Daily Life

Senators Derryn Hinch and Jacqui Lambie enjoy star feeling at ball

According to freshly-minted Senator Derryn Hinch, descending the grand marble staircase at Parliament House with a radiant Jacqui Lambie on his arm, complete with false eye-lashes and hair extensions, was "just like" Scarlett and Rhett coming down the stairs at Tara "in Gone With The Wind".

A wide-awake Hinch informed PS he and his fellow senator had been hatching plans for their "date night" for some time, but even he was surprised at the speed in which the pair managed to create a media frisson, out-sparkling the likes of Julie Bishop.

Senator Jacqui Lambie, with her 'Kardashian hair' and Senator Derryn Hinch make a grand arrival for the Mid Winter Ball.
Senator Jacqui Lambie, with her 'Kardashian hair' and Senator Derryn Hinch make a grand arrival for the Mid Winter Ball. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Indeed they had already earned the portmanteau "Jerryn" by the time they reached the bottom the stairs, which Hinch admitted sounded better than other potentials: "Dacquie" and (gulp) "Lynch".

"I had been meeting a lot of backbenchers and front benchers before I arrived in Canberra and Jacqui and I have been getting along very well. There are a lot of things we agree on and a lot of work we can help each other with... things like war veterans. When I asked if she was going to the Mid Winter Ball she said she had no one to go with ... which is when I asked her to be my date. I enjoyed her company very much," Hinch told PS.

Robert Menzies is remembered by Derryl Hinch as a 'terribly imperious man'.
Robert Menzies is remembered by Derryl Hinch as a 'terribly imperious man'. Photo: Fisher

"And yes, we got a laugh out of all those flashes going off as the photographers realised we were arriving together ... we both like to stir things up a bit."

Meanwhile, Hinch has been settling in quite nicely in the nation's capital, staying in some rather grandly named digs – The Menzies Suite at the Canberra Hyatt, until more permanent lodgings are found.

Derryn Hinch is living at the Menzies Suite at the Canberra Hyatt until more permanent lodgings are found.
Derryn Hinch is living at the Menzies Suite at the Canberra Hyatt until more permanent lodgings are found. 

"I'm probably the only person in Parliament House today that actually met Menzies," Hinch speculated.

"I was just a young reporter in the '60s ...  I remember Menzies being a terribly imperious man who had no time for the 'riff raff' of the press like me ... and now I'm sleeping in his suite!"