Hundreds detained, 3 dead in Gabon

Three people are dead and hundreds have been detained in the wake of the contested presidential election in Gabon.
If nothing is done to stop the rapid decline of elephants in Africa, half the population could disappear within a decade, conservationists say.
A yellow fever outbreak in Angola and Democratic Republic of Congo is bigger than thought, but not an international emergency, says the WHO.
Angry protesters torched Gabon's parliament Wednesday after President Ali Bongo was declared winner of what he claimed was a 'peaceful and transparent' election,...
Forest elephants play a crucial role in the robustness of central Africa's wooded ecosytems but their numbers have been decimated by poachers.
A South African school was ordered Tuesday to suspend allegedly racist hairstyle regulations after black pupils said they had been called monkeys by teachers for...

Zimbabwe to dehorn 700 rhinos

Rhino horn is prized in Asia for use in traditional medicine and surging demand has led to more poaching with dehorning now common in a bid to stop poachers.
Al-Shabab's Radio Andaluz said the Islamist group was behind an attack in Somalia's capital which has left at least 10 people dead.
Two pieces of aircraft debris have been found in Mozambique but it is too early to conclude they are from Flight MH370, officials say.
The UN says gender inequality endangers inclusive human development and costs the region of sub-Saharan Africa an average of $95 billion a year.
Zimbabwean police fired tear gas and used water cannons on opposition leaders and hundreds of demonstrators at a protest against President Robert Mugabe.
Police have disregarded a court order to battle anti-government protesters in the Zimbabwean capitla of Harare.
The car bomb death toll in Somalia has risen to 10.

49,000 children to die in Nigeria

Almost half a million children in Nigeria's Borno state, Boko Haram's heartland, will die this year if they do not receive treatment, the UN says.
US Secretary of State John Kerry has committed to find ways to ramp up military assistance to help Nigeria defeat the extremist group Boko Haram,

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Official Indonesian documentation has verified Mbah Gotho was born in 1870, making him the oldest person in the world.
Insight guest Scarlett Kayis writes of her experience converting to Islam in a conservative part of Queensland, and how it affected her vote this election.