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Daryle Lamont Jenkins on Rachel Maddow

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Thursday night, One People's Project's Daryle Lamont Jenkins appeared on the Rachel Maddow program on MSNBC to discuss the Hipster Nazis that have been pushed to the forefront of mainstream politics via the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. They don't want you to call them White Supremacists though. We are sure they don't want you to call them Hipster Nazis! No, they want you call them the "alternative right" or "alt-right". Isn't that cute? Daryle Lamont Jenkins will also be appearing on Joy Reid's MSNBC program Sunday at 10 AM.

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This site is undergoing some reworking, but to keep up with current events, please visit our newsline!

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Daryle Lamont Jenkins on Voice of America News

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On Thursday, Hillary Clinton will deliver a speech on the “alternative right,” an anti-establishment, nationalist political movement that has come to the forefront in recent months.

The “Alt-Right” received a big boost last week after Donald Trump named one of its most vocal defenders, Steve Bannon, to serve as CEO of his presidential campaign. Bannon runs the conservative website, Breitbart, which is a major platform for the Alt-Right movement.

Voice of America reporter William Gallo spoke with Daryle Lamont Jenkins on Wednesday.

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Daryle Lamont Jenkins on Dispatches from the Underground

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Dispatches from the Underground is a podcast based out of NYC, and they caught up with DLJ when Republicans and neo-Nazis and White Supremacists came out to Cleveland to celebrate the ascension of Donald Trump as Republican nominee for President. It was a good conversation and we encourage everyone to check out Dispatches' other podcasts, both from the Republican Convention and beyond!

Listen Here!


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Had a great time at the RNC (mostly because we're nuts)!

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Vermin SupremeYes, we had a great time at the Republican National Convention, but let's be real, it's because we like screwing with Nazis and their sympathizers, and this year's RNC was right up out alley! We are still not sure if we will have as much fun at the Democratic National Convention with the "Men's Rights Activists, neo-Nazis and so-called "alt-right" as we did here because we don't know if they are really down with wandering into what will be enemy territory compared to Cleveland this week, but if so, we will keep you posted. Only not on this website. As longtime visitiors to this particular site knows, we have slowed things down a lot here since we started doing news on our news site Idavox, but those who are coming here in the wake of the Convention, this site is being retooled. You will still be able to get the old stories, the Rogues' Gallery, and all the things we have done, but it will just have a different purpose. So bear with us as we get things straight, and in the meantime, the latest news and information we are known for can be found at

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Last Updated on Friday, 22 July 2016 18:56

Muhammad Ali - Rest in Peace

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New Rogues' Gallery: GABRIEL DIAZ

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Gabriel DiazHe's Black. He's Dominican. And if that fooled you, now you know the issue. This guy actually spent the past year or so worming his way into antifa and progressive circles - particularly ours - then giving whatever info he got to the National Socialist Movement. So if you see him around, this little article might be something to look at. Click on the picture for the link.

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All Out for April 23, Stone Mountain Georgia

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Damn right, we will be there!

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Eye-Gouging Nazi To Spend Up To 83 Years In Prison For Blinding Fellow Nazi

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We will never see Aryan Terror Brigade's Steven Masten (pictured) again. Thanks to him and Frank Casciano, neither will their former friend and fellow bonehead David Phillips!

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Last Updated on Sunday, 28 February 2016 15:43
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POB 42817
Philadelphia, PA
Phone: (215) 501-7958

Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Founder, Spokesperson


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