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МісцяPortland, OregonKBOO Community Radio
March for Refugees in NE Portland today. We love and support our immigrant and refugee brothers and sisters!
Dan Brewster and A Step Above, formed specifically for the First Albina Jazz Festival!
Live now from the Fremont Theater for the Louis Armstrong Celebration! #Tunein at KBOO.fm
434 відгуки
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Dan Shea
· 9 червня 2017 р.
It is a great station because it is a community radio station with a Cadre of dedicated volunteers, staff, producers and program broadcasters.

It's not easy t...o keep a non-profit radio station on the air 24/7, it takes work, good programming, a loyal audience, breaking news reports and controversial commentaries, debates and interviews of interest.

I know how hard it is, I do a cable access TV program just once a month doing one hour live interviews and I find that exhausting.

Kudos to KBOO and to some of my favorite people who work & volunteer there.
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Amy Mellen
· 31 серпня 2017 р.
Thanks Jo for the impromptu interview Monday night, where we discussed the Cannabis Science Conference, and how I healed myself and got off opiates and other bi...g pharma.

Being able to share my healing journey with cannabis right here in my hometown meant a lot to me. We need more folks like you and KBOO, to provide a platform to have these kinds of discussions, so folks can start learning and ask themselves "is cannabis right for me". It's not for everyone, but everyone should be informed.and have a CHOICE.

I also enjoyed my time hanging with the crew from Cannabis Club TV and a few others; you gave this newbie in the industry some great memories, Thanks again Jo, you have a wonderful radio presence and I had a super fun night �
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Brian Johnstone
· 17 червня 2017 р.
Not only the best in news and public affairs but also cultural diversity -especially in this, racist, homophobic, "back to the future" insular, world-ignorant a...nd dumbed-down age of Drumpf. Some pretty good music, Jazz, country, folk, Non-commercial, listener supported, volunteer staffed and programmed (I've done a bit of programming and quite bit of volunteering myself when I worked in PDX; now live at the coast) and locally underwritten therefore beholding to no special interests, openly populist left in an age of right wing dogma, courageous, frank and often humorous -can even laff at itself.
It's hard to donate with only Social Security and a small British pension to live on but KBOO is worth every penny and more. the 'BOO and reader Supported News are the only media I support financially -PBS is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of commercial interests with their corporate "grants" so KBOO is almost the only independent US news source left -what PBS SHOULD be!
It's also the oldest such station in the US now if I'm not mistaken.
Lookin' forward to the 50-year anniversary specials, parties and other doings next year and hope i can contribute directly in some way to express my gratitude.
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John Acerbi
· 9 червня 2017 р.
In a continually dumbing down world of information which favors the ever growing oligarchic, even plutocratic, obscene amassing of wealth and power, the voices heard on KBOO are vital to the health and well-being of our community, locally and globally.
Audy Meadowthistle Davison
· 2 березень 2017 р.
It isn't every town that has it's own, independent radio station. KBOO is based on an ideal, it was started in the 60's when there was a belief that we could ma...ke the world a better place,it has been built on hours of donated time and small donations from people living on low wages and dreaming of a new kind of society. It is subversive, it is free of political, corporate, government influence. It is ours. Let's love it. Let's support it.
We need KBOO right now when their lies coming from every direction. It is a place where volunteers strive to sort out the truth.
It is a radical act to listen to KBOO.
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Vickie Hyde
· 8 липня 2017 р.
I just spent this morning-9-12 listening in Pittsburgh, PA and I think this show is terrific. And it's not just because I am the proud aunt of Gary Baysinger either. You've got some new fans here in Steeler country who think the same thing.
Alieux Casey-George
· 30 липня 2017 р.
I was invited to sit in a couple hours of programming by Dj and rapper Brenboy Brendon Reyes, and there were some rappers and djs visiting from Chicago. It was so great to be there and to be in the presence of so much talent!
Christie Stobie
· 17 червня 2017 р.
I think the station has become an unsavory place. There is a bunch of inside fighting and if you don't agree with the bearded ruler you are OUT!!! It's the hone...st truth from someone who was there when she got the job...now with the union , she won't be home. They took my show while I was caring for my parents while they were dying, a show I was a part of for 12 years, because of not having time for Pledge Drive. It was done under a piece of KBOOs rules for having a show. I was on the personal committee that created this rule and it was never meant to be used against people for family situation, it was to set guide lines for people WHO NEVER HELP. Ani Haines will ruin the station till she's out. I will not go back till she and her minions are gone. Its not what it was when Alan Bailey ran the station. I have no faith in a station that gets rid of shows that have tremendous value to the community but Ani doesn't like the host so they pull out all these rulings and then fill the great shows with filler shit. Like dance music all night. I actually know Ani personally and she will hold a grudge for the rest of her life. If you want to be at KBOO better get used to kissing Ani's...well you fill in what you want, but you understand the meaning. She manipulates situations and people and fabricates information to get her agenda done. Показати більше...
Victoria Faith
· 14 березень 2017 р.
Hello KBOO,i started listen your radio station in the moment when one of my relatives moved in Portland ,i was always impressed about how much you are doing fo...r the community .Every time i listen your news i wonder how did you find so many talented people to work with.Well there were moment when i said to myself ,this approach was good or not so good .I never intended to point something but today i was kinda of sad.Don't know who produced today news,March 14th on 5 pm. I know for a fact that this is the day Albert Einstein was born,so to chose a commentary and bad joke about Pie day versus Albert Einstein birthday, was really something worth it of Golden Raspberry Awards and the winner is today's producer of the news.I was sad to listen today's news,only 30 minutes and no sparkles of Hightower ? Показати більше...
Lucrecia E. Choto
· 7 годин тому
This radio station is for people who want to think. I may not always agree with the arguments proposed but respect the level of knowledge and research that goes into producing each segment.
Jenny Jo
· 8 серпня 2017 р.
I love this station. It would be helpful to have more real time info on the kboo site as to what's playing, while it's playing.
Illonna Graham
· 28 лютого 2017 р.
I love listening to the Melting Pot show with Jo Takimba every Tues night from 8pm-10pm, and I also love Jo's Silent Disco events out in the park on different locations!
Leslie Pintarich
· 12 червня 2017 р.
I think its important to have a varied perspective on things and KBOO helps round things out for me.
Fabi Vazquez
· 19 квітня 2017 р.
It's always a pleasure to come at KBOO! Thank you KBOO for helping us local artists to reach out our communities. Thank you FA Radio, Buscando América and Tonali for all your support always!
Sam Parrish
· 19 серпня 2016 р.
Regardless of when I might tune in, I always end up learning something new. There are several genres of music I enjoy, but with which I am not familiar enough t...o know what to look for. The DJs on KBOO bring a breadth and depth of knowledge that provides a running temporary library of the best examples of that program's focus as well as names from which to start a less ephemeral collection. The news crew investigates issues and stories that are left untouched elsewhere, as well as angles of those more-widely covered, more deeply and more thoughtfully than other outlets. Показати більше...
Doug McVay
· 9 березень 2017 р.
Great station with a wide variety of music and excellent public affairs and news programs!
Richard Lindsay
· 27 січня 2017 р.
I waited for nearly 45 minutes for waitstaff to bring me a menu before I realized I was at a radio station. Was my face red!
Four and a half stars!
Cathy Udy
· 18 травня 2017 р.
KBOO & KMJK = BEST IN PORTLAND!!! Especially The Bite & other events broadcasted on KBOO, make this my FAVE station to keep track of! KBOO Always has something on that piques my interest! Their live broadcast's are second only to being there!!! Keep up the good vibes!!!
Melissa Meadows
· 12 травня 2017 р.
Luva luva this Kaboo.....a down to earth radio station...
Matthew Sulser
· 10 лютого 2016 р.
Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman has become my favorite way to start weekdays, providing a concise & unbiased accounting of current events in just a few minutes.... News about important events sans propaganda seems difficult to find these days and I'm loving Amy.

Also enjoy Paul Roland's respectful treatment of callers to his talk show.

And while I may not be a fan of all the eclectic sounds KBOO plays throughout the day, I'm appreciative of the diversity respected and happy we have a radio station that serves a wide variety of listeners without being locked into a single format.
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Come support the fine crew of KBOO Grateful Dead & Friends and your favorite community radio station.

сб 12:00 PDTThe White EaglePortland, Oregon, United States
Музика · 115 людей

Need updates on the Eagle Creek Fire, including today's evacuation levels for Cascade Locks, Hood River and Multnomah counties? KBOO Community Radio has daily updates. https://kboo.fm/wildfires

For real time evacuation information, please call 211 or http://211info.org/wildfire/ (they have live staff to answer questions), or contact your local sheriff: the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office, Hood River County Sheriff's Office, or Skamania County Sheriff's Office ( skamaniasheriff.com ) as conditions can change rapidly. You can sign up for emergency phone or text alerts in each county.

Світлина від Eagle Creek and Indian Creek Fires 2017.
Eagle Creek and Indian Creek Fires 2017

Here's a recent map from this morning's IR flight over the Eagle Creek Fire. At this time, the fire is mapped at 30,929 acres and has merged with the Indian Cr...eek Fire. At it's westernmost point, there is heat near Latourell Falls, but the fire has not reached Crown Point- a location many of you have asked about. More information and maps can be found at InciWeb https://go.usa.gov/xR6QC

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