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  Latest News
China-Africa Cooperation Is Presenting a New Landscape of Transformation and Upgrading
49 Sierra Leonean students to leave for China for higher education  (2016-08-26)  
120 Kenyan students to leave for China for higher education  (2016-08-26)  
China to support soccer games to boost Burundi's social harmony  (2016-08-26)  
Chinese firm to help nurture local ICT talents in Nigeria  (2016-08-26)  
China offers 200 Zambian students university scholarships  (2016-08-26)  
News Analysis: Egypt's participation in G20 to boost its ailing economy  (2016-08-26)  
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Regular Press Conference on August 25, 2016  (2016-08-26)  
Wang Yi visits four African countries in 2016
"Year of China" in South Africa in 2015
Wang Yi visits five African countries in 2015
China helps Africa to fight Ebola
Li Keqiang visits African countries in May, 2014
China and Africa--The Fruits of Cooperation
 Sino-African Relations
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Remarks on Lungu's Re-election as President of Zambia
Chinese envoy calls for consultation with South Sudan on deploying regional force
Wang Yi: China-built Railways Have Become a Splendid Namecard of China-Africa Production Capacity Cooperation
 Exchanges and Dialogues
120 Kenyan students to leave for China for higher education
China to support soccer games to boost Burundi's social harmony
The Embassy of the People's Republic of China and Chinese Community in Lesotho holds a Handover Ceremony of Donations for Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of the Kingdom of Lesotho
 Entering Africa
Rescued Chinese workers in stable condition after abduction in Nigeria: police
Chinese workers abducted in Nigeria rescued: embassy
China airlifts its citizens evacuated from conflict-hit South Sudan to Beijing
27th African Union Summit opens in capital of Rwanda
UN peacekeeper from China killed in South Sudan mission
 Academic Exchanges
Academics help shape multitude of dreams
Nigeria, China hold conference on conflict resolution
Speech by Mr.Lu Shaye, Director-General of African Department of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the seminar of Chinese Dream, African Dream--Achieving Common Development through Joint Efforts
Beautiful Moments [more>>] 
Wild animals seen in Kenya's Maasai Mara National Reserve
Scenery of coral reefs in waters of Red Sea
Charm of nature: Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve
Establishment of Libyan Army marked in Tripoli
In pics: animals at Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe
News Analysis: Africa, China join hands in tackling challenges
23 African giraffes to meet tourists in Yunnan
Birds attract visitors in Kuimba Shiri Bird Park, Zimbabwe
Chinese vendors in Senegal
6th Int'l Festival of African Traditional Arts & Savoir-Faire held in Senegal