Federal Politics

The Turnbull Government's response this week to win over some of its backbenchers was to announce another inquiry.

Inside the Labor ambush

The plot was hatched under their noses, but they didn't see it coming. Not the ministers, who left the Parliament in blissful ignorance. Not the MPs, who did the same, or the party whips whose task is to instil discipline. And not the Prime Minister or his chief tactician, Christopher Pyne.

I suspect when Treasurer Scott Morrison talks about the "taxed and the taxed nots'', he isn't thinking about rich, ...

Scott Morrison reverts to type

A retired bank CEO with $10 million in his super pays zero tax each year. Nada. Zip. He wouldn't even pay the Medicare levy.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Another form of torture

It isn't the conditions on Nauru or Manus that are the biggest problem, or the level of care the asylum seekers are afforded, or the tensions within the refugee populations and with the wider communities.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is about to feel the backlash from the Coalition's treatment of the Gillard minority ...

Turnbull reaps Abbott's bitter harvest

Malcolm Turnbull would do well to remember most urgent advice drummed into children about looking right and left because when he steps off the kerb in the 45th parliament, he's as likely to get cleaned up by the Karma bus as he is to get safely to the other side.