
The Age Editorials

CFA saga must end for sake of public safety

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

As we have stated previously, the best way to resolve this situation is to refer it to the full bench of the Fair Work Commission for a decision that would be binding on all parties. Politicians harming themselves is merely gormless; risking harm to innocent citizens is unconscionable.

Child-sex criminals do not merit leniency

The lives of children hang in the balance.

A number of recent child-sex cases have resulted in suspended sentences, unconditional bail, good behaviour bonds and jail terms of months, rather than years. This is insufficient both as a punishment and deterrent.

Drum the message: “Don’t be that guy”

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Girls can express themselves however they should wish. The community – and especially fathers – should be forthright that it is never acceptable to rip off a girl’s image to use in a humiliating game.

History shows building barriers will harm us

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Australia takes steps to keep its political system strong, stable and relevant for the world today, the goal should be that borders – physical, cultural, digital - don’t become barriers the way the Berlin Wall was.

Cruel camps must close

Asylum seekers at the Manus Island detention centre.

Malcolm Turnbull should be devoting every energy to forging a genuine approach in co-operation with the region towards asylum seekers.

Budget repair requires bipartisan maturity

Age Editorial dinkus.

It is clear the Reserve Bank has been frustrated by a lack of policies that would foster strong yet sustainable, long-term economic growth, and by the short-termism engendered by the three-year federal political cycle.

Travel by Australian paedophiles must be blocked

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

There is a glaring disconnect between our attitudes and laws around paedophilia that takes place on our soil, and our failure to act to stop these despicable crimes being perpetrated by our citizens elsewhere.

Investment rules need explaining

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Australia should engage in a sensible discussion of what critical assets must remain carefully controlled without resorting to alarmist prejudice.