
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is again under pressure over her use of email.

FBI releases Hillary Clinton email files

The FBI has released its interview with Hillary Clinton, along with a memorandum summarising the investigation into her use of a private email server that contained classified information.

Donald Trump, 2016 Republican presidential nominee, gestures at the conclusion of a campaign event in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Duplicity of Donald Trump

When he's securely removed from the objects of his scorn, he's tough as nails; when he's in their presence, he quivers like a bowl of jelly.

Evangelical leaders in the US claim "God speaks through Trump".

Donald Trump: From sinner to saint

Remarkable as it might seem, in the face of unabashed unChristian conduct by Trump, evangelical leaders up and down the US are falling in behind him.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers an immigration policy speech.

After subdued trip to Mexico, Trump talks tough on immigration in Phoenix

Donald Trump, who has made maligning illegal immigrants from Mexico a cornerstone of his presidential campaign, met with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on Wednesday - striking a remarkably subdued and cooperative tone as he faced a world leader forcefully opposed to his signature proposals.

Donald Trump has continued to call Mr Ailes a 'friend'.

Why Trump is the biggest risk to the world economy

While markets were concerned about Brexit, but they're facing a far bigger threat: The firebrand US presidential candidate. If he really did win power and enact some of his policies, the importance of "it's the economy, stupid" would reassert itself brutally quickly.