Topic: Health

Work Starts On Angliss Hospital Redevelopment

Construction of the Andrews Labor Government’s $20 million expansion of Eastern Health’s Angliss Hospital is now underway. Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy, today joined Member for Monbulk, James Merlino, to announce Kane Constructions has started building a fourth level on top of the main Angliss Hospital building to increase the capacity of the hospital’s critical […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Health

Preparing For Proton Beam Therapy Cancer Boost

Victoria has provided $50 million in funding towards establishing a National Proton Beam Therapy Centre for the treatment of cancer in Melbourne. Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy, made the announcement while touring the construction of University College London Hospital’s Proton Beam Therapy Centre. Proton Beam Therapy offers a clinical advantage for many paediatric and adult […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Health

Strengthening Our Mental Health Workforce

Work is underway to ensure Victoria has a skilled, adaptable and available mental health workforce that meets the needs of Victorians with a mental illness and their families. Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today released the Victorian Mental Health Workforce Strategy which outlines the Andrews Labor Government’s plan to attract, develop and retain the […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health

Gender Equality Roadshow Comes To Warrnambool

The Minister for Women, Fiona Richardson will be in Warrnambool tomorrow, 5 August, as part of her state-wide tour to help set the Andrews Labor Government’s blueprint for gender equality in Victoria. Ms Richardson will also visit Sale and Bendigo to help the Labor Government develop the state’s first gender equality strategy. She has already […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Women

Conversation Turns To Disability Insurance Scheme

Members of the Clayton community have come together to learn about how the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will help assist them have greater choice and control. Minister for Housing Disability and Ageing Martin Foley today co-hosted a forum with Member for Oakleigh Steve Dimopoulos, providing local people with a disability and their families the […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, Southern Metropolitan Region

Victoria Partners In World Leading Care And Cancer Agreements

Victoria has reinforced its support to cancer research and world leading health care by partnering in the Leading Health Systems Network’s Safer Care Accelerator Project and the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership. Minister for Health and Ambulance Services, Jill Hennessy, was in London at Imperial College’s Institute of Global Health Innovation to witness the signing of […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Health

First Ever Permanent Ambulance Service For Nagambie

The Andrews Labor Government has welcomed Nagambie’s first ever permanent ambulance service, which will deliver a quicker response to local medical emergencies around the clock. Speaking in Nagambie today, Parliamentary Secretary for Health Mary-Anne Thomas said the ambulance service, starting in October, would be staffed by Ambulance Community Officers with support from professional paramedics at […]

Categories: Media Release, Northern Victoria Region, Parliamentary Secretary for Health

Critical Boost For Child Mental Health Services

Children experiencing mental health issues will benefit from a $14 million boost to Monash Children’s Hospital’s facilities. Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today joined Member for Oakleigh Steve Dimopoulos to announce that the 16/17 Victorian Budget investment would result in the Early in Life Mental Health Services (ELMHS) being integrated into the new children’s […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Mental Health

Shepparton Leads As Hospital Waiting Lists Hit A Six-Year Low

The number of Victorian patients waiting for elective surgery is at its lowest level since June 2010. The latest Victorian Health Services Performance data, released today, shows the state’s hospitals admitted and treated 48,222 patients from the elective surgery waiting list in the June quarter – the highest number ever. On 30 June this year, […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Health

Sweden Partners In International Health Cooperation

Victoria’s International Health Strategy 2016 – 2020 is already opening doors around the world with Sweden getting behind Victoria’s international approach. Minister for Health and Ambulance Services, Jill Hennessy, has met with Sweden’s leading experts in health care and medical research to grow opportunities for Victorian health exports and investments. Gabriel Wikström, Swedish Minister for […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Health