Workers Solidarity Movement


Irish anarchist organisation

affiliated to International Libertarian Solidarity

"... freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice
... Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality"

WSM Logo

About the WSM?

How do I join?

What is anarchism?

DIY Distribution

The WSM has moved
you will find our new website at

This site will remain active as it archives our publications from 1986 - Feb 2006 but all new material will be added to




PDF file of RBR 10 ]

WS 89 cover
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Upcoming anarchist events in Ireland

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Stay up to date with anarchism in Ireland

Get news from the WSM as it happens, subscribe to Ainriail our low volume anarchist news list

Updated: WSM Bookservice Catalogue:
Anarchist books by mail order to people in Ireland. 

Latest anarchist news and discussion from Ireland and Britain via

Latest International anarchist news and discussion via

Archive of Reports from WSM members of some of our activity

DIY anarchist publication distribution

PDF files

Workers Solidarity Movement PDF files

All recent Workers Solidarity Movement publications are being made available as PDF files. This means that YOU can print out (and if you wish copy and distribute) fully laid out version of our publications.

Check out the PDF files page for a listing of titles currently available

The Irish Anarchism Index
Links to other Irish anarchist organisations annd a detailed listing of Irish anarchist internet resources.

Help build anarchism in Ireland - Distribute Workers Solidarity


Red and Black Ireland

News of Anarchism in Ireland

The Ainriail mailing list carries the latest news from the WSM and the struggles anarchists are involved in. There are never more then 8 posts a week (and normally only 2-4).

More details!

WSM on the march

Articles indexed by subject or seach the entire of the Struggle site

Anarchism and community struggles
Community struggles in Ireland

News of struggles in Ireland
Personal reports from WSM members of events they took part in or attended

Anarchism and the European Union
An index of articles and links on the European Union and opposition to the construction of a bosses Europe. Includes details of forthcoming protests in Ireland.

Against capitalist globalisation
Analysis of and eyewitness accounts from the struggles against corporate globalisation

The fight against the Bin Charges
Articles on the anti bin charge campaigns in Dublin and Cork

Thinking about anarchism
Explains many of the basic ideas of anarchism and how they apply in Ireland

Workplace struggles and the unions
analysis of the unions alongside specific coverage of strikes and workplace disputes in Ireland

Womens Liberation
Under modern capitalism women continue to receive lower pay then men and in many countries are still legally discriminated against.

Anti - Racism in Ireland
Articles on racism in Ireland as it effects Irish Travellers

Refugees & Asylum seekers in Ireland
The struggle for freedom for refugees and Asylum seekers in Ireland

The anarchist arguments against capitalism
A guide to how capitalism functions and why it is destroying our world and the people who live on it.

Drumcree, July 12th and the Orange Order
an anarchist analysis of sectarianism in Ireland and the role the Orange Order has played

Stop refuelling at Shannon warport
Shannon airport in offically 'neutral' southern Ireland has been used for at least a decade to refuel US war planes.

Housing, space and squatting in Ireland
Index of articles conerned with housing, social spaces and squatting

Anarchism and the fight against Imperialism
Areas covered include S11, the 1991 Gulf War, 2001 Afghan war and the UN interventions in Somalia and Yugoslavia.

Anarchism and Religion
Anarchists traditionally have a hostile attitude to religion, summed up by the slogan 'No Gods, No Masters'

The Irish economy
A look at how the economy has functioned from the early 1980's on.

The Irish 'Peace Process'
Articles and statements about the Irish 'Peace Process' and the IRA cease-fire

Imperialism and northern Ireland
Irish anarchist texts written from the early 1980's to the mid 1990's on the conflict in northern Ireland and the respective roles of British imperialism, Irish republicanism and loyalism

The Russian Revolution
The Russian revolution of October 1917 was a defining point for socialism. Was there an anarchist alternative to both Leninism and the return of Czarism?

Crime, prison and punishment
What is crime and who defines it, if we get rid of the police then who will stop crime occuring.

Modern anarchist writings by women
recent writings by anarchist women

Anarchist history and theory on revolution
Anarchists insist that to get rid of capitalism and all its oppressions we need a revolution. But what exactly is a revolution and who can create one

Anarchism in Ireland
An index of Irish anarchist resources and contacts on the internet

Anarchism, ecology and the environment
General theory plus reports of lots of Irish direct action protests related to the environment

The international anarchist movement
Articles on the anarchist movement and anarchist organisations all over the world

Corruption in Irish politics
A look at the known and unknown corruption scandals of politics in Ireland

Community organising and the Dublin drugs (heroin) crisis
Heroin killed hundreds of young people in Dublin in the poorest working class communities which have organised a number of anti - drug campaigns in response.

The fight against the Water Charges
The story of how the Water Charge was defeated in Dublin

The fight for Abortion rights
A history of the fight for abortion rights in Ireland and the issues central to this fight.

The anarchist movement in Ireland
Articles on the libertarian movement in Ireland

Reclaim the Streets
Articles on Reclaim the Streets in Ireland and the politics of transport and space

Education, anarchism and education struggles
An index of anarchist articles about education and about the struggles of students and those who work in education

Anarchist women

Workers Solidarity Movement publications

The Workers Solidarity Movement produces three regular publications, generally these appear on the net one or more months after publication. You can help us by taking out a subscription to the printed version.

Workers Solidarity
Our Newspaper

Red & Black Revolution
Our magazine which first appeared in 1994. It contains longer and more detailed articles than the paper.

Anarchist News
Our irregular new sheet, produced and distributed as the need arises

Ready to print files

We are now making some of our articles and publications available as PDF files. This means you can print a perfect copy out and distribute them locally.

Conditions for reprinting
WSM articles

Shannon airport protests

More publications and international documents


You can order the printed version of any of these titles for yourself or to sell, you may be able to find them at any of these shops

Also check out our collection of PDF files which includes some of these pamphlets

Anarchism and Ireland

First produced in 1984, reprinted 1996

The Spanish Civil War: Anarchism in Action

First produced 1986, reprinted 1994

Ireland and British Imperialism

First produced 1991, reprinted 1992

The Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists

English reprint of the 1926 pamphlet

Divorce, undermining the family?

First produced 1986, reprinted 1996

Parliament or Democracy? [PDF]

October of 1997

The international
mailing list

We invite you to look at the 'Anarchist Platform' points and if you agree with them to subscribe to our international anarchist mailing list Anarchist_Platform

Read the 'Anarchist Platform'

Other WSM Documents


This is a list of WSM articles that have been translated into other languages and which have been sent in electronic form to us. It is not complete as people often don't send us translations.

If your interested in translating articles for these pages or you have copies of translations that have already been done please contact the web maintainer, all work will be credited. In particular we want to get the 'Anarchist Platform' statement translated.


For the compulsive readers amongst you here is a collection of talks and notes for talks delivered to various WSM meetings. Please note that these have no formal WSM status as they are just the opinions of the person who prepared them.

Red and Black Ireland

News of Anarchism in Ireland

The Ainriail mailing list carries the latest news from the WSM and the struggles anarchists are involved in. There are never more then 10 posts a week (and normally only 2-4).

More details!

The WSM has moved
you will find our new website at

This site will remain active as it archives our publications from 1986 - Feb 2006 but all new material will be added to