
Michael Bachelard

Michael Bachelard is The Age's investigations editor. A former Indonesia correspondent, political reporter and workplace relations writer, he was awarded a Jefferson Fellowship in journalism in 2005. He is the author of Behind The Exclusive Brethren.

Ernst & Young looked at a number of BMW customer files that threw up red flags.

BMW car finance for anyone, whether or not you can pay

BMW has been so desperate to get people behind the wheel of its luxury cars that its finance company gave loans to people with zero or even negative disposable incomes and accepted false loan documents while paying big bonuses to its most reckless salesmen.

Acquire Learning executive chairman Andrew Demetriou.

Demetriou company Acquire Learning accused of unconscionable conduct

Former AFL chief Andrew Demetriou's vocational education company Acquire Learning has been accused of unconscionable conduct, making false or misleading representations and breaching consumer law after selling government-funded courses to tens of thousands of job-seekers.

Sean Price had a long history of violent and sexual offending but was living in the community.

Sean Price was on bail when he killed Masa Vukotic

"Our justice system failed Masa Vukotic. It failed her family and friends. It is a tragedy that must force change", said Victorian Premier Dan Andrews of the man who murdered the Doncaster teen while on bail over death threats as well as being under a court supervision order.