
Biology, wildlife, conservation and the rest of the natural world

A new study reveals that the longest-lived vertebrates in existence are a bunch of sharks.
But did it really understand what it was doing?
Your trusty mutt probably isn’t going to recognise that you need assistance in an emergency.
If we leave them in the ocean, who's responsible?
“By 2050, every single part of New Zealand will be completely free of rats, stoats and possums.”
Nature provides a lot of chances to play 'is it an animal or an object' games.


Explore the night skies, planets, galaxies, and beyond

The first extreme test of its kind, it could lead to a global quantum communications network.
The outer solar system just got a lot weirder.
An interspace mining company has announced plans to mine mineral resources on asteroids within the next ten years.
Will you break the rover or drive it successfully? Spoiler: you will break it.
Tonight's story time is brought to you by an astronaut from the International Space Station.
There's a going on with this tiny planet.
So you want to be an astronaut? Here’s what it takes.


Where are we heading and what is it going to look like?

Although you still won't be able to slice anyone's limbs off.
An Aussie scientist has pioneered a micro recycling solution for tackling the global e-waste crisis.
Some records these days are broken not just thanks to hard training, but thanks to innovative tech.
A new breakthrough in quantum computing is bringing the future of computers one tiny step closer.
All aboard the tunnel bus!
Estimating storm damage or population centres might be the next step in crowdsourced disaster-relief mapping.
New 3-D modeling technology has the power to scan coastlines for garbage much faster than humans can.
The crazy climate technofix

Some posit geoengineering as a radical fix to climate change. Others say the risks are too high and its proponents mad. Welcome to the debate where science fiction meets climate science.


Environment, climate and other topics concerning our planet

A new survey shows two-thirds of the people visiting the GBR are "last chance" tourists.
Here's what you need to know about the Mercator projection, in one handy video.
Also, if everyone lived like Australia, we would need 5.4 Earths instead of just the one we have.
You might soon be able to buy jewellery made out of smog filtered from the air in Beijing.
One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts is calling for an investigation into the CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology for their "corrupt" scientific evidence that indicates...
The grain-based rings are both biodegradable and edible.
A self-powered waste water treatment plant using microbes has just passed its biggest test, bringing household-level water recycling a step closer.


Looking under the hood - into our bodies and minds

Basically an urban legend.
A new paper argues that changing booze itself is easier than changing behaviour.
A clinical researcher takes a closer look at the ubiquitous Hydroxycut brand of weight loss supplements.
You have to watch your visual diet more than you need to focus on what you eat.
Researchers believe that similar issues in domestic kitchen taps are likely across Australia.
To avoid detection, people are resorting to new strategies - self-blood transfusion, anyone?
Athletes are vulnerable to products claiming to give them an edge – even if there’s no evidence supporting the efficacy.


The building blocks of our universe, and the method of science itself

Art and science have more in common than you think.
Depending on how you look at it, the leaders of the games may not be who you think.
During National Science Week, the public is urged to “take the five scientist pledge” - and we are here to help.
Located at the Powerhouse museum, the Collider exhibition literally takes people inside the experiment.
Not enough chlorine, too much sun.
“But I read that three litres of kale smoothie a day will cure cancer?”
Some of the GOP candidate's views according to his official Twitter account.

Indigenous science

Sharing the knowledge and the heritage

DNA Country

A precious store of Aboriginal hair, collected last century, may now tell a story tens of thousands of years old.
The Mbabaram man is unlocking the secrets of traditional medicine and bush tucker for future generations.
This Indigenous scientist studies the scabies mite to improve the lives of countless people affected by the disease.
This young Indigenous scientist wants to ensure we don't lose entire species of fish, simply because we didn't realise there was a problem until it's too late.
The recent graduate's research could eventually lead to new treatments for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, viral infections or even cancer.
Roots – premieres 27th July on SBS and NITV

Don’t miss this reimagining of the epic family saga and portrait of American slavery, following the journey of one family and their will to survive.