The Institute

The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research is a voluntarily funded autonomous institute within the United Nations. An impartial actor, the Institute generates ideas and promotes action on disarmament and security. Based in Geneva, UNIDIR is centrally positioned to assist the international community in developing the practical, innovative thinking needed to find solutions to the challenges of today and tomorrow.

UNIDIR brings together states, international organizations, civil society, the private sector and academia so that we may work together—internationally, regionally and locally—to build and implement creative solutions that will benefit all states and peoples.

Our Vision

The Institute’s driving Vision is that of a world in which human security is ensured, where peace prevails over conflict, weapons of mass destruction are eliminated, conventional arms proliferation is avoided, and reduced military spending accompanies global development and prosperity as envisioned in Article 26 of the United Nations Charter. UNIDIR thus seeks to serve as an agent of progressive change towards those goals.

Our Mission

The Mission of the Institute is to assist the international community in finding and implementing solutions to disarmament and security challenges. Through its research and educational efforts, UNIDIR seeks to forward arms control and disarmament, contribute to conflict prevention and promote the development of a peaceful and prosperous world. UNIDIR strives to anticipate new security challenges and threats and to elaborate possible methods to address them before they become critical. Finally, UNIDIR serves as a bridge—among United Nations disarmament, security and development organizations and between the United Nations system and the broader security community—to create the necessary synergies to address and mitigate the effects of insecurity at the international, regional and local levels.