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Day 13 in Detention: “Mom did nothing wrong, she will be fine, we should just wait for her at home.”

Sun, 12/27/2015 - 12:48

An account of Zhu Xiaomei's arrest and the trials her family are undergoing, based on an interview with the family. Xiaomei is one of the Six Guangzhou labor activists criminally detained in a crackdown on December 3. She remains in criminal detention at the Guangzhou No. 1 Detention Center.

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Categories: Anarchists

Black Lives Matter and The Race Question

Sun, 12/27/2015 - 05:07

An outline for my blog on the BLM movement, it's rise to prominence, and the race question. I give a detailed idea of where I think the BLM current should possibly go from here.

it must articulate a proletarian ideology which seeks the liberation of the planet from capital and class society to be struggled for on the basis of self organization of the oppressed in society.

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Categories: Anarchists

In defense of Zeng Feiyang: a critique of the smear campaign

Fri, 12/25/2015 - 05:51

On Dec. 22, Chinese state media launched a smear campaign against Zeng, one of the seven labor rights activists criminally detained in a sweep of four worker-support organizations and at least 40 affiliated individuals since Deccember 3. The state has yet to confirm Zeng's whereabouts or criminal charges, but he may be charged with "inciting the subversion of state power," which could result in 15 years in prison.

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Categories: Anarchists

Ex-police spy Bob Lambert resigns academic posts

Wed, 12/23/2015 - 19:05

Bob Lambert , former police spy, has resigned from his posts as lecturer on counter-terrorism at the University of St Andrews and London Metropolitan University.

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Categories: Anarchists

What is at Stake in North Minneapolis and #Justice4Jamar?

Tue, 12/22/2015 - 00:39

This article is written by M1 member, db, a new school teacher and resident in North Minneapolis. The lessons and realities here come from conversations with hundreds of residents, students, neighbors, and protesters. As you’ll see the situation in N Mpls shares much in common with a city near you.

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Categories: Anarchists

Collateral Damages in Syria and Iraq

Fri, 12/18/2015 - 14:11

Reported civilian and ‘friendly fire’ deaths from Coalition airstrikes 2015

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Categories: Anarchists

The December 3 crackdown is class struggle

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 02:45

Factory owners openly ‘assemble crowds’ to break laws for production, whereas workers are prohibited from assembling, and organizations helping them are suppressed—this is class struggle: the bourgeoisie’s legal and political struggle against the proletariat.

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Categories: Anarchists

Updates on the Guangdong Seven: December 9 through 16

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 02:40

Fifth & sixth labor activists Peng Jiayong & Meng Hen confirmed to be under criminal detention, one still missing; families and friends still being harassed and interrogated; mainland workers and activists initiate their own petition and other low-key solidarity actions; call for global solidarity actions on Monday, December 21

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Categories: Anarchists

The diary of Zhu Xiaomei’s husband (part 1): Our happy family was devastated on December 3rd

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 02:33

Zhu Xiaomei, a young nursing mother, is among the activists currently detained in China for their work helping workers to claim their legal rights. In this diary, Zhu Xiaomei's husband speaks out about what the family has gone through, and updates on their current condition. This is the first of his diary entries.

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Categories: Anarchists

The Diary of Zhu Xiaomei’s Husband (I): Our Happy Family Was Devastated on December 3rd

Thu, 12/17/2015 - 02:33

Zhu Xiaomei, a young nursing mother, is among the activists currently detained in China for their work helping workers to claim their legal rights. In this diary, Zhu Xiaomei's husband speaks out about what the family has gone through, and updates on their current condition. This is the first of his diary entries.

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Categories: Anarchists

Muslim nations form coalition to fight terror

Tue, 12/15/2015 - 20:51

From mujahedenn to the Islamic State

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Categories: Anarchists

Police raid worker-support organizations in Guangdong, criminally detaining leaders

Mon, 12/14/2015 - 05:06

Most thorough English article so far about the latest wave of repression against Chinese workers and their supporters, which began with the December 3 raids of four organization, in which 25 staff and workers were taken away for questioning, at least five being detained on criminal charges. This article provides more background about the prisoners, their organizations, and the context of this repression.

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Categories: Anarchists

Xi's Orwellian state in action: a report from He Xiaobo's lawyer

Sun, 12/13/2015 - 11:57

When He Xiaobo, the director of Nanfeiyan - a center helping workers seek compensation for workplace injuries in Foshan - was criminally detained on December 3 (along with 20 other labor activists), his lawyer immediately asked the police to arrange a meeting with He, but all kinds of excuses and methods have been used to prevent the meeting from taking place.

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Categories: Anarchists

Kazakhstan: who ordered the killings and tortures?

Sun, 12/13/2015 - 07:11

Four years after the massacre of striking oil workers by security forces at Zhanaozen in western Kazakhstan, the campaign to unmask those who gave the orders goes on

The most common methods were suffocation with plastic bags; soaking with cold water at a temperature of minus 20 or minus 30 degrees; and hanging by the hair from the ceiling Erlan Kaliev, Kazakh activist

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Categories: Anarchists

Updates on the Dec 3 Guangzhou-Foshan labor NGO repression

Thu, 12/10/2015 - 02:21
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Updates as of Dec 9 on the situation of detained Chinese labor activists from the Dec 3 wave of arrests. Lawyers continued to be denied access to activists, charges updated.

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Categories: Anarchists

Background on the suppression of Guangdong strike supporters

Wed, 12/09/2015 - 15:58

Probably the most detailed English background on the December 3 crackdown on Chinese labour activists so far, with updates by the translators.

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Categories: Anarchists

Deng Xiaoming’s criminal detention confirmed, number of criminally detained from "12/3 incident" rises to four

Tue, 12/08/2015 - 23:41

According to lawyers, it has been confirmed that Deng Xiaoming, staff member at Haige Labor Service Center (海哥劳工服务部) is under criminal detention. As of Dec. 7, there are four Guangdong labor NGO activists criminally detained. [This is in addition to 5 others still missing or held without charges after the Dec. 3 apprehension of 21 labor activists. - trans.]

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Categories: Anarchists

Activists arrested—the best footnote to Constitution Day in China

Tue, 12/08/2015 - 00:38

These arrests turned “Constitution Day” into a “Fuck the Constitution Day” (让宪法日成了日宪法). This may be the best illustration of what “the law” and “the constitution” really mean.

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Categories: Anarchists

Zeng Feiyang: 14 years of pioneering service, and the making of a labour NGO

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 17:24
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Biography of Zeng Feiyang, one of the 21 Chinese labour activists detained on December 3 - the latest wave in the criminalisation of labour actions, and general repression of social resistance in China since 2012.

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Categories: Anarchists

Sweeping the house clean—clean of labor NGOs

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 00:17
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It is as if someone is cleaning out his house and takes a break to visit some friends. He puts down whatever he's doing, closes the door, and leaves the house. After fulfilling his social obligations, he returns home and with one hand, sets his machine to the “clean” function, and with the other, throws out the pre-packed garbage.

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Categories: Anarchists