Federal Politics

Turnbull raises 'cash for comment' questions over Dastyari payment

Senator Sam Dastyari and Labor leader Bill Shorten.

Labor factional powerbroker Sam Dastyari is facing ongoing scrutiny over his close connections to Chinese-Australian interests, with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull questioning whether donations led to the NSW senator contradicting his party's policy in a "cash for comment" arrangement.

Humiliated PM warns Coalition to lift game

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull admits it was "an embarrassing episode".

A humiliated Malcolm Turnbull has warned Coalition MPs to lift their game and show more discipline, as Labor celebrated exposing the government's porous control of the Parliament.

Notorious Defence rape cases to go unsolved

The cases became known as the "ADFA 24" because the taskforce received 24 complaints from women abused at the academy ...

A notorious group of rape cases at the Australian Defence Force Academy will remain unresolved after the government's defence abuse taskforce announced neither a Royal Commission nor an Australian Crime Commission probe will go ahead.

WA MP Christian Porter in car outside Parliament as crucial vote taken

The glum Liberal faces sums up the government's mood after the chaotic vote.

WA MP Christian Porter has offered no excuse for his unapproved absence during Thursday's night's chaotic scenes in Federal Parliament, saying he had apologised to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and explaining that he "was just outside in the car" when the government embarrassingly lost a vote on the floor of the House of Representatives.

The reading habits of federal MPs revealed

Attorney-General  George Brandis added several political titles to his book collection.

Liberal MP George Christensen has boosted his publicly-funded library with more than a dozen books on topics that could loosely be described as the clash between the West and radical Islam.

Pyne blames 'stuff up' for Parliament vote loss

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Leader of the House Christopher Pyne in Parliament on Thursday night.

Leader of the House and Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne says he did not give MPs permission to leave Parliament early, labelling Thursday's embarrassing defeats in the House of Representatives a "stuff up".

Fresh questions over Dastyari's entitlements

Kim Carr and Sam Dastyari pose for a picture on Victoria's 2014 election day.

Sam Dastyari has pointed to his attendance at a Chinese film festival to justify using taxpayer funds to campaign for Labor, even though MPs are banned from using their travel perks for political work.

Audit finds serious failings in asylum seeker healthcare

Nauru asylum seekers.

The contractor responsible for the health of asylum seekers has been slugged more than $300,000 for problems relating to treatment of tuberculosis and other serious diseases in onshore detention, raising grave questions over the quality of care delivered to vulnerable people behind the wire.

Labor emboldened by poll to block plebiscite

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has hardened his rhetoric against the plebiscite in recent weeks.

Labor will be emboldened to block a same-sex marriage plebiscite after the largest ever poll on the issue found progressive voters overwhelmingly want to avoid Malcolm Turnbull's faltering plan for a public vote.