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Man, 77, suffers severe burns at Harold Holt swimming centre sauna


A 77-year old patron at Harold Holt swimming pool faces a series of skin graft operations after falling in a recently refurbished sauna, while Stonnington Council faces legal action over allegations of negligence.

Sam Herbath slipped as he entered the sauna at the Harold Holt Memorial Swimming Centre last Thursday morning and fell onto a heater that was not covered by a protective guard.

Mr Herbath sustained serious burns to his left arm and stomach that are expected to require extensive skin grafts.

"It's absolutely devastating and should never have happened," Mr Herbath said. "They didn't have a guard on it, it was totally exposed."

The incident was reported to the swimming centre management, which responded by closing the sauna over the weekend.


It re-opened this week after council installed a barrier.

Mr Herbath confirmed he was considering legal action against the popular aquatic centre in Glen Iris, which he has used daily for the past 20-years.

A spokeswoman for Stonnington Council said the incident had been reported to them, and the centre had now reopened the sauna. She said the refurbishment of the sauna and pool area had been completed recently and had reopened in August.

The spokeswoman said council staff were not aware of any pending legal action from Mr Herbath, but confirmed that measures had been taken to rectify the problem.

"A barrier has been installed," she said.