

Why Apple will ditch the iPhone headphone jack, and why that sucks

In 2014, a designer I know predicted that the iPhone would soon get rid of the standard headphone port.

At first, I thought he was being dumb. The humble TRS 3.5mm jack is probably the most accepted standard in the world. It's truly international (unlike power plugs) and 100 per cent backwards compatible (unlike USB) — all the way back into last century. Apple love to ditch open standards for proprietary ones, sure, but this would be too much.

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No more iPhone headphone jack?

Apple fans are up in arms after media reports emerge claiming the tech giant will ditch the headphone jack in the upcoming iPhone 7.

Yet the more I thought about it the more it seemed like exactly the kind of aggressive advancement that nobody asks for but Apple can't resist.

If rumours are to be believed — and these are rumours from people with excellent track records — that designer's prediction was right. Apple is expected to announce a new iPhone tomorrow morning without a headphone port. The space saved will be used for a pressure-sensitive Home button.

This will be an incredibly arrogant and dumb move. It's like ripping off a band-aid that is still stopping bleeding: both painful and dumb. But it has to happen some day — and doing it now might make a lot of sense for Apple.

Why this is a horrible idea

Before we get into why Apple might do this, let's just reiterate how utterly annoying this is going to make things.


Let's say you get corded headphones in the box which plug into the Lightning port (some leaks have suggested this).

First off: you're not going to be able charge your phone and listen to music at the same time. If you're at work listening to music on your phone and want to switch to your laptop you'll need two separate pairs of headphones. If you lose your headphones you'll need to shell out fifty or so bucks for an Apple pair, or maybe buy a dorky $30 adaptor for older headphones.

Time to say goodbye to the headphone jack ...
Time to say goodbye to the headphone jack ... 

You won't be able to hook into nearly any stereo with a $12 AUX cable any more. You won't be able to even share your headphones between an Apple iPhone and an Apple iPad.

"Bluetooth is s---"

There is the possibility that Apple will ship Bluetooth wireless headphones in the box. While these will technically work with most modern devices, they will be even more of a pain.

... and say hello to this.
... and say hello to this. 

As Kiwi Owen Williams eloquently puts it: "Bluetooth is s---"

Pairing devices is a nightmare. Half the time they just plain don't show up. If they do it takes at least a minute to get them going. Sharing one Bluetooth stereo between several phones is even more of a disaster, often involving a full reset of the stereo and the entry of a four digit pin into an interface that only has one button.

This is compared to the current headphone process, where you plug a thing in. Voila. Done.

Even if Apple seriously steps Bluetooth forward, perhaps using NFC for pairing, they are not going to magically fix the battery problem. You're going to have to charge your headphones every night.

This feels a lot like ideology winning over usability. Apple love to ditch ports before everyone else does (see the new Macbook, ethernet, the floppy drive, etc). Boldness is one of the reasons they are so successful as a technology company.

But none of those standards — not ethernet, not floppies, not even the standard USB port — was as widespread as the 3.5mm port. And their replacements (Wi-Fi, CD-ROM, USB-C) were all clearly superior. Wireless Bluetooth headphones are actively worse than wired headphones, both in usability and quality. Wired Lightning headphones might have superior sound quality and could offer new functions, but that will be a huge price to pay for the loss of compatibility.

Why is Apple doing it anyway?

This is a stupid move, but Apple isn't stupid.

The future of technology as they see it has no wires or ports. Jony Ive wants to sell you a smooth seemingly magical block. The moment they nail wireless charging — said to be coming in the 2017 iPhone — they'll look to get rid of the Lightning port too.

Apple is the only company that can get the ball seriously rolling on this. If — and this is an if — Apple can get the technology world to move towards a fully wireless audio world, the temporary anger the firm will receive this year will be worth it.

And boy oh boy, will people be angry. This will be a sticking point that could make "bendgate" look small — because it is by design. Some Apple partisans will celebrate it, but much of the world will be rightfully seething.

Apple's executives will know this. But they might prefer to have customers get angry at them this year, rather than staving off the pain for next year — when they are expected to completely redesign the iPhone for the 10th anniversary of its release.

If they can get the bad press out of the way this year, dampening what is predicted to be a relatively small upgrade from the 6s, then we will all be bored of the topic when September 2017 rolls around. Reviews of their completely new iPhone won't be docked points for the headphone thing, and Apple will attempt to forget all the user hostility it endured this year.

Will this plan work? I'm not sure. Maybe Bluetooth will be fine by next year and we'll all be used to charging our headphones. But until that complacency wears in a lot of people are going to be extremely mad online. And for once, they'll be right.


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