
To sign up for the following trainings, you must first attend a volunteer orientation. Our next volunteer orientation will be held on Wesday, July 20th, 7 - 9 pm. If you have already been to orientation, and would like to sign up for any of these trainings, or discuss which trainings you need, please contact Ani Haines

Please see our volunteer page for more about volunteering, and attending the orientation.

While trainings are free to active volunteers at KBOO, we do require that you volunteer for eight-hours for each training you schedule.

We have regular trainings monthly to help build skills in audio production and news writing & reporting.

Intro to Studio and Audio Production

Thursday September 8th,  4-8pm with Jenna Yokoyama

Saturday September 10th  2-5pm, with Ken Jones

Saturday September 17th 1-4pm, with Sean Steward

with Tim Nakayama

Learn your way around the KBOO Studios, how to use a mixing board, a microphone, and an audio source, how to do a phone interview, and how to use our production facilities. This is the very first production training you should take, and it is required for all future training.


We also require a listening session after this class.The listening sessions

with BreAna Loranger


Legal Training: FCC Issues in Broadcast

Saturday September 3rd 2-4pm, with Erin Yanke

This is a required course for all on-air volunteers. You will learn all about FCC regulations — like indecency, slander/libel, payola/plugola, and so much more.

Board Operator Training

with Ian Gadberry

You will shadow the Board Ops for a few shows. You will learn the ins and outs of the Air Room, as well as how to communicate with the program host, how to cue music, etiquette for putting calls on the air, how to be prepared for emergencies,  and much more. You will then  practice running the Board in Production One, using morning run sheets.

Field Recording

with Theo Burke

We  will focus on using the Zoom Recorders that  KBOO has available for field recording.  You will learn the check-out and check-in procedure for equipment,  how to put your new audio on the computer for editing, and tips for getting the most out of your field recording.

Introduction to Social Media

please contact  Nathaniel Bachelder for individual instruction

This class is for those with little or no social media experience, or those who have personal accounts and want to learn the basics of social media for promoting your radio show.

You will learn about Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr: how they work and how to use them to increase your radio audience, and basic Do’s and Don’ts of social media .

Prerequisite: Introduction to Studio and Audio Production, and Listening Session. 

PM News Orientation

Learn the basics of KBOO Evening news production process, how to begin volunteering with Evening news, how the Newsroom production studio works, and some basic interviewing techniques. 

Sept 8,  noon-1pm with Lisa Loving
Oct. 7, noon-1pm with Lisa Loving
Nov. 10, noon-1pm with Lisa Loving
Dec. 9 noon-1pm with Lisa Loving


News Writing for Radio

Oct. 14 noon-1pm with Lisa Loving
Nov. 18, noon-1pm with Lisa Loving

You will learn how to effectively write new copy for radio: intros, outtros, what to avoid, how to write copy for anchors, and the basics of voicing into microphones. Prerequisite:NEWSROOM ORIENTATION.

Interviewing Techniques

August 26  noon-1pm with  Lisa Loving
Sept. 30  noon-1pm with  Lisa Loving
Oct. 21 noon-1pm with  Lisa Loving
Dec. 16 noon-1pm with  Lisa Loving

Interviewing techniques – the art of the interview.  It’s more than just putting a microphone in front of someone!  Learn how to prepare for your interview, how to phrase your questions, and audio techniques for maximum effect. This training is aimed at news and public affairs volunteers.

Long-form Interviewing
Thursday Auguts 25th 10-11:30am with Kathleen Stephenson
Learn how to conduct a long form interview - the half hour to one hour focus on cultural affairs and public affairs llike author interviews.
Participants must have already done some news interviews or other radio interviews.

Announcing and Mic Technique

How to use the number one tool of radio, The Microphone, to your advantage. We'll learn how to sound good on the microphone, how to prepare your script and voice, and more!

Live Remote Broadcasting

Learn about Engineering setup, mixing, and Board Operation for broadcasting away from KBOO studios - Live Remote Broadcasting! Get the training to be part of KBOO’s Live Remote Team!

with Tom Hood

Prerequisite:Intro to Audio Production, Legal  Training, and the Listening Session.

Music Programming Essentials

Discuss some of the basic elements that are essential to quality music programming, both in technical skills and in compelling content. We will be sharing Tips, Pet Peeves, and do peer evaluations.

Public Affairs Programming Essentials

Thursday August 25th 4-6pm with  Delphine Crisenzo

Saturday September 24th 10am - Noon with  Delphine Crisenzo

Discuss some of the basic elements that are essential to quality public affairs programming, both in technical skills and in compelling content. We will be sharing Tips, Pet Peeves, and learn how to do Critical Listening Evaluations.

Beginning Digital Editing

Friday September 9th 6-7pm with Erin Yanke

This class is the general introduction to the Adobe Audition Program. You will learn about file management, about digital editing, and how to upload your work onto the KBOO website, and how to download audio and edit it for KBOO airplay

PRE-REQUISITE: Introduction to Studio and Audio Production and Listening Session, Legal Training

One -on - One Trainings can also be arraned by contacting Delphine Criscenzo at

Advanced Digital Editing

Thrusday September 15th Noon - 2pm with Rolf Semprebon

Learn how to use the multitrack functions in Adobe Audition, and make spots for KBOO on-air promotions.

PRE-REQUISITE: Introduction to Studio and Audio Production and Listening Session, Legal Training, Digital Editing

Introduction to Podcasting

Saturday August 20th 2-4pm with Erin Yanke

Learn how podcasting at KBOO is different from Broadcasting at KBOO. Learn how to set up your podcast, what your rights and responsibilities are as a KBOO podcaster, and more!

Music Library Orientation

with Erin Yanke

Learn how our library is organized, how we add music to our collection, and get involved in archiving our live music and creating the library database.


Live Music Mixology: How to Mix and Broadcast Live Bands

with Jessy Damon, and Jon Wohlfert

You will learn how to mix and broadcast live performances in the KBOO studios. On the second day of the class you will mix a live band. You MUST attend both days.

Prerequisite: Introduction to Audio Production, Audio Production Listening Session, Legal Training