- published: 17 Apr 2011
- views: 41268
Grønland is a neighbourhood in central Oslo, Norway. It is served by several tram and bus lines, as well as the Oslo Metro at the Grønland Station.
The neighbourhood is situated on the east side of Akerselva, five to ten minutes walking distance from Oslo Central Station and downtown Oslo. It stretches from Grünerløkka down to the fjord by Middelalderparken shore area.
The area was originally the beach area east of the Aker river discharge, and the name alludes to grassland by the lake (the name Grønland means green land or green fields in Norwegian). The streets Grønland and Grønlandsleiret are where the old shoreline used to be. This is considered the historic northern border of Oslo. They are the old road between the suburb and Oslo (then called Christiania), via Vaterland Bridge (first bridge built 1654). The growth of Bjørvika led to the incorporation of Grønland into Christiania/Oslo in 1859. A church, a school and a fire station were built near the newly erected Botsfengslet in the 1600s.
Den lille film om Grønland
Brugsen i Grønland
Svart Humor: Solskinnsdag på Grønland
Bubber på "Grønland" med Julie | Sofie Linde Show | Ultra
Nordlys i Grønland - se verdens flotteste nordlys
Sofus Ramasjang Sæson 2 afsnit 1 - I Grønland på Hundeslæde
Hammerslag i Grønland
væpnet ran av gullsmeden på Grønland i Oslo
Jøde/araber på Grønland #svarthumor
Oplev hvaler i Grønland
Denne lille film er lavet til børn og unge der gerne vil vide mere om grønland. Filmen er lavet i 2000 til undervisningsbrug. Billederne er amatør optagelser, men viser rigtig fint dagligdagen i Grønlands andenstørste by, Sisimiut der ligger 80 kilometer nord for polarcirklen. Filmen kan frit afbenyttes. Bemærk at filmen kan indeholde faktuelle fejl, og kan i nogen henseender være uaktuel på grund af materialets alder. Produceret af ud i kulden kamera 2000.
Bubber er taget til Grønland med Julie, men der er noget, som ikke virker helt rigtigt... Hvis du kunne lide videoen, så giv den meget gerne et like. Det hjælper os rigtig meget! :) Du kan abonnere på Ultras YouTube-kanal ved at trykke her: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKE8HAIVrpixOsQsAqQ_PZQ?sub_confirmation=1 Her på kanalen kan du finde en helt masse videoer, klip og bider fra Ultra, men husk at du altid kan kigge forbi www.dr.dk/ultra/tv og se en masse af programmerne i fuld længde! Husk at tale pænt. Profilen her modereres efter DRs regler for god opførsel på DRs sociale profiler. Du kan læse dem her: http://www.dr.dk/om-dr/regler-god-opfoersel-paa-drs-sociale-profiler.
Velkommen til Grønlands Rejsebureaus filmkanal. Her uploader vi løbende nye film om Grønland, Island, Svalbard, Antarktis og Lapland. Bliv abonnent og få besked, når vi har en ny film til dig. Grønland er ideelt for at se nordlys! Fra september til april kan du se nordlys stort set alle steder i Grønland. Vil du vide mere om, så download vores guide om nordlys http://www.greenland-travel.dk/inspiration/naturoplevelser/nordlys. Se alle rejser med nordlys her http://www.greenland-travel.dk/tripfinder/nordlys
Sofus Ramasjang Sæson 2 afsnit 1 - I Grønland på Hundeslæde Sofus lander hos Niinu, der bor med sin familie i Grønland. Niinu skal sammen med sin fætter Duda prøve at køre en rigtig hundeslæde. Men når de store slædehunde gør meget højt, er det godt at have en voksen til at hjælpe sig. Niinu giver Sofus en farvelgave, så han ikke fryser i den dybe sne. https://youtu.be/Lxmr6xYMTAo Sofus’ eventyr: Sæson 1 Sofus Ramasjang Sæson 1 afsnit 1 - Mikkel og bondegården Sofus Ramasjang Sæson 1 afsnit 2 - Nirbika i Nepal Sofus Ramasjang Sæson 1 afsnit 3 - Hugo Sverige Sofus Ramasjang Sæson 1 afsnit 4 - Tvillingerne i Honduras Sofus Ramasjang Sæson 1 afsnit 5 - Edith i Danmark Sofus Ramasjang Sæson 1 afsnit 6 - Ingrid i Norge Sofus Ramasjang Sæson 1 afsnit 7 - Samrat i Nepal Sofus Ramasjang S...
Forestil dig at bo på kanten af ødemarken med isbjørne og snestorm. Sådan er livet i Grønland. Men hvad koster det så at bygge og bo i det kolde nord? Hammerslag besøger fire spændende huse i Nuuk og Ilulissat, der byder på udsigt til både hvaler, isbjerge og slædehunde. Og så skal vi se nærmere på livet i Grønland, og det betyder, at Christian Degn kommer på sit livs mest grænseoverskridende fisketur. ====================================================== *** ABONNER at se ny video først !!!
Grønland er hjemsted for mange hvalarter især i sommerhalvåret. En del af hvalarterne i Grønland er fredede, og de øvrige hvaler jages efter internationalt fastlagte kvoter. Grønland er en fangernation, så derfor er det en naturlig del af livets gang, at man jager de store dyr, for de giver mad og forråd i enorme mængder. Du finder mere end15 forskellige slags hvaler i havene omkring Grønland, og det er muligt at tage på hvalsafari flere forskellige steder ud for den grønlandske kyst. I sommermånederne kan du forvente at opleve pukkelhvalen, vågehvalen og finhvalen, hvor du i vintermånederne har mulighed for at se hvidhvalen, narhvalen og den enorme grønlandshval. Læs meget mere om hvaler på: http://www.greenland-travel.dk/inspiration/naturoplevelser/hvaler-og-hvalsafari/ Se rejser med...
This film was shot by Danish filmmaker Niels Vestergaard in July 2009 and published on DVD later that year. Though we have made some nice improvements in our camps over the years, the film still gives a good idea of what to expect when traveling to Greenland with GetAway Tours.
Nuuk, "The tip", is the capital and largest city of Greenland, and the seat of government for the Sermersooq municipality. It has a population of 15,469, making it one of the smallest capital cities in the world by population.
Southern Greenland offers stunning and unexpected scenery and one of the best ways to travel is by taking the 36 hour ferry ride from Nuuk to Qaqortoq. If this has sparked you to book a trip to beautiful Greenland, check out the site for more stories and articles - http://www.abritandabroad.com/ - and make sure to SUBSCRIBE for tons of travel porn, including another episode in Southern Greenland - https://www.youtube.com/user/abritand... ✈✈✈ Brianna and Macca took the long and luxurious ride from Nuuk to Qaqortoq in style on the coastal ferry Sarfaq Ittuk. It is one of the most gorgeous rides you can ever imagine, with tons of opportunity for whale, wildlife and iceberg watching and some pretty epic sunsets. Qaqortoq is a small town (however the biggest in Southern Greenland) and the...
Grønland har det hele: Smuk natur, fantastiske dyr, betagende oplevelser og varme og gæstri mennesker. Unik natur og kultur forenes i Grønland. Besøg http://www.greenland-travel.dk/inspiration/oplevelser for at læse mere om de mest populære oplevelser i Grønland og download en gratis guide.
Get a lot of Tips on Cheap and Free Things in the most Expensive City in the World. Ronald, your Guide, will take you inside a hidden Oslo, behind the Tourist Brochures and Sites. In this Video, you get Information on the world most famous Painting, The Coolest and most Accessible Mountain in Norway and Most Dangerous River are some of the Topics he will cover. Through this Video Tutorial, you learn the “Visiting Oslo on a Budget” Essentials. This Informal and Relaxed Video takes you on a Journey through a Different Oslo. It will show you The Cheapest Hotels, Cheap Restaurants, Cheap Shops, the best Free Things to do, Free Toilets and the Cheapest and most Real Bar in Oslo – where you have the best Opportunity to meet and talk to locals. You will Visit Places like “Grønland” (Greenland),...
This video explains about Top 11 Tourist Attractions in Greenland. Greenland is the world's largest non-continental island, in the far northeast of North America, largely within the Arctic. The main tourist activities on offer are sailing tours among icebergs, dog sledding tours, ice cap treks, wildlife spotting (including whale watching), iceberg watching, and hiking trips to the mainly Norse ruins. Ilulissat Ice-fjord , Northern Lights , Russell Glacier, Tasiilaq are top Greenland tourism. You can vacation to these best places to visit in Greenland. This list of attractions can be your references before you travel to Greenland. Hvalsey Church by Number 57 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hvalsey_Church.jpg Qeqertarsuaq by Göran Ingman https://www.flickr.com/photos/bortabra/386657670...
Greenland has attracted pioneers for more than 4,500 years. Greenland Tourism website: http:www.greenland.com Unravel Travel TV http://www.unraveltravel.eu Unravel Travel TV Twitter http://www.twitter.com/UnravelTravelTV Unravel Travel TV on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/UnravelTravelTV
Take at tour with Air Greenland. See beautiful Greenland from above and see the Ilulissat icefiord, The Disco Bay and Ilulissat in Westgreenland. Greenland Travel is the largest travel agency specialized in tours to Greenland. visit us at www.greenland-travel.dk