List of postage stamps of Pakistan

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Over its 60-year history, Pakistan has issued over 600 issues and 1,100 stamps and souvenir sheets.


  • Indian postage stamps overprinted “Pakistan” – 1 October 1947
    • 19 stamps overprinted with "PAKISTAN" were issued.
    • Value 3P, 1/2 a, 9P, 1a, 1½ a, 2a.3a, 3½a, 4a, 6a, 8a, 12a, 14a, Rs.1, Rs.2, Rs.5.
 Rs.10, Rs.15, Rs.25


  • Independence commemorative – 9 July 1948
    • Four stamps were issued value: 1½ a, 2½a. 3a, Rs.1,
 These stamps were designed by Abdul Rehman Chughtai
  • First regular series (Crescent and Star facing Northeast) – 14 August 1948
    • 20 definitive stamps were issued on this occasion
 Values  3P, 6P, 9P, 1a, 1½a, 2a, 2½a, 3a, 3½a, 4a, 6a, 8a, 10a, 12a, 
 Rs.1, Rs.2, Rs.5, Rs.10, Rs.15, R50



  • 1st Anniversary of the Death of Quaid-e-Azam – 11 September 1949
 3 Stamps were issued on this occasion 
 Value 1½a, 3a, 10a.
  • 1st Regular Series (Crescent and Star facing Northwest) – February 1949
 8 Stamps were issued on this occasion
 Value 1a, 1½a, 2a, 3a, 6a, 8a, 10a, 12a,


No stamp issued


  • 4th Anniversary of Independence – 14 August 1951
 9 stamps were issued on this occasion
 Value 2½a, 3a, 3½a,(Die I) 3½a,(Die II), 4a, 6a, 8a. 10a, 12a,


 2 stamps were issued on this occasion 
 Value 3a, 12a.


No stamp issued


  • 7th Anniversary of Independence – 14 August 1954
 7 stamps were issued on this occasion
 value 6p, 9p, 1a, 1½a, 14a, Rs.1, Rs.2
  • Conquest of K2 Commemorative – 25 December 1954
 One stamp was issued on this occasion Value 2a


  • 8th Anniversary of Independence – 14 August 1955
 5 Stamps were issued on this occasion
 Value 2½a (Die I ), 2½a (Die II), 6a, 8a, 12a
 2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
 Value 1½a, 12a
 3 Stamps were issued on this occasion
 Value 1½a, 2a, 12a,


  • 1956 –1 The Republic Day Commemorative – 23 March 1956
 One Stamps were issued on this occasion
 Value 2a
  • 1956 –2 9th Anniversary of Independence – 14 August 1956
  One Stamps were issued on this occasion
  Value 2a
  • 1956 –3 1st Session of National Assembly of Pakistan at Dacca – 1956
 3 Stamps were issued on this occasion
 Value  1½a, 2a, 12a


  • 1957 – 1 1st Anniversary of Republic Day – 23 March 1957
  3 Stamps were issued on this occasion
  Value 2½a, 3½a, Rs.10
  • 1957 – 2 Centenary of Struggle for Independence – 10 May 1957
 2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
 Value 2a
  • 1957 – 3 10th Anniversary of Independence – 14 August 1957
 3 Stamps were issued on this occasion
 Value 1½a, 4a, 12a


  • 2nd Anniversary of Republic Day – 23 March 1958
  One Stamps were issued on this occasion
  Value Rs.15
  • 20th Death Anniversary of Allama Iqbal – 21 April 1958
  3 Stamps were issued on this occasion
  Value 1½a, 2a, 14a
  • 10th Anniversary of Human Rights – 10 December 1958
  2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
  Value 1½a, 14a
  • 2nd National Jamboree of Pakistan Boy Scouts – 28 December 1958
  2 Stamps were overprinted on this occasion
  Value 6p, 8a


  • 1959 –1 Revolution Day – 27 October 1959
 One Stamps was overprinted on this occasion
  Value 6a
  • 1959 –2 Red Cross Centenary – 19 November 1959
 2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
 Value 2a, 10a


  • 1960 –1 Armed Forces Day – 10 January 1960
       2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 2a, 14a
  • 1960 –2 Definitive Issue – 23 March 1960
         Jammu & Kahmir Definitives
         4 Stamps were issued on this occasion
         Value 6p, 2a, 8a, Rs.1
  • 1960 –3 World Refugee Year – 7 April 1960
         2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
         Value  2a, 10a,
  • 1960 –4 Golden Jubilee of Punjab Agricultural College, Lyallpur(now Faisalabad) – 10 October 1960
         2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
         Value   2a, 8a,
  • 1960 –5 Revolution Day Commemoration – 27 October 1960
         2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
         Value   2a, 14a,
  • 1960 –6 Centenary of King Edward Medical College, Lahore – 16 November 1960
         2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
         Value   2a, 14a,
  • 1960 –7 International Chamber of Commerce, CAFEA Meeting – 5 December 1960
         One Stamps was issued on this occasion
         Value   14a
  • 1960 –8 Third Pakistan Boy Scouts National Jamboree, Lahore – 24 December 1960
       One Stamps was issued on this occasion
       Value   2a


         6 Stamps were overprinted with new currency on this occasion
         Value 1p, 2p, 3p, 7p, 13p, 13p
            3 stamps were issued on this occasion
            Value 1p, 2p, 5p
  • 1961–63–3 5th Definitives Series
           16 stamps were issued on this occasion
           Value 1p, 2p, 3p, 5p, 7p, 10p, 13p, 25p, 40p, 50p,75p, 90p,Rs.1, Rs.1.25,Rs.2, Rs.5
  • 1961 –4 Lahore Stamp Exhibition – 12 February 1961
         One stamp was issued on this occasion
         Value 8a
  • 1961 –5 Completion of Warsak Hydroelectric Project – 1 July 1961
       One stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 40p
  • 1961 –6 Child Welfare Week – 2 October 1961
       2 stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 13p, 90p
  • 1961 –7 Co-operative Day – 4 November 1961
       2 stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 13p, 90p
  • 1961 –8 Police Centenary – 30 November 1961
       2 stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 13p, 90p
  • 1961 –9 Railway Centenary – 31 December 1961
       2 stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 13p, 50p


  • 1962 –1 1st Karachi – Dacca Jet Flight – 6 February 1962
       One stamp was overprinted on this occasion
       Value 13p,
  • 1962 –2 Malaria Eradication – 7 April 1962
       2 stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 10p, 13p
  • 1962 –3 New Constitution – 8 June 1962
       One stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 40p
  • 1962 –4 Sports – 14 August 1962
       4 stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 7p, 13p, 25p, 40p
  • 1962 –5 Small Industries – 10 November 1962
       5 stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 7p, 13p, 25p, 40p, 50p
  • 1962 –6 16th Anniversary of UNICEF – 11 December 1962
       2 stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 13p, 40p
  • 1962–70 –7 5th Definitive Series Redrawn Bengali inscription - Die II
          14 stamps were issued on this occasion 
          Value 1p, 2p, 3p, 5p, 7p, 10p, 13p, 15p, 20p, 25p, 40p, 50p, 75p, 90p


  • 1963 –1 U.N. Force in West Irian – 15 February 1963
         One stamp  was issued on this occasion
         Value 13p
  • 1963 –2 National Horse and Cattle Show – 13 March 1963
         One stamp was issued on this occasion
         Value 13p
  • 1963 –3 Freedom from Hunger – 21 March 1963
       2 stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 13p, 50p
  • 1963 –4 Second International Dacca Stamp Exhibition – 23 March 1963
       One stamp was overprinted on this occasion
       Value 13p
  • 1963 –5 Centenary of Red Cross – 25 June 1963
       One stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 40p
  • 1963 –6 Archaeological Series – 16 September 1963
       4 stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 7p, 13p, 40p, 50p
  • 1963 –7 Centenary of Public Works Department – 7 October 1963
       One stamp was overprinted on this occasion
       Value 13p
       One stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 50p
       One stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 50p
  • 1963 –10 Completion of Multan Thermal Power Station – 25 December 1963
       One stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 13p
  • 1963–68-11 Stamps already issued now printed on watermarked paper
      7 stamp were issued on this occasion
      Value Rs.1, Rs.1.25, Rs.2, Rs.5, Rs.10, Rs.15, Rs.25


  • 1964 –1 Nubian Monuments Preservation – 30 March 1964
       2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 13p, 50p
  • 1964 –2 New York World Fair – 22 April 1964
       2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 13p, Rs.1.25
  • 1964 –3 Bicentenary of Death of Shah Abdul Latif of Bhit – 25 June 1964
       One Stamp  was issued on this occasion
       Value 50p
  • 1964 –4 16th Anniversary of Death of Quaid-e-Azam – 11 September 1964
       2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 15p, 50p
  • 1964 –5 Universal Children’s Day – 5 October 1964
       One Stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 15p
  • 1964 –6 West Pakistan University of Engineering & Technology 1st Convocation – 21 December 1964
       One Stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 15p


  • 1965 –1 Blind Welfare – 28 February 1965
       One Stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 15p
  • 1965-2 Centenary of International Telecommunication Union 17 May 1965
        One Stamp was issued on this occasion
        Value 15p
  • 1965 –3 International Co-operation year – 26 June 1965
       2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 15p, 50p
  • 1965 –4 1st Anniversary of RCD – 21 July 1965
       2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 15p, 50p
  • 1965 – 5 Pakistan Armed Forces – 25 December 1965
       3 Stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 7p, 15p, 50p


  • 1966 –1 Armed Forces Day – 13 February 1966
       One Stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 15p
  • 1966 –2 Inauguration of 1st Atomic Reactor of Pakistan,Islamabad – 30 April 1966
       One Stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 15p

  • 1966 –3 Silver Jubilee of Habib Bank – 25 August 1966
       One Stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 15p

  • 1966 –4 Universal Children’s Day – 3 October 1966
       One Stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 15p

  • 1966 –5 20th Anniversary of UNESCO – 24 November 1966
       One Stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 15p
  • 1966 –6 Islamabad, New Capital – 29 November 1966
       2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 15p, 50p
  • 1966 –7 Foundation of Health and TIBI Research Institute – 3 December 1966
       One Stamp was issued on this occasion
       Value 15p
  • 1966 –8 90th Birth Anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam – 25 December 1966
       2 Stamps were issued on this occasion
       Value 15p, 50p


  • Siddiqui Stamps Catalogue - Collect Pakistan Postage Stamps 2011 Edition available at Editor Akhtar ul Islam Siddiqui
  • Ron Doubleday and Usman Ali Isani, Pakistan Overprints on Indian Stamps and Postal Stationery 1947–1949, Karachi (1993).