Daily Life

Private Sydney: Why Sonia Kruger has been noticeably absent from television screens

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A month after she shocked television audiences and some of her closest colleagues at Channel Nine with her comments to ban Muslim immigration, and then when she called a scholarship program for gay and transgender children "reverse discrimination", Sonia Kruger has been noticeably absent from TV screens.

Had she been shipped off to be "re-programmed" by Channel Nine management?

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'My views may be extreme'

Sonia Kruger makes a statement on The Today Show, addressing the public backlash she has suffered due to her call for a stop to Muslim migration to Australia. Vision: Today Show, Channel Nine.

Or gone to ground fearing for her safety?

No, not quite.

PS was told this week Kruger's absence was due to her long scheduled annual leave, holidays which had been booked well before her controversial comments went to air.

Kruger, and her partner, Channel Seven News boss Craig Macpherson, have been on holidays for the past fortnight. Apparently the holidays coincided with Kruger celebrating her 51st birthday last Sunday.


Having been inundated with criticism for her comments, "trolled" on social media and, according to at least one women's magazine, received "death threats", Kruger's position among Channel Nine's top-tier poster girls has come under considerable scrutiny.

A Channel Nine spokeswoman assured PS that Kruger's contract was "ongoing" and that rumours she would not be returning to host The Voice were "not correct", although there have been murmurs around the corridors of Shine – the production company that makes The Voice – that perhaps Kruger's days on the show were numbered.

Sonia Kruger's position among Channel Nine's top-tier poster girls has come under considerable scrutiny of late.
Sonia Kruger's position among Channel Nine's top-tier poster girls has come under considerable scrutiny of late. Photo: Supplied

Meanwhile, PS was told Kruger had been "given a lot of support" from management and colleagues at Channel Nine.

However, PS has heard from several others who have expressed their disbelief that such comments would come from such a seasoned media player.

"I think that sort of thing can end your career, you are alienating an awful lot of people ... people don't expect that sort of thing from Sonia ... suddenly she's in the same category as Pauline Hanson," one of them discreetly told PS.

Super maxi Comanche owners Kristy Hinze and Jim Clark beat a Sydney to Hobart retreat

Kristy Hinze-Clark and Jim Clark

Kristy Hinze-Clark and Jim Clark on board Comanche. Photo: Sarah Thomas

It was only a few months ago that Australian-born glamazon Kristy Hinze and her billionaire American husband Jim Clark were basking in the glory of their super maxi Comanche's Sydney to Hobart win, feted across Australia as the new king and queen of the sailing world.

However it appears their reign will be short-lived, with word from the sailing community that Clark will not be bringing his wife or his high-tech multi-million-dollar yacht back to Sydney to defend the title.

Indeed 2016 has been an interesting year for the couple, who PS first revealed were dating nearly a decade ago and tied the knot in 2009, with a few eyebrows being raised at their age difference: Clark is 36 years older than his former model wife, Kristy, who turns 37 next month.

Kristy Hinze in Sportscraft

Kristy Hinze in Sportscraft.

It is barely five months since Clark went public to debunk reports claiming his Australian model wife was at the centre of a stoush he reportedly had with his best friend and the captain of his Sydney to Hobart-winning super maxi Comanche, Ken Read.

The reports claimed Clark and Read came to blows amid claims they "got into it" at a bar in the Caribbean back in April. But when the story became public, Clark and Read posed in several happy snaps together which they shared on various social media platforms, suggesting they were as friendly as ever.

However during last week's Audi Hamilton Island Race Week, several witnesses to the Caribbean fracas recounted what they had seen, backing up the initial reports despite Clark's later reassurances that he remains good friends with Read.

Now it appears Clark and his fourth wife will not be returning to Australia to defend his title at this year's Sydney to Hobart, with part of the reason rumoured to be a desire to avoid any further media scrutiny following the sensational claims published nationally back in April.

Earlier this year Hinze and Clark offloaded their Point Piper home, and this week listed their vast Palm Beach, Florida, estate for sale with an equally vast price tag for the Ill Palmetto mansion, a whopping $181 million.

Neither Clark nor Hinze responded to PS' queries this week.

Senators Derryn Hinch and Jacqui Lambie enjoy star feeling at ball

Jacqui Lambie and Derryn Hinch

Senator Jacqui Lambie, with her "Kardashian hair", and Senator Derryn Hinch arrive for the Midwinter Ball. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

According to freshly-minted Senator Derryn Hinch, descending the grand marble staircase at Parliament House with a radiant Jacqui Lambie on his arm, complete with false eye-lashes and hair extensions, was "just like" Scarlett and Rhett coming down the stairs at Tara "in Gone With The Wind".

A wide-awake Hinch informed PS he and his fellow senator had been hatching plans for their "date night" for some time, but even he was surprised at the speed in which the pair managed to create a media frisson, out-sparkling the likes of Julie Bishop.

Indeed they had already earned the portmanteau "Jerryn" by the time they reached the bottom the stairs, which Hinch admitted sounded better than other potentials: "Dacquie" and (gulp) "Lynch".

"I had been meeting a lot of backbenchers and front benchers before I arrived in Canberra and Jacqui and I have been getting along very well. There are a lot of things we agree on and a lot of work we can help each other with... things like war veterans. When I asked if she was going to the Mid Winter Ball she said she had no one to go with ... which is when I asked her to be my date. I enjoyed her company very much," Hinch told PS.

"And yes, we got a laugh out of all those flashes going off as the photographers realised we were arriving together ... we both like to stir things up a bit."

Meanwhile, Hinch has been settling in quite nicely in the nation's capital, staying in some rather grandly named digs – The Menzies Suite at the Canberra Hyatt, until more permanent lodgings are found.

"I'm probably the only person in Parliament House today that actually met Menzies," Hinch speculated.

"I was just a young reporter in the '60s ... I remember Menzies being a terribly imperious man who had no time for the 'riff raff' of the press like me ... and now I'm sleeping in his suite!"

Who's who set to show wild side

Headpiece by Hamish Elliot for Dance Noir.

Headpiece by Hamish Elliot for Dance Noir. Photo: PeterGreig.com

It's shaping up to be one of the wildest parties of the year, with the Sydney Dance Company hosting its annual Dance Noir event next Saturday night.

SDC chairman Andrew Messenger along with David and Alexa Haslingden, Ally Considine, Nicky Oatley, Carla Zampatti, Richard and Jade Coppleson, Richard and Jane Freudenstein, Monika Tu, Deborah Thomas, Beau, Paris and Judith Neilson, Jan Logan and Rafael Bonachela among the guest list for the annual fundraiser.

The company's dancers have embraced the theme, exploring their "Wild" in all its possible manifestations, creating five exclusive performances especially for the night.

There will also be a guest appearance from Australian screen and stage star Tim Draxl, while costume designer Aleisa Jelbert, regular collaborator of Sydney Dance Company, has curated a series of spectacular costumes for the evening.

Jelbert has also commissioned the students of Enmore School of Design to create "Wild" inspired head-dresses for the dancers to wear, including this jaunty little number by Hamish Elliot.

Bob Irwin's book won't focus on family rift

Bob Irwin at Wildlife HQ

Bob Irwin at Wildlife HQ. Photo: Bob Irwin Wildlife Foundation

Don't expect too much dirty laundry to be aired in Bob Irwin's yet to be published book.

PS hear's Irwin, the father of the late Crocodile Hunter Steve, who has been estranged from Steve's widow Terri and has not spoken to his grandchildren Bindi and Bob in years, is still working on the book despite it due to hit shelves in a matter of weeks.

Rather than dredging up the family fallout, Irwin's book is focusing on his time with Steve and their shared love of wildlife.

Birthday bash to rival Met Gala Ball

Villa Veneto

Villa Veneto sold for about $54 million in 2010.

When your parents' house is one of the most expensive and extravagant in the country, it would make sense that your birthday party would be equally grand.

Joshua Penn, the son of dentist David Penn and his wife, Linda, the heiress of the Lowes, ahem, fashion empire, are the owners of Point Piper's huge Villa Veneto, which they bought a few years back for about $54 million.

Their son Joshua is having his 30th birthday at the home next weekend and is planning an event, he hopes, will rival New York's famed Met Gala Ball (his words).

Joshua Penn.

Joshua Penn.

Indeed Villa Veneto has enough epic staircases to recreate those famous red-carpet images.

So excited is Penn about his upcoming birthday soiree he even sent PS a press release about it.

And while the invite has a strict dress code: ball gowns for the ladies and suits for the men, Joshua himself won't be wearing anything from Lowes, opting for a rather pricier Tom Ford suit instead.