Daily Life

7 questions to ask yourself before you leave that comment

I don't read comments online. To enforce this, I had a comment blocker (the aptly named 'ShutUp') installed for the past year, so I wouldn't know if my work, or anybody else's for that matter, is peppered with comment-section flamewars. I like to imagine the commenters of the world, ruddy-faced and screaming into the abyss, as though I can still hear them (I imagine they sound a little like Rob Brydon's small man trapped in a box).

Not even the passing amusement of occasionally still being referred to as "that Clem Bastow bloke" is enough to break my no-comments-reading policy. There was only one website I still had comments enabled on, a favourite movie blog that attracted a witty and civilised community of regular commenters, and it just shut down, so my life is now 100 per cent comment free.

"If you go for a walk around the block and, upon your return, you can't remember what you were so steamed about, chances ...
"If you go for a walk around the block and, upon your return, you can't remember what you were so steamed about, chances are you didn't need to leave that comment after all." Photo: Stocksy

My stance on comments is and always has been, like my approach to Twitter, authoritarian bordering on fascist. Generally speaking, I don't believe anyone has the right to "join the conversation" and I side with former Man Booker Prize judge Rick Gekoski, who once said, "The notion that some opinions are better than others - fairer, deeper and more cogent - seems to be slipping from our grasp."

Despite this, I am aware that there are plenty of people out there who still Read The Comments, and more importantly, people who write them. I thought it might be prudent to provide a little "users' guide" for those about to sound off.

"Have I gone outside today?"

This is a classic. So often, when we (and I mean, you) feel the bile rising in our throat as we read something online, the reality is that we're still sitting in the same sweat-soaked tracksuit pants we've (you've) been wearing since we (you) first rolled out of bed to "check the blogs" at 7:43am, lunch has been and gone, and the sun is starting its slow descent beneath the horizon. There's a possibly apocryphal story about how Lennon and McCartney used to jam out new songs and go to bed without writing them down, figuring that the songs destined to be hits would still be with them in the morning. If you go for a walk around the block and, upon your return, you can't remember what you were so steamed about, chances are you didn't need to leave that comment after all. 


"Could this be better expressed in a letter to the editor?"

Remember those? They still run them, you know! And, even better, they're edited for space and grammatical purposes, which means your paragraph of invective peppered with out-of-place semi-colons and misspellings of my name will be beaten into something approximating considered debate (or, more likely and infinitely more wisely, deleted forever).

"Am I a frustrated writer myself?"

Is your rage at someone having carved out even a small niche for themselves in an increasingly crowded digital media landscape because you disagree with their opinion, or because you'd actually, kinda, sorta, really like to see your own name up in lights? If that's the case, stop pouring your material into comment sections and start pitching to some editors.

"Do I understand how the media works?"

So many commenters seem to think that there's a finite amount of space that can be used for digital media; they "can't believe" I've written about [x] when the outlet could have run a story about [y]. These people apparently find the concept of an editor commissioning a piece to be almost incomprehensible, so determined are they to maintain a view of the media in which I march into the editor's office (every day), slam some notes down on their desk and bark, "WE'RE RUNNING THIS!" (Or in a 21st century context, I guess they think I hack into the CMS and publish my ideas straight to the site.)

Honestly, I pitch probably 45 per cent of the time, max. One especially memorable comment my work has received was one inspired by my review of The Inbetweeners 2, left by a person clearly baffled by the notion that a FILM REVIEWER might need to take notes while at a preview screening. "Who takes notes when they are watching a film?" 'Flanders' wrote on this very site. "You obviously went there to be offended, so you had something to write about." Yes, Flanders my boy, that's exactly how entertainment media operates.

"Why is this making me angry?"

This is one for all of us, even those who don't self-identify as "the guy from the South Park episode 'Make Love Not Warcraft'". Sometimes, reading the experiences and opinions of those who are different to us can be challenging! Change is hard, and if your immediate response is to bristle and say things like "AS IF!" and "I AM NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM!!", it might be worth sitting back and thinking about why you feel so threatened by someone with less power and privilege than you stepping up and claiming their slice of the spotlight. 

"Am I a dickhead?"

Read over some of your comments, and if you've made any disparaging remarks about a writer's face, body, marital status, sexual preference, mental capacities, emotional health or dating history, I hate to say it, buddy, but you're probably a dickhead. And if that's the case, you might as well save us all the trouble and just head over to the Bolt blog to live out the rest of your life among your people.

"Who hurt me so bad?"

Is this about that gender studies professor you had during a first year elective class who criticised your lazy essay in front of the whole class? Is this about Caitlin who wouldn't go on a date with you? Is this because the writer has a photo on Facebook with an actor you like and admire? Get some therapy, for god's sake. John Waters said it best: "If you're angry at 20, you're sexy. If you're angry at 50, you're an asshole."