from which a root *Tursci can be reconstructed.[40] A metathesis and a word-initial epenthesis produce E-trus-ci.[41] A common hypothesis is that *Turs- along with Latin turris, "tower", come from Greek τύρσις, "tower."[42] The Tusci were therefore the "people who build towers"[42] or "the tower builders."[43] This venerable etymology is at least as old as Dionysius of Halicarnassus, who said "And there is no reason that the Greeks should not have called them by this name, both from their living in towers and from the name of one of their rulers."[44]

Giuliano and Larissa Bonfante (Bonfante, 2002) speculate that Etruscan houses seemed like towers to the simple Latins. It is true that the Etruscans preferred to build hill towns on high precipices enhanced by walls. On the other hand, if the Tyrrhenian name came from an incursion of Sea Peoples or later migrants, then it might well be related to the name of Troy, the city of towers in that case.[citation needed]


Samples of Etruscan script, from the Liber linteus

Etruscan literature covers the Etruscan texts, written in a space of seven centuries, since the Etruscan people adopted the alphabet Greek Ischia and Cumae to the VII BC until it was no longer used, at the beginning of the 1st century, period in which disappeared already latest inscriptions in Chiusi, Perugia and Arezzo. Only a few fragments survive, religious and especially funeral texts most of whom are late (from the 4th century BC). In addition to the original texts that have survived to this day, we have a large number of quotations and allusions from classical authors. It should be noted that in the first century a. C. Diodorus of Sicily wrote that literary culture was one of the great achievements of the Etruscans. Little is known of it and even what is known of their language is due to the repetition of the same few words in the many inscriptions found (by way of the modern epitaphs) contrasted in bilingual or trilingual texts with Latin and the Carthaginian. Out of the aforementioned genres, is just one such Vorrio (Vorrius) cited in classical sources mention.With a few exceptions, such as the Liber Linteus, the only written records in the Etruscan language that remain are inscriptions, mainly funerary. The language is written in the Etruscan alphabet, a script related to the early Euboean Greek alphabet.[45] Many thousand inscriptions in Etruscan are known, mostly epitaphs, and a few very short texts have survived, which are mainly religious. Etruscan imaginative literature is evidenced only in references by later Roman authors, but it is evident from their visual art that the Greek myths were well-known.[citation needed]


  1. ^ a b Helmut Rix, "Etruscan," in The Ancient Languages of Europe, ed. Roger D. Woodard (Cambridge University Press, 2008), pp. 141-164.
  2. ^ A good map of the Italian range and cities of the culture at the beginning of its history can be found at [1], the site. The topic of the "League of Etruria" is covered in Freeman, pp. 562–565. The league in northern Italy is mentioned in Livy, Book V, Section 33. The passage identifies the Raetii as a remnant of the 12 cities "beyond the Apennines". The Campanian Etruscans are mentioned (among many sources) by Polybius, (II.17). The entire subject with complete ancient sources in footnotes was worked up by George Dennis in his Introduction. In the LacusCurtius transcription, the references in Dennis's footnotes link to the texts in English or Latin; the reader may also find the English of some of them on WikiSource or other Internet sites. As the work has already been done by Dennis and Thayer, the complete work-up is not repeated here.
  3. ^ M. Cary and H. H. Scullard, A History of Rome (3rd ed., 1979), p. 28. ISBN 0-312-38395-9.
  4. ^ a b c d Silvia Ghirotto, Francesca Tassi, Erica Fumagalli, Vincenza Colonna, Anna Sandionigi, Martina Lari, Stefania Vai, Emmanuele Petiti, Giorgio Corti, Ermanno Rizzi, Gianluca De Bellis, David Caramelli, Guido Barbujani (6 February 2013). "Origins and Evolution of the Etruscans' mtDNA". PLOS ONE. 8: e55519. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055519. Retrieved 2015-04-25. 
  5. ^ According to Félix Gaffiot's Dictionnaire Illustré Latin Français, the term Tusci was used by the major authors of the Roman Republic: Livy, Cicero, Horace, and others. Cognate words developed, including Tuscia and Tusculanensis. Tusci was clearly the principal term used to designate things Etruscan; Etrusci and Etrūria were used less often, mainly by Cicero and Horace, and they lack cognates. According to the Online Etymological Dictionary, the English use of Etruscan dates from 1706.
  6. ^ Gaffiot's.
  7. ^ Beyond the Jordan: Studies in Honor of W. Harold Mare. 2005. page 125.
  8. ^ Sandars, N.K. (1987). The Sea Peoples: Warriors of the ancient Mediterranean, Revised Edition. London: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0-500-27387-1.
  9. ^ Rasenna comes from Dionysius of Halicarnassus I.30.3. The syncopated form, Rasna, is inscriptional and is inflected. The topic is covered in Pallottino, p. 133. Some inscriptions, such as the cippus of Cortona, feature the Raśna (pronounced Rashna) alternative, as is described in Gabor Z. Bodroghy's site, The Palaeolinguistic Connection, under Origins.
  10. ^ 4.109
  11. ^ 6.137
  12. ^ a b 5.2, citing Anticlides
  13. ^ a b 1.94
  14. ^ Robert D. Morritt, Stones that Speak (2010) p.272
  15. ^ 1.17-19
  16. ^ 6.2
  17. ^ 7.7-8
  18. ^ John Pairman Brown, Israel and Hellas, Vol.2 (2000) p.211
  19. ^ Etruscan Origins In A Prehistoric European Context Observations That Transcend Law and Politics. Retrieved 2013-05-30.
  20. ^ Bonfante (2006): 9.
  21. ^ a b Nicholas Wade (3 April 2007). "Origins of the Etruscans: Was Herodotus right?". The New York Times. Retrieved 2013-05-30. 
  22. ^ Achilli A, Olivieri A, Pala M, et al. (April 2007). "Mitochondrial DNA variation of modern Tuscans supports the near eastern origin of Etruscans". Am. J. Hum. Genet. 80 (4): 759–68. doi:10.1086/512822. PMC 1852723free to read. PMID 17357081. 
  23. ^ "Were the Etruscans after all native Italians?". For what they were... we are - Prehistory, Anthropology and Genetics. 8 February 2013. Retrieved 2015-04-25. 
  24. ^ a b Larissa Bonfante. Etruscan life and afterlife. Google Books. ISBN 978-0-8143-1813-3. Retrieved 2009-04-22. 
  25. ^ a b John Franklin Hall. Etruscan Italy. Google Books. ISBN 978-0-8425-2334-9. Retrieved 2009-04-22. 
  26. ^ Livy VII.21
  27. ^ "The Etruscan League of 12". 2 April 2009. Retrieved 2015-04-25. 
  28. ^ Davis and Frankforter, Madison and Daniel (2004). "The Shakespeare Name Dictionary". Routleg. Retrieved 2011-09-14. 
  29. ^ Cunningham, Reich. Cultures and values: Survey of the Humanities (2006), p.92: "The later Romans' own grandiose picture of the early days of their city was intended to glamorize its origins, but only with the arrival of the Etruscans did anything like an urban center begin to develop."
  30. ^ Hughes. Rome: A Cultural, Visual, and Personal History (2012), p.24: "Some Roman technical achievements began in Etruscan expertise. Though the Etruscans never came up with an aqueduct, they were good at drainage, and hence they were the ancestors of Rome's monumental sewer systems."
  31. ^ a b Mario Torelli. The Etruscans. Rizzoli International Publications. 
  32. ^ a b Trevor Dupey. The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History. Rizzoli Harper Collins Publisher. 
  33. ^ Dora Jane Hamblin. The Etruscans. Time Life Books. 
  34. ^ a b De Grummond; Nancy Thomson (2006). Etruscan Mythology, Sacred History and Legend: An Introduction. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology. 
  35. ^ a b Erika Simon. The religion of the Etruscans. Google Books. ISBN 978-0-292-70687-3. Retrieved 2009-04-22. 
  36. ^ Axel Boëthius; Roger Ling; Tom Rasmussen (1994). Etruscan and early Roman architecture. Yale University Press. 
  37. ^ Spivey, Nigel (1997). Etruscan Art. London: Thames and Hudson. 
  38. ^ Massimo Pittau, Rasenna
  39. ^ Paper entitled Cui Bono? The Beneficiary Phrases of the Third Iguvine Table by Michael Weiss and published on-line by Cornell University at [2].
  40. ^ Carl Darling Buck (1904), A Grammar of Oscan and Umbian, Boston: Gibb & Company, Introduction, available online at [3] the site.
  41. ^ Eric Partridge (1983), Origins, New York: Greenwich House, under "tower."
  42. ^ a b The Bonfantes (2003), p. 51.
  43. ^ Partridge (1983)
  44. ^ Book I, Section 30.
  45. ^ "Etrusca". The Culture Retrieved 2009-04-22. 

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