News & Commentary

August 26, 2016

ACLU-VA Letter to Chesterfield County Public Schools Regarding Removal of Books from Student Reading Lists

LETTER: Vague terms to label potentially controversial books provide no guidance on the topic and only encourage some parents to forbid their children from reading the books without knowing much more about them other than an arbitrary label attached to it. read more »

August 24, 2016

Federal Civil Rights Complaint Challenges Discrimination in City of Richmond Public Schools

NEWS RELEASE: Richmond Public Schools’ disciplinary policies punish African-American students and students with disabilities more harshly and more frequently than their peers, the complaint asserts. read more »

August 22, 2016

ACLU-VA Demands Fairfax & Grayson County School Boards Identify Subject of Closed Sessions

NEWS RELEASE: The ACLU of Virginia has sent letters to the chairs of the Fairfax County and Grayson County school boards advising that recent closed sessions were illegal and demanding that the subjects of the private meetings be disclosed to the public. read more »

August 16, 2016

ACLU-VA Comments at Governor’s First ‘Listening Tour’ Event on Police-Community Relations

The following remarks were delivered by ACLU of Virginia Executive Director Claire […] read more »

August 16, 2016

For Younger Generations, No Concept of Pre-9/11 America

BLOG: From personal experience, I can say that only relatively recently have I begun to fully understand why topics like the Patriot Act and NSA surveillance are so controversial, even though I have known about them for quite some time. read more »

August 16, 2016

ACLU-VA Statement on the Passing of Former Va. NAACP Head Jack Gravely

The following statement may be attributed to ACLU of Virginia Executive Director […] read more »

August 10, 2016

Supreme Court Grants “Emergency” Stay to Stop High School Student from Using Boys’ Bathroom

BLOG: The irreparable harm the Court’s decision to stay the injunction will cause cannot be understated. No one can give Gavin back his senior year of high school. And the Court can’t take back the message it just sent to every transgender student in America read more »

August 09, 2016

Community Forum Offers Important Opportunities to Reflect on Change in Post-9/11 America

GUEST BLOG: Memories of 9/11, like memories of where one was the day JFK was shot, are called "flashbulb" memories because they seem brighter. read more »

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