Splunk .conf2016 – the EMEA Angle!

Hello everyone,
flight_emeaSplunk .conf2016 is just 5 weeks away and we are excited that people from around the world will be heading to Orlando to make it our biggest event yet. To make your scheduling easier, I have summarized the sessions from EMEA customers at .conf2016, who are talking about how they
use Splunk for everything from transforming security, to successfully launching a new digital service. I have also added sessions from our channel partners who are joining from Europe.




This year, we are lucky enough to have Mike Stone, CIO at the UK Ministry of Defense, sp eaking as part of the security keynote on the Wednesday morning. He’ll be sharing his thoughts on digital transformation and how …

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Adding a Deployment Server / Forwarder Management to a new or existing Splunk Cloud (or Splunk Enterprise) Deployment

As part of the Cloud Adoption team, I am working with Splunk Cloud (and Splunk Enterprise) customers on a daily basis and I get asked questions quite frequently about how to optimize, and effectively reduce, administration overhead. This becomes especially relevant when I am talking with new or relatively new customers that are expanding from a handful of forwarders, into the 100’s or 1000’s of forwarders. And I always say…. start with a Deployment Server.

For larger customers that have trained and experienced Splunk Administrators, or have engaged with Professional Services, this is a given and typically already exists in their deployments.

On the other end however, new Splunk Cloud and Splunk Enterprise customers may not have this luxury.…

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Splunk documentation feedback: how it works and what makes a champion

On Monday this week, we at Splunk HQ had the pleasure of hosting Rich Mahlerwein, founding SplunkTrust member, cape-and-fez wearer, and Senior Systems Engineer at the Forest County Potawatomi IT Department. During his visit, I asked Rich to come and meet the documentation team.

Rich is legendary among the Splunk doc writers for the quality of the feedback he offers, and how often he sends it. So they were eager to meet him in person.

Here on the Splunk documentation team, our writers work hard to make sure our content is relevant, accurate, and matches the way our customers use Splunk software in the real world. An essential aspect of that is customer feedback. The Splunk doc team enjoys …

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Splunk4Good. London to Paris – 284 miles of pedal power.

PedalParisLogo284 miles or 460km. That’s the distance from London to Paris and starting Thursday, a team of six highly trained Splunk athletes (with a combined age that is higher than you might think) are cycling from London to Paris to raise money for the Royal British Legion.

For those of you who don’t know who the Royal British Legion (RBL) are, they are a charity that raises much needed money to support the vital welfare work that takes care of the armed forces community. The Royal British Legion provides support to the whole armed forces family – serving staff, ex-service people and their dependents.

The RBL also campaigns on issues affecting service people. To this end they spend £1.4 …

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#splunkconf16 preview: Business Analytics, IoT & Industrial Data at .conf2016

SCL-Splunk-conf2016-preview-BigDataIdeas_twtr1-440x220My favorite technology conference – Splunk .conf2016 is around the corner! Truth be told it feels more like a family reunion than an event. .conf2016 has grown leaps and bounds not only in terms of attendance, but also in terms of technical content, customer presentation, partners exhibiting, and just overall awesomeness!

.conf2016 promises to shine light on machine data like never before! Our amazing customers continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with Splunk, with their unique use cases and stories. No where is this more evident than our customers adopting Splunk for Business Analytics and IoT.  If you plan to be at .conf2016, I would be sure to attend these sessions! These sessions will fuel your imagination, …

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Bullseye! Arrow on target with Splunk award and ambitious plans for 2016 and beyond

BullseyeEarlier this year, Splunk had its Global Partner Summit in Las Vegas. We had hundreds of partners attend the three day event that was integrated with Splunk’s SKO. Arrow won the “Worldwide Distribution Partner of the Year” award and Arrow Sweden won the equivalent EMEA award.


The relationship with Arrow has gone from strength to strength and is a core part of Splunk’s business in EMEA. In our last EMEA partner spotlight we recently showcased the customer success that our partner Moviri have had in Italy and in this blog post we wanted to highlight the great work between Splunk and Arrow in EMEA.


Arrow work with a large number of technology providers and the relationship with Splunk …

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Dashboard Digest Series – Episode 1

Welcome to the Dashboard Digest Series! Starting today you can look forward to a different dashboard (and sometimes a collection of dashboards) that was created to solve one of many hundreds of use cases in just about any industry in hopes of getting your creative juices flowing and show you the art of possible of what you can create with Splunk.  Some upcoming examples you can expect in this series are depicted in the collage below.


Each post will contain information about the dashboard such as data sources involved, Splunk version, Apps used, and general purpose. This is a great way to see new features and learn about tips and tricks on how to create these dashboards!

So let’s get started!

The first …

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The Big Data Campaign Trail

Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 4.48.59 PMToday Splunk announced the results of a Public Sector IT research project, The Big Data Campaign Trail – Every Data Point Matters for Better IT Operations.

Having been in IT Operations for a couple of decades now, I found the insights very interesting because I believe agencies and educational institutions are going through a fundamental digital transformation which is bringing them to a crossroads.   As an architect who works with our public sector customers’ daily I want to share my thoughts on the results over a series of three blogs.  This first one will highlight the major findings, while the following two will offer some insights based on my experiences that I hope you find helpful and actionable.

The …

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Gartner Catalyst recap: City of San Diego Leading Innovation

San_Diego_City_SealA few perfectly pleasant and sunny days earlier this month formed an inviting setting for the Gartner Catalyst conference in San Diego.  I had the distinct honor of introducing and kicking off a session led by Mr. Gary Hayslip, the CISO for the City of San Diego, on how they use data analytics to fight cyber threats, manage application delivery, coordinate city-wide IT services and help San Diego continue to innovate as a smart city. Consider the following:

  • The City of San Diego, long considered one of the most innovative cities in the world and the 8th largest city in the US, employs 11,000 people to serve its 1.5 Million citizens and conducts $4 Billion in business
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Women in Technology: Meet Booz Allen’s Angie Messer

Angie Messer, EVP, Booz Allen

Angie Messer, EVP, Booz Allen

When we launched our Women in Technology (#SplunkWiT) Q&A blog post series recently, I knew Angie Messer would be an inspiring woman to feature. I met Angie for the first time at .conf 2015, Splunk’s annual users conference when I participated in a “war game” exercise led by Booz Allen. What an experience! I’m delighted to share our recent conversation highlighting Angie’s thoughts on the importance of getting more women involved in STEM and cyber and the related initiatives Booz Allen supports.

Tell us about your role at Booz Allen Hamilton.
I’ve been at Booz Allen close to 20 years and have had multiple roles. Today, I lead Cyber in multiple …

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