• Featured: Amy Schumer calling out her sexist heckler. (YouTube)
Sexist hecklers? Amy Schumer isn't having a bar of it.
Shami Sivasubramanian

2 Sep 2016 - 2:16 PM  UPDATED 2 Sep 2016 - 2:36 PM

Comedy extraordinaire Amy Schumer isn’t new to the world of sexism. And while on tour in Sweden, shewas faced with yet another taste of the awful social phenomenon.


During a performance in Stockholm, a male heckler yelled out to the Schumer, “Show us your tits!”


The man was also wearing a shirt that read “Love pussies?” in what must have been an extremely unsurprising fashion decision for the guy.


Schumer didn’t let the man slide, encouraging the audience to point him out so that he could feel the shame.

“Don’t pretend you don’t speak English. You just yelled ‘show us your tits’,” she said to man when he refused to answer her.  


Schumer then asked the man what he did for a living. He answered sales.  


“Sales? How’s that working out? Is it going well? Because I’m not buying it.” she chided, with the audience cheering her on.


“That’s really cute. But if you yell out again, you’re going to be yelling ‘show your tits’ to people in the parking lot. Because you’re going to get thrown out, motherfucker.”



“I’ll show my tits when I want to!” she said as she prepared to continue with her set.


At that point, the heckler retorted which was enough for Schumer to get security to escort him from the premises.


“I was about to go anyway,” he said.


“Bye. We’re going to miss you so much!” she replied. We feel that this was almost certainly sarcasm and Amy Schumer is currently living a happy life not missing said man at all.


Schumer posted a video of the incident on her YouTube channel last night. You can watch it above.






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