Federal Politics

Pyne blames 'stuff up' for Parliament vote loss

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Leader of the House Christopher Pyne in Parliament on Thursday night.

Leader of the House and Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne says he did not give MPs permission to leave Parliament early, labelling Thursday's embarrassing defeats in the House of Representatives a "stuff up".

Fresh questions over Dastyari's entitlements

Kim Carr and Sam Dastyari pose for a picture on Victoria's 2014 election day.

Sam Dastyari has pointed to his attendance at a Chinese film festival to justify using taxpayer funds to campaign for Labor, even though MPs are banned from using their travel perks for political work.

Audit finds serious failings in asylum seeker healthcare

Nauru asylum seekers.

The contractor responsible for the health of asylum seekers has been slugged more than $300,000 for problems relating to treatment of tuberculosis and other serious diseases in onshore detention, raising grave questions over the quality of care delivered to vulnerable people behind the wire.

Labor emboldened by poll to block plebiscite

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has hardened his rhetoric against the plebiscite in recent weeks.

Labor will be emboldened to block a same-sex marriage plebiscite after the largest ever poll on the issue found progressive voters overwhelmingly want to avoid Malcolm Turnbull's faltering plan for a public vote.

Hanson and Abbott kiss and make up in bizarre staged video

Pauline Hanson posted her bizarre chat with Tony Abbott to her Facebook page.

Pauline Hanson blames Tony Abbott for her imprisonment over now quashed electoral fraud charges but the pair have made up in a bizarre staged video posted to the Senator's Facebook page, in a move that will spark further speculation the former prime minister is attempting a political comeback

Dastyari, standing beside donor, backed China in sea dispute

Yuhu Group CEO Huang Xiangmo and Sam Dastyari at a press conference for the Chinese community in Sydney on June 17.

Labor powerbroker Sam Dastyari has been admonished by a senior factional ally and is facing further scrutiny after it was revealed he backed China's position in the South China Sea dispute at an event with a prominent Chinese-Australian political donor.