• Brexit: Blame austerity, not immigration

    Brexit: Blame austerity, not immigration

    The vote to leave the EU was a revolt against the status quo. What comes next is yet to be determined. Since British voters took the dramatic decision to leave the EU in the referendum on June 23, the entire British political establishment has been shaken. The result of the referendum […]

  • On Track For a Climate Catastrophe

    On Track For a Climate Catastrophe

    Why we need to change the political climate The climate catastrophes that scientists have been predicting for decades have begun. Five Pacific Islands have so far been lost to the sea in what will likely become a mass displacement of people due to rising seas. The Great Barrier Reef is […]

  • Refugee Crisis: Close the camps, bring them here!

    Refugee Crisis: Close the camps, bring them here!

    Australia has created a humanitarian catastrophe in its refugee detention centres. In the past week alone a desperate refugee burned himself alive on Nauru, a woman reportedly 8 months pregnant attempted suicide and refugees have been infected with the Zika virus. Also this week the supreme court of Papua New Guinea […]

  • Federal election: None of them deserve our vote

    Federal election: None of them deserve our vote

    Editorial  Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s shine has worn off and this could not have come at a worse time for him. The man whose rise to popularity was based on being nothing like Tony Abbott turned out to be not much different than Tony Abbott. In terms of style and […]

  • How the US got Trumped

    How the US got Trumped

    The 2016 US presidential race so far offers striking evidence of the massive loss of support for the political mainstream. The Great Recession has created widespread social dislocation and a rising fury against the establishment. This can be seen in the social movements that represent a revolt against racism, a […]

  • We must fight the attacks on our unions

    We must fight the attacks on our unions

    The Royal Commission into Trade Union Corruption (RCTUC) was $25 million well spent in the eyes of the Federal Coalition government. The primary purpose of the Commission was to keep the issue of union corruption in the newspaper headlines in order to tarnish the reputation of unions. Prime Minister Malcolm […]

Latest articles


The problem with “white feminism”

The problem with “white feminism”

Why our feminism must be actively anti-racist We live in a society that oppresses women on the basis of our gender: our bodies are commodified, our labour is devalued, our sexuality is policed, our lives are often valued on our relationships to men. The scale and form of these gendered oppressions […]

Global Politics

Brexit: A revolt against the British elite

Brexit: A revolt against the British elite

Last week Brexit became a reality when 52% of British voters, based on a 72% turnout, voted to end Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU). The result sent shockwaves through the economic and political establishment in Britain and Europe as well as across the world. The two main political parties, […]

Australia & NZ

Homeless people gatecrash CEO Sleepout

Homeless people gatecrash CEO Sleepout

Last night a fence was erected around the Melbourne Convention Centre. Under the awning, away from rain and freezing winds, rows of pristine and neatly laid out cardboard shelters and top-of-the-line sleeping bags stretched along the side of the building. A professional photographer was busy taking pictures of Australia’s top […]

Australia & NZ

Medicare is under attack from both sides

Medicare is under attack from both sides

The latest pre-election stoush is being fought over Medicare. Labor is focusing on government plans to outsource the Medicare payment system. The Liberals are denying any plan to privatise Medicare while simultaneously accusing Labor of working to commercialise the same payment system. No party wants to be seen to be attacking Medicare during an election campaign. […]

Australia & NZ

Australia’s housing crisis: The market can’t meet our needs

Australia’s housing crisis: The market can’t meet our needs

Australia has the most expensive housing of any country in the world – only the city/region of Hong Kong is more unaffordable. Housing is the largest expense for low-income households and more than 60% of renters face “housing stress”. The number of people in Australia without secure housing is growing: […]

Racism, Reviews & Reports

Cleverman: Political television at its best

Cleverman: Political television at its best

Cleverman has been touted as a game changer for Australian television even before it has aired. It’s easy to see why. With its 80% Indigenous cast, high quality production values and clear analogy to current political issues, nothing quite like it has ever been created on these shores. The setting is somewhere in the near future, six months after the super-strong ‘hairypeople’ have outed […]

Australia & NZ, LGBTIQ

Safe Schools can save lives and revive our movement

Safe Schools can save lives and revive our movement

While much of the world is celebrating the enshrining of same-sex marriage rights into law, here in Australia politicians are debating how to better alienate LGBTIQ youth in schools. Last month infamous bigot Senator Corey Bernardi led the attacks on a government funded program designed to make school safer for […]

Australia & NZ, Refugees

Refugees: Let them stay!

Refugees: Let them stay!

The plight of refugees fleeing deadly conflict in the Middle East and elsewhere has generated huge sympathy across the world. In Australia, tens of thousands of people joined demonstrations and vigils to put pressure on the government to accept 12,000 more refugees from Syria. This must be seen as a […]

Australia & NZ, Women

Victoria Police exposed as sexist pigs

Victoria Police exposed as sexist pigs

In December 2015 the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission released a damning report on violence women and sexual harassment within the Victoria Police. The report also exposed cover ups of the abuse by senior ranking officials. The endemic problem of violence against women has been brought to the […]

Australia & NZ, Racism, Refugees

Refugees, border protection and the nationalist myth

Refugees, border protection and the nationalist myth

The plight of refugees fleeing deadly conflict in the Middle East has generated huge sympathy across the world. In many countries huge demonstrations of ordinary people have demanded governments act to support and resettle these refugees. In Australia, tens of thousands of people joined demonstrations and vigils to put pressure […]