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  1. at no other time have I so strongly wished for the weekend to just vanish and Monday to Arrive! #startup #waiting #clearances
  2. @vijayshekhar jeevan ek koshish :)
  3. Thanks @avlesh @pocha @SupriyaL
  4. @pandeyrohit thanks!
  5. @rajivmadhok real impact will stem from what we do with the money :) /cc @vijayshekhar @Sairee
  6. #Milaap wins the #Dasra Social Impact award n 75k from #FirstLightVentures /cc @vijayshekhar @rajivmadhok @sairee
  7. RT @SeanB: Milaap wins the Dasra Social-Impact Award at Sankalp with $75k. Watch out kiva! #fb
  8. @roshnimo - are you in India #Kashmir? on one of ur adventure trips?
  9. @ReallyVirtual Umm I'm guessing u have pwr bckup @ home. which keeps ur laptop/mobile/internet working....
  10. Lets get over the dead! - Any news on ppl who still might be alive? #Arunachal CM Dorjee Khandu? Still missing? /cc @BDUTT @ndtv
  11. It seems like the US has just won world cup! :D #Osama #dead
  12. Thanks to 3rd party clients / #Always-signed-in :) RT @pocha: So twitter revamped their landing page & i noticed it today !!!
  13. Obama takes on Trump! Nice. -->
  14. #Osama #Dead - does it mean end of anything?