
Council's 'fat cat bonuses' must end as nearly 70 on $200,000-plus: Labor

Sixty-nine Brisbane City Council executives were paid more than $200,000 in 2015-16, leading to calls from the Labor opposition for the council to follow the state government's lead in scrapping executive bonuses.

The council's annual report, tabled this week at City Hall, showed one council executive – CEO Colin Jensen – on a pay packet of more than $500,000.

Nearly 70 Brisbane City Council executives earn more than $200,000 a year.
Nearly 70 Brisbane City Council executives earn more than $200,000 a year. Photo: Michelle Smith

Ten were paid between $300,000 and $499,000 (up from nine in 2014-15), while 58 council executives were paid between $200,000 and $299,000 (down from 59 the previous year).

A total of 81 executive council employees were paid between $100,000 and $199,000, down from 93 in 2014-15.

Labor opposition leader Peter Cumming said the fact those executives were well remunerated meant the council should follow the state government's lead in scrapping bonuses.

"On top of their very large salaries, these council bureaucrats are paid executive bonuses that aren't listed in this annual report," he said.


"They have cost council upwards of $2 million annually in years past."

Cr Cumming said "fat cat bonuses" needed to be scrapped so the money could instead be channelled into council services.

But Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said his Liberal National Party administration was simply following the lead of its Labor predecessor.

"We all need to remember that it was the Labor Party who introduced executive bonuses in Brisbane City Council," he said.

"That's the real problem, isn't it? Keeping a position is a real dilemma for the Labor Party. It is a problem they grapple with every week, keeping that position from week to week."

Cr Quirk said Labor last had a chance to scrap the bonus system in the 2004-08 council term, when Campbell Newman was lord mayor and the ALP had the majority in the council chamber.

There is only one officer in this council that receives more than $500,000 in salary. You go down to the state house and you will find many of the director-generals (sic) are well in excess of that.

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk

"Well may Premier Palaszczuk have undertaken a removal of the bonus scheme, but I wonder just by what extent salaries increased at the time that scheme was removed," he said.

"There is only one officer in this council that receives more than $500,000 in salary.

"You go down to the state house and you will find many of the director-generals (sic) are well in excess of that.

"I wonder what the Premier's own director-general, you know, did you look at that?"

The director-general of Premier and Cabinet, David Stewart, had a $678,260 remuneration package, according to the Queensland government website.

The actual size of Mr Jensen's remuneration package was not disclosed in the council's annual report.

Cr Quirk's pay package, which included superannuation, has risen from $292,211 to $297,266, while the leader of the opposition's, now Cr Cumming, rose from $194,807 to $198,178.

Deputy mayor Adrian Schrinner's remuneration package rose from $230,226 to $234,209, while members of the Civic Cabinet, along with council chairman Angela Owen, saw their packages increase from $221,371 to $225,200.

Ordinary councillors' packages increased to $180,161, from $177,097 in 2014-15.

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