
Consumer Security

Stainless steel fridge iStock photo | File #: 10188471 SMH DESIGN 14.05.10

Your fridge is watching you

Your fridge is getting so smart, security-software experts think you probably shouldn't trust it.

Change your passwords: Dropbox hack hits 60m

The 2012 Dropbox hack was broader than the company thought.

Dropbox has confirmed that a data breach discovered and disclosed in 2012 was bigger than previously known, and according to one report could involve almost 69 million accounts.

iPhone hackers still wiping digital lives

Kapil knew something was wrong when he recieved this strange notification on his iPhone. He immediately disconnected his ...

Hackers are still defeating Apple's security safeguards to remotely wipe their victim's devices — deleting family photos and other precious files — despite iCloud's two-factor security upgrade.

Ransomware attackers raise their fees

Consumers are still being hit by ransomware, but criminals are increasingly after richer pickings.

Cyber criminals have adopted a "gold rush" mentality after successfully using ransomware to extort money from businesses, United States security software firm Symantec has warned.