
Brisbane Festival: Cork to pop on the naughtiest show city has seen this year

The champagne has been chilled and the cork is just about ready to be popped.

Blanc de Blanc, the new production from Strut 'n' Fret, has bumped into the Magic Mirrors Spiegeltent and is ready to kick off the 2016 Brisbane Festival on Friday night.

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Raunchy circus show hits Brisbane

Sexy circus cabaret show Blanc de Blanc opens in Brisbane as part of Brisbane Festival.

With an international cast drawn from New York, France, Sydney, Sweden, Russia, Japan and Brisbane and a couple of out-of-town tryouts in Sydney and London, local director Scott Maidment, the show's creator, is bringing it home.

"I am super excited about it, I think Brisbane audiences are going to love it," he said.

Blanc De Blanc has come to its creator Scott Maidment's home city.
Blanc De Blanc has come to its creator Scott Maidment's home city. Photo: Tammy Law

"It's exciting to bring shows home and play in front of your home crowd and Brisbane audiences during the festival are super into craziness so I think this is the right show for it."

For New Yorker Spencer Novich, who was part of the original team that created Blanc de Blanc, it is a welcome return visit to Brisbane.


He appeared as part of Strut 'n' Fret's last Brisbane Festival show Fear and Delight and he is thrilled to be back in the city and back in the festival.

"I was here in the festival last year. I am so happy to be back," he said.

Laura New and Spencer Novich agree that the more the audience lets go, the better fun everyone has.
Laura New and Spencer Novich agree that the more the audience lets go, the better fun everyone has. Photo: Tammy Law

"I am hoping we can see some of the work in the festival, it would be really exciting. Being back in Brisbane is really nice."

Aussie Laura New, who grew up in Sydney before moving to LA, is having her first Brisbane experience.

Audiences are encouraged to leave inhibition at the door.
Audiences are encouraged to leave inhibition at the door. Photo: Tammy Law

"I have never been to Brisbane, I am a bad Australian, I am so excited to explore," she says.

"It was so refreshing getting in yesterday, being back on Australian turf is really invigorating and being part of this festival is really cool because I have heard so much about it already."

Blanc de Blanc, which draws its inspiration from champagne and the rituals of drinking champagne, is not a show for prudes.

A sign at the front of the Spiegeltent warns visitors what to expect, and both Novich and New say this is the kind of show where the audience should leave inhibitions at the door.

"It gets crazy," New says.

"It's naughty in such an accessible way, it pushes boundaries but not for the sake of it, it is pushing boundaries to invite fun to happen on stage," Novich continues. "Everyone is inclusive of the naughtiness."

They agree that the more the audience lets go, the better fun everyone has.

"This show relies on the energy of the audience and how much fun they are having and enjoying having a good time," New says.

"That allows us to go even further; when the audience starts to pick up it invigorates us to really pick up."

New is a dancer and promises a provocative dance involving a collection of balloons, while audiences will have little left to the imagination when it comes to Novich.

"I don't want to reveal too much," he says, with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek.

"I do a lot of comedy but I do some stuff where I strip it all down and get in people's faces a little bit."

Both performers were involved in the original incarnation of the show in Sydney as well as the London season and they both said they were thrilled with how the audience received the show when it first opened.

"To see the response of an Australian audience to this international work is so exciting because they got so into it," Novich says.

Brisbane audiences will be exposed to the show from Friday night until the festival ends on September 24.

Tickets and information are available at brisbanefestival.com.au.