WA News

A happy Father's Day for Oshin Kiszko and his dad

It has been a happy Father's Day for Oshin Kiszko and his father Colin Strachan. 

Pictures from Sunday show Oshin with a new bike and a big smile as he spends quality time with his dad. 

The Family Court made a state-first ruling last week that six-year-old Oshin could begin palliative care with no further pressure on his family to pursue active treatment for his brain tumour

After court proceedings that date back to March, Justice Richard O'Brien said on Thursday he would not order radiotherapy, nor further intravenous chemotherapy.

Oshin's mother Angela Kiszko and his father have steadfastly opposed these treatments, believing Oshin's chances of survival too low to justify their burdens, which can be considerable for for very young medulloblastoma patients. 

His parents have maintained they just want to give Oshin "peace, love and fun times" while they still can, and it looks as though a Sunday at the park did just that.