
Anthony Weiner says child welfare agency is investigating him

New York: Anthony D. Weiner confirmed on Thursday that the New York City Administration for Children's Services has opened an investigation into his treatment of his 4-year-old son, Jordan.

The inquiry comes after Weiner was embarrassed yet again this week by revelations that he had sent sexually charged messages over social media to a woman he had never met. One message showed his son in a photograph that also included Weiner's crotch.

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Abedin separates from scandal-plagued Weiner

Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, is separating from her husband Anthony Weiner, a former congressman who resigned after a sex scandal.

Though The New York Post reported on Wednesday that the child welfare agency had begun looking into the matter, citing anonymous sources, Weiner told The New York Times the same day that he had not yet been contacted.

On Thursday, however, he said that the agency had left a bare-bones letter about the investigation at his mother's house.

It was unclear why the agency had sent a letter to his mother's residence, rather than to him directly. He, too, seemed mystified: "Crazy if you ask me," he said, adding that he had called the agency to learn more.

To prompt an investigation, a person who has direct knowledge of the allegations of mistreatment must report any concerns to the Statewide Central Register, a state hotline; if the state believes that an inquiry is warranted, it directs the city agency to investigate. By law, the agency must investigate all reports it receives from the state.

Anthony Weiner in 2013.
Anthony Weiner in 2013. Photo: AP

Weiner, a Democrat, once served in Congress and ran for mayor. His political career was destroyed by two previous scandals involving lewd online messages, and is now separated from his wife and Jordan's mother, Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton. Abedin announced the separation on Monday.

New York Times