- published: 27 Feb 2017
- views: 4775
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Carly Rae Jepsen (born November 21, 1985) is a Canadian singer and songwriter from Mission, British Columbia, and later based in Vancouver. In 2007, she placed third in Canadian Idol season five's competition. Jepsen independently released her debut album, Tug of War, in 2008. In 2011, she released the single "Call Me Maybe", which was followed in 2012 by her debut EP, Curiosity, and her second album, Kiss. "Call Me Maybe" reached number one in 18 countries during 2012 and was the year's best-selling single worldwide. Jepsen's third album, Emotion, was released in 2015 with mostly positive reviews, and was heavily influenced by songs from the 1980s. Its lead single "I Really Like You" reached the top 5 in the United Kingdom, the top 10 in Japan, top 15 in Jepsen's native Canada, and top 40 in the United States.
Jepsen has received multiple awards and nominations, including three Juno Awards, a Billboard Music Award, and an Allan Slaight Award. As of May 2015, Jepsen has sold more 20 million records worldwide.
Kelly Brianne Clarkson (born April 24, 1982) is an American singer, songwriter and children's book author. She rose to fame in 2002 after winning the first season of American Idol, and has since been established as "The Original American Idol". Her debut single, "A Moment Like This", topped the United States Billboard Hot 100 and became the best-selling single of 2002 in the U.S. She became the runner-up of World Idol the following year. Clarkson's debut studio album, Thankful (2003), debuted at number one on the Billboard 200. It was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) while selling over 4.5 million copies worldwide. Its lead single, "Miss Independent," became an international top-ten hit.
Trying to reinvent her own image, Clarkson decided to part ways with American Idol management and developed a rock-oriented sound for her second album, Breakaway (2004). It was certified sextuple-platinum and sold over 15 million copies worldwide. The album earned Clarkson two Grammy Awards for Best Pop Vocal Album and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. Taking full creative control of her third album, My December (2007), Clarkson served as the executive producer and co-wrote the entire album's material. Clarkson's fourth album, All I Ever Wanted (2009), became her second album to debut at number one on the Billboard 200. Its lead single, "My Life Would Suck Without You", holds the record for the biggest jump to number one on the Billboard Hot 100.
Agnes Bruckner (born August 16, 1985) is an American actress and former photomodell. She began acting on television in the late 1990s and has since appeared in several films, including The Woods, Blue Car,Murder By Numbers, Blood and Chocolate, and The Anna Nicole Story.
Bruckner was born in Hollywood, California, to a Hungarian father and a Russian mother who have since divorced; her paternal grandfather was German. Her parents met in Hungary and immigrated to the U.S. in 1984 through a refugee camp in Italy. She has two sisters and a brother.
Bruckner speaks some Russian and is fluent in Hungarian, having grown up speaking the language. She has been involved in dance, ballet, and tap since the age of five and initially wanted to pursue a career as a dancer. At the age of eight, Bruckner worked as a child model at the suggestion of her mother and also appeared in a beauty pageant. Bruckner grew up in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles, California, until age five and then lived in Portland, Oregon, until age ten. She returned with her family to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career, moving to Burbank, California.
James Francis Cameron (born August 16, 1954) is a Canadian filmmaker, director, producer, screenwriter, inventor, engineer, philanthropist, and deep-sea explorer. He first found major success with the science fiction action film The Terminator (1984). He then became a popular Hollywood director and was hired to write and direct Aliens (1986); three years later he followed up with The Abyss (1989).
He found further critical acclaim for his use of special effects in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). After his film True Lies (1994) Cameron took on his biggest film at the time, Titanic (1997), which earned him Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director and Film Editing.
After Titanic, Cameron began a project that took almost 10 years to make: his science-fiction epic Avatar (2009), which was in particular a landmark for 3D technology, and for which he received nominations for the same three Academy Awards. In the time between making Titanic and Avatar, Cameron spent several years creating many documentary films (specifically underwater documentaries) and co-developed the digital 3D Fusion Camera System. Described by a biographer as part scientist and part artist, Cameron has also contributed to underwater filming and remote vehicle technologies. On March 26, 2012, Cameron reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean, in the Deepsea Challenger submersible. He is the first person to do this in a solo descent, and is only the third person to do so ever.
Ali Khan may refer to:
注意!家中千萬不可擺放這幾樣東西,會讓你百病纏身厄運連連...錢財都流光光!1、銅錢 如果你能肯定那是家族流傳下來的話,那就放心大膽的保存吧,那也許還能帶給你類似護身符的作用。但大家也許都知道吧,古代方術占卜中龜殼和銅錢是最有效的靈媒工具了吧。尤其是明代道教盛行的年代流傳下來的銅錢,受相師熏染已久,所以往往可以聚靈。你如果想家裡多一個人吃飯同住的話,那就留著吧。 2、仙人球 很多人認為家裡要擺點綠色植物的話,會比較有生機,其實偶也喜歡地。但是,要注意有選擇的擺放哦。擺放仙人球(掌)就是個極大的誤區。在傳統的風水學上來講,這種綠色植物雖然是很好養活的植物,但它是地道的凶物,也就是說,只有家中遭遇極大變故才會擺放仙人球來壓邪。諸如家中有往生者或是災禍連連它才能用以驅邪避災,以毒攻毒說的就是這種情況。可見它在風水中扮演的角色了吧。所以各位如果想養養植物,但又不需要經常打理的話呢,還是改養吊蘭或是太陽花之類的東西吧,它們同樣是很好養活的哦。 3、來路不明的古舊衣服 有的人喜歡淘寶,在舊貨市場上淘到舊衣的也不是沒有,但要注意了,一個人身上最容易沾染人的氣息的就是衣服了。它們伴隨主人左右,有的甚至見證了主人的死亡。古衣不祥早在古書中就有記載。所以,千萬不要把它們留在家中,特別是家裡有你所深愛的人的時候,放棄原有的愛好吧。 4、毛髮 有的人會將毛髮製成的工藝品,譬如少數民族的面具拉,繡屏拉......那些都是......希望大家注意了。 5、一點光都透不進來的厚重窗簾 室內光線太亮當然是讓人不舒服的,但是且不說暗淡的室光會使眼睛疲勞,它還會聚集輕薄的東西,得道法師的家裡是一片黑暗,呵呵,那是電影裡的情節,現實中可完全相反哦。癌症饮食 致癌食品 癌症的形成 癌症治愈 癌症 癌 癌症是怎样好的 癌症晚期癌症是怎样好的 癌症防治三大重點 治好癌症 健康食物 增強肝臟機能 癌症食療方 癌症预防 ...
50歲後身體老化加速!50歲60歲70歲防衰老,就要補這些!抗衰老,增強免疫力,延長壽命!人過中年,身體機能自然退化,人體對維生素和礦物質的吸收效率降低,為了改善這種情況,就需要有針對性地補充一些營養素。那麼,50歲、60歲、70歲分別應該補充些什麼營養素呢?近日,美國《AARP》雜誌就介紹了各年齡段老年人需要加強補充的營養。一起來看看吧~50歲 1,補鈣、維生素D50歲后,骨質流失加快,尤其是女性。老年人缺乏維王素D時,骨質疏鬆發生率高,易發生骨折。建議這個年齡段的男性每兩天補充600國際單位的維生素D和1000毫克的鈣,女性補鈣應達到1200毫克。良好的含鈣食物:牛奶、海帶、蝦皮、豆製品、動物骨頭等等。補充鈣的同時也應該注意維生素D的補充,因為維生素D能促進鈣的吸收,多晒晒太陽,或者吃點魚肝油都是不錯的方式。2,歐米伽3脂肪酸《醫生的排毒飲食》作者,註冊營養師克莉絲汀·格布施泰特表示,歐米伽3脂肪酸對減少人體各重要器官的發炎風險有重要作用。它抑制肝內脂質及脂蛋白合成,能降低血漿中膽固醇、甘油三酯。專家推薦,每日補充劑量為1000毫克(包括EPA和DHA)。良好食物來源有:亞麻籽油、核桃、鮭魚、毛豆。3,益生菌益生菌想必我們都不陌生,通過補充益生菌,可以改善腸道環境,增強人體對養分的吸收效率。還可以增強我們的免疫力,延長壽命。建議每周安排幾天補充10億~100億CFU單位(菌落形成單位)的益生菌。良好食物來源有:酸奶、泡菜、乳酪、開心果等。60歲 1,補維生素B12維生素B12對於維持健康的神經細胞和紅細胞非常關鍵,缺乏維生素B12輕則導致疲勞、眩暈,重則會引起神經損傷、貧血和痴獃。 維生素B12多存在於動物食品中,因此科學家建議素食者和老年人尤其要注意多吃富含維生素B12的食物,以彌補膳食中維生素B12不足的缺陷。因此,建議老年人每天要補充2.4微克維生素B12。良好食...
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難怪你臉上斑越來越多,就因為你老做這些事.......不要再做了!不然臉上爬滿雀斑了!1、久坐不動 研究發現,久坐不動使新陳代謝變得遲緩,長期如此,容易面臨高血壓、糖尿病的威脅。相比之下,每隔一段時間就起身活動的人,患代謝綜合征的幾率更低。 心理學家表示,即使每天都去健身房,但其他時間全部都坐在椅子上,也算久坐。建議上班族最好養成隨時站立的習慣,比如站著打電話、開會等;久坐后要起身擴擴胸、伸伸懶腰、活動頸部。 2、睡眠不足睡眠不足可能降低人體對葡萄糖的調節能力,同時減少瘦素分泌,增加飢餓素分泌,使人容易感到飢餓,間接造成脂肪代謝異常。建議每天至少要保證7小時的睡眠。3、不勤洗手 腺病毒是一種能感染呼吸道、胃腸道等器官的常見病毒,能夠導致細胞新陳代謝功能紊亂,往往通過咳嗽、打噴嚏和不潔凈的手傳播。因此,經常洗手能避免病毒感染的風險,保護新陳代謝。 4、喝酒總貪杯 大量攝入酒精會給肝臟帶來負擔,導致新陳代謝低下,脂肪更容易積聚。不過,美國亞特蘭大疾病控制中心研究發現,喝少量低度酒可以加速血液循環,促進新陳代謝。所以,喝酒切忌貪杯,適度喝點葡萄酒有助新陳代謝。5、吃果蔬不認真洗 受農藥污染食品里所含的有毒物質,攝入體內後會儲存在脂肪細胞里,干擾能量代謝,減慢新陳代謝速度。建議清洗果蔬時,流水下搓洗半分鐘是最好的辦法,也可以在水中加點麵粉浸泡、揉搓后再沖洗,葉菜最好多衝幾遍。6、飲食太「精緻」總吃精米、精面,以及蛋糕、餅乾等精加工食物,會導致維生素B、E缺乏,並會減少鉀、鋅和鐵等微量元素攝入,進而影響人體的代謝。優質蛋白質含量高的食物,比如魚、蝦、豆類等,本身有促進新陳代謝的作用。燕麥、蕎麥等全穀食物含有豐富的膳食纖維,能夠降低膽固醇、清潔腸胃,幫助新陳代謝處於正常水平。7、從不吃辣 研究顯示,辣椒中的辣椒素會刺激新陳代謝,讓身體細胞加速活動,有助控制體重。不妨根據自己的口味定期吃...
健康 资讯 人生 南瓜千萬不能和 「它」一起進吃 看完後出了一身冷汗 ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig7ICJ3NT-o 【這種「豆」是化血栓第一豆 】 簡直是豆中之寶,不知道你就虧大了! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4s7ieIbPxWo 心靈舒果--有些事,看穿但不要說穿 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR0BqIehnj0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 肝癌不痛不養,都發現在晚期。 留意5種癥狀,能救你的命。 肝臟是人體代謝主要功能器官, 但肝臟病發很多時候沒有明顯癥狀表現, 於是忽略了肝臟疾病,當發現後,往往都已經在晚期。 我們必須留意日常生活出現的五種癥狀 1.臉色晦暗 與太陽曬黑的皮膚不同,臉部暗淡而無光澤 另外,嚴重的黑眼圈都是慢性肝病患者的早前癥狀, 其中大多數為慢性B肝。 2.皮膚發黃 未患過肝炎的人,肝病患者早期癥狀在畏寒, 發熱,惡心,嘔吐,肝痛,極度乏力後, 忽然現眼睛和皮膚發黃,表明患了急性黃疸型肝炎 ,出現黃疸表明病情嚴重。 3.肝掌 與常人的手掌顏色不同,普通人的手掌顏色紅潤, 而患有肝病的病人的手掌是泛白無血色的。 4.蜘蛛痣 中間有一紅點,周遭有血絲狀,類似於蚊蟲叮咬的癥狀。 當壓迫痣中心時,全痣會消失,放開後又會出現。 男性有蜘蛛痣,85%的人有不同程度肝組織的肝臟病變, 其中約30%為肝硬化。 5.全身表現 身體乏力,容易疲勞是最長見的全身表現。 部分肝患者有不同程度黃疸, 尿液必須黃色,眼睛黃和皮膚黃。 1.大棗 大棗中營...
鞋子「太小號」穿不下別丟掉!賣鞋小姐透露:「重複這樣做」鞋子就變大啦 .... 鞋子再怎麼買好像永遠都少一雙,最頭痛的莫非就是新鞋的磨合期啦!要是熬不過,很有可能這雙鞋就會被你打入冷宮,要再拿出來穿可能就需要點勇氣了,好消息是現在分享一個方法,絕對要你的鞋子們重見天日啦!問題一:鞋子小半碼!! 這時候你有可能去找鞋匠用「鞋撐」來撐,但是現在你有了新選擇,那就是「冰撐法」! 1:找個塑膠密封袋,裝入1/3的水。2:將水袋塞進鞋子,尤其是太緊的地方,要讓水袋填滿不留縫隙。3:將鞋子放進冰櫃,注意要順著的水重力,保持讓水袋撐滿過於緊的部位。4:待袋中的水結冰后,體積會均勻膨脹(冰的密度小於水),同時將皮革往外撐。一般在冰櫃凍一晚取出來即可。5:從冰櫃拿出鞋子后,注意待冰融化后再將水袋取出即可,若依舊嫌緊,可再塞新的水袋重復操作。除了高跟鞋,其他鞋子的處理方式也是一樣的。問題二:鞋子大半碼!! 鞋大半碼怎麼辦?1:當然,最舒服簡單的方式是:墊一個「全腳鞋墊」,或穿厚些的襪子。前提是大小差異正合適。2:如果塞全腳鞋墊后還是覺得鬆,可以再加入一層「前掌半碼墊」來填補不合腳的空隙。用前掌半碼墊的同時,也可輔助以「後跟半碼墊」(防磨腳)「前掌/後跟半碼墊」都可以直接在網上買到,有時買鞋也會贈送。3:如果半碼墊還不夠緊,可以再在鞋頭塞一些棉花/紙巾(注意,可能會帶來輕微不適感)。問題三:鞋子磨腳 1:穿鞋的前一晚做皮革軟化(針對所有皮鞋)方法A:用濕的報紙/紙巾敷在皮鞋磨腳的地方(如後跟/側邊等),敷一晚第二天就好了。方法B:用蒸汽熏需要軟化的皮革處3-4分鐘,也能快速起效。2:常備後跟貼,沒有後跟貼也可以用OK蹦替代。此外,正如前文提到的,這種貼在鞋子後跟內側的「後跟半碼墊」也可以有效起到防磨腳跟的作用。是不是很實用呢? 趕快把鞋子從鞋櫃裡拿出來試試吧! 癌症饮食 致癌食品 癌症的形成 癌...
一條冤魂.72小時通牒 台灣絕不接受艾奎諾的「無聲道歉」?! 一出門「砰一聲」就把你擊沉 台灣海空大軍壓境菲律賓?! 世界第三強的台灣海軍陸戰隊 美軍顧問團:就像海豹部隊?! 《劉寶傑》官方粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/Paojye 《關鍵時刻》粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/CTimefans 《關鍵時刻》頻道訂閱:https://www.youtube.com/user/ettvCTime?sub_confirmation=1
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老年痴呆很可怕,預防原來這麼簡單,99%的人不知道!早起習慣 1.起床後馬上喝杯溫開水 人體在一夜睡眠中會丟失500毫升水分,起床後需要立刻補充。而且溫開水有助提升體溫,體溫每上升1℃,人體基礎代謝也會隨之提高10%。2.一周至少喝3次蔬果汁 一周至少喝3次蔬菜或水果汁,能把得認知障礙症(老年痴呆症)的風險降低75%。3.每天曬15分鐘太陽 適量多曬太陽能幫助人體製造維生素D,而研究表明維生素D有抗癌作用。上班習慣 公務包裡帶上幾塊黑巧克力 吃上幾塊黑巧克力能為你補充能量,有助提高工作效率;而且黑巧克力富含多酚,有助抗老化。同時它的升糖指數低,有助控血糖。家務習慣 愛做飯 有研究表明,喜歡做飯的人不易得認知障礙症,操心一天三餐對大腦就是種良性刺激。日常生活習慣 儘量避開碳酸飲料、加工食品 可樂等碳酸飲料及快餐等加工食品含有大量的磷,會妨礙人體吸收鈣,不利骨骼健康。運動習慣 1.適當出汗運動量要以出汗為宜,幫助排出體內蓄積的毒素。2.設法減重5% 健康活到百歲者的一大共同特徵就是不胖,體重只要降低5%,得糖尿病和高血壓的風險就會下降。3.每天步行30分鐘 有研究表明,死亡率最高的人是那些平時幾乎不走路的人,每天步行30分鐘,能促進血液循環,有助健康長壽。晚飯習慣 1.生吃洋蔥 洋蔥所含的硫化物能預防動脈硬化和高血壓,生吃效果更好,建議切成薄片,做成蔬菜色拉吃。2.八九點後不吃東西 脂肪在半夜2點最易蓄積,如果此時處於空腹狀態,脂肪就不易蓄積,按照一般消化時間推算,就要在晚八九點後不吃東西。癌症饮食 致癌食品 癌症的形成 癌症治愈 癌症 癌 癌症是怎样好的 癌症晚期癌症是怎样好的 癌症防治三大重點 治好癌症 健康食物 增強肝臟機能 癌症食療方 癌症预防 肝癌 肺癌 子宫颈癌 脑癌 大肠癌 小肠癌 淋巴瘤 肿瘤 瘤 食物 有毒食品 有毒食物 保肝 健康饮食 保健 养生 养生保健 ...
老年痴呆很可怕,預防原來這麼簡單,96%的人不知道~ https://youtu.be/h5otYRLvcX0 早起習慣 1 起床後馬上喝杯溫開水 人體在一夜睡眠中會丟失500毫升水分,起床後需要立刻補充。而且溫開水有助提升體溫,體溫每上升1℃,人體基礎代謝也會隨之提高10%。 2 一周至少喝3次蔬果汁 一周至少喝3次蔬菜或水果汁,能把得認知障礙症(老年痴呆症)的風險降低75%。 3 每天曬15分鐘太陽 適量多曬太陽能幫助人體製造維生素D,而研究表明維生素D有抗癌作用。 上班習慣 ● 公務包裡帶上幾塊黑巧克力 吃上幾塊黑巧克力能為你補充能量,有助提高工作效率;而且黑巧克力富含多酚,有助抗老化。同時它的升糖指數低,有助控血糖。 家務習慣 ● 愛做飯 有研究表明,喜歡做飯的人不易得認知障礙症,操心一天三餐對大腦就是種良性刺激。 日常生活習慣 ● 儘量避開碳酸飲料、加工食品 可樂等碳酸飲料及快餐等加工食品含有大量的磷,會妨礙人體吸收鈣,不利骨骼健康。 運動習慣 1 適當出汗 運動量要以出汗為宜,幫助排出體內蓄積的毒素。 2 設法減重5% 健康活到百歲者的一大共同特徵就是不胖,體重只要降低5%,得糖尿病和高血壓的風險就會下降。 3 每天步行30分鐘 有研究表明,死亡率最高的人是那些平時幾乎不走路的人,每天步行30分鐘,能促進血液循環,有助健康長壽。 晚飯習慣 1 生吃洋蔥 洋蔥所含的硫化物能預防動脈硬化和高血壓,生吃效果更好,建議切成薄片,做成蔬菜色拉吃。 2 八九點後不吃東西 脂肪在半夜2點最易蓄積,如果此時處於空腹狀態,脂肪就不易蓄積,按照一般消化時間推算,就要在晚八九點後不吃東西。 不要私存,放到圈子裡,讓更多人知道吧! ---...
Carly Rae Jepsen performing Run Away With Me at Canada's New Year's Eve — Countdown 2016 in Parliament Hill, Ottawa. Buy Emotion on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/e-mo-tion-deluxe/id1008305831
Get E•MO•TION on iTunes now: http://smarturl.it/E-MO-TION Sign up for Carly Rae Jepsen news here: http://smarturl.it/CRJ.News Music video by Carly Rae Jepsen performing I Really Like You. (C) 2015 School Boy/Interscope Records http://vevo.ly/2dxtNP
Blog here - http://enlanubedesanti.blogspot.com.es/ Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/santidelrey_ carly rae jepsen call me maybe live at teen choice awards 2012 carly rae jepsen call me maybe directo teen choice awards 2012 call me maybe live carly rae jepsen on teen choice awards 2012 call me maybe directo carly rae jepsen teen choice awards 2012 carly rae jepsen call me maybe karaoke instrumental with lyrics on screen full hd hq 1080p 720p carly rae jepsen call me maybe karaoke with lyrics carly rae jepsen call me maybe instrumental with lyrics carly rae jepsen call me maybe letra en español carly rae jepsen call me maybe traduccion carly rea jepsen call me maybe traducida carly rae jepsen call me maybe traducido carly rae jepsen call me maybe subtitulos en castellano carly ...
Get E•MO•TION on iTunes now: http://smarturl.it/E-MO-TION © 2016 School Boy/Interscope Records © 2016 604 Records for Canada only Connect with Carly Rae Jepsen: Official - http://CarlyRaeMusic.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CarlyRaeJepsen Twitter - https://twitter.com/CarlyRaeJepsen Instagram - https://instagram.com/CarlyRaeJepsen Sign up for Carly Rae Jepsen news here: http://smarturl.it/CRJ.News http://vevo.ly/osgswm
Carly Rae Jepsen performs "All That" with Dev Hynes from her album "E•MO•TION" Live at YouTube Space LA. Download her album "E•MO•TION" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/E-MO-TION © 2015 School Boy/Interscope Records © 2015 604 Records for Canada only Connect with Carly Rae Jepsen: Official - http://CarlyRaeMusic.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CarlyRaeJepsen Twitter - https://twitter.com/CarlyRaeJepsen Instagram - https://instagram.com/CarlyRaeJepsen Connect with Interscope: Official - http://www.interscope.com YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/interscope Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/interscope Twitter - http://twitter.com/interscope Instagram - http://instagram.com/interscope © 2015 School Boy/Interscope Records © 2015 604 Records for Canada only
Carly Rae Jepsen performs "Your Type" from her album "E•MO•TION" Live at YouTube Space LA. Download her album "E•MO•TION" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/E-MO-TION Connect with Carly Rae Jepsen: Official - http://CarlyRaeMusic.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CarlyRaeJepsen Twitter - https://twitter.com/CarlyRaeJepsen Instagram - https://instagram.com/CarlyRaeJepsen Connect with Interscope: Official - http://www.interscope.com YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/interscope Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/interscope Twitter - http://twitter.com/interscope Instagram - http://instagram.com/interscope © 2015 School Boy/Interscope Records © 2015 604 Records for Canada only
Carly Rae Jepsen performs Run Away With Me in the BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge http://vevo.ly/cMy7fk
For More Interviews, Subscribe ►► http://bit.ly/29PqCNm Justin Bieber on his Nude Photos ►► http://bit.ly/1ZOddL3 Hailee Steinfeld talks Taylor Swift Drama ►►http://bit.ly/2adts0u Carly Rae Jepsen stopped by to talk about her new single "Warm Blood," "Call Me Maybe," what big purchase she's made, and more! Follow us: Twitter ►►https://twitter.com/zachsangshow Facebook ►►https://www.facebook.com/ZachSangShow/ Instagram ►►https://www.instagram.com/zachsangshow/ Snapchat ►►https://www.snapchat.com/add/ZachSang... www.zachsangshow.com
Tug of War is the debut album by Canadian singer/songwriter Carly Rae Jepsen, who came in third on the fifth season of Canadian Idol.The album is produced by Canadian producer and songwriter Ryan Stewart. Initially, the album was limitedly released in Canada on the independent MapleMusic Recordings label via Fontana North on September 30, 2008. However it was subsequently given a mainstream release by Canadian label 604 Records following Jepsen's signing to the label in 2011, including a digital release on the iTunes Store of the United States. Tug of War - 2008 1 Bucket 00:00 2 Tug of War 02:51 3 Money and the Ego 06:36 4 Tell Me 09:46 5 Heavy Lifting 12:08 6 Sunshine on My Shoulders 15:49 7 Worldly Matters 19:24 8 Sweet Talker 22:46 9 Hotel Shampoos 25:43 10 Sour Candy 28:34 NO ME PERT...
Carly Rae Japsen singing in Chile before Justin Bieber's concert. - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile 2013 ®
I hope like you :)
Vancouver's international pop hitmaker Carly-Rae Jepsen is back with "Emotion" — a pop record with range that channels the 80s. Jepsen joins guest host Tom Power to discuss the craft of songwriting, her biggest influences, and why she took a break after her smash hit single, "Call Me Maybe". Carly Rae Jepsen: https://www.carlyraemusic.com/ Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=qtv q's Homepage: http://www.cbc.ca/q q on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cbcradioq q on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QonCBCRadio q is a magazine show that’s unpredictable in the best sense - proud to be “a wild mix of culture by way of Canada” as described by the New York Times. The Globe & Mail noted the show’s “raging popularity across a variety of platforms -- podcasts, television,...
Carly Rae Jepsen - Run Away With Me [1 Hour Loop]
Ian Hanomansing interviews Canadian pop star Carly Rae Jepsen on CBC News Network. She talks d about what she's done since her smash hit "Call Me Maybe". She also discusses the prospect her new music might not be as successful in terms of sales and her other projects she's been involved in - like the live US network production of Grease and acting on Broadway. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/cbcnews?sub_confirmation=1 Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: http://www.cbcnews.ca Find CBC News on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbcnews Follow CBC News on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cbcnews For breaking news on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CBCAlerts Follow CBC News on Google+: https://plus.g...
"Call Me Maybe" inspired more YouTube covers than you can shake a stick at! Carly Rae took a look at some of the best remakes, and discussed the success of the song, as well as being friends with Justin Bieber!
Carly Rae Jepsen sits down with the TODAY anchors to talk about her meteoric success. She jokes that she “bribed” Tom Hanks to appear in her video for “I Really Like You.” » Subscribe to TODAY: http://on.today.com/SubscribeToTODAY » Watch the latest from TODAY: http://bit.ly/LatestTODAY About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series. Connect with TODAY Online! Visit TODAY's Website: http://on.today.com/ReadTODAY Find TODAY on Facebook: http://on.today.com/LikeTODAY Follow TODAY on Twitter: http://on....
Carly Rae Jepsen stopped in to talk about her new single 'I Really Like You'. Carly Rae Jepsen talked with Mix 93.3 and KCWE's host Steve Serrano. Special Thanks: Corner Restaurant Mix93.3 Seize Mulitmedia www.SeizeMultimedia.com Connect with with Steve Serrano: Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SteveSe... Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Th... Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/steves... Visit Serrano's Website: http://steveserrano.com Connect with Media: Follow Mix 93.3 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mix933 Follow KCWE-TV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kcwe_TV Visit Mix 93.3 Website: http://www.mix93.com Visit KCWE-TV Website: http://www.kmbc.com/kcwetv
After she performed, Carly joined Ellen to talk about everything from "Grease: Live" to "Fuller House."
Carly Rae Jepsen talks about whether dudes in cargo shorts, texting "LOL", weed cookies, crying in public and more are overrated or underrated. ------ SUBSCRIBE to Pitchfork.tv: http://bit.ly/yK2Fbp ------ FOLLOW Pitchfork.tv on Twitter: http://bit.ly/KJ2PhP ------ For more videos from Pitchfork TV: http://bit.ly/M1lvs8 Like Pitchfork on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pitchforkmedia Check out Pitchfork on Tumblr: http://pitchfork.tumblr.com/ Carly Rae Jepsen Rates Weddings, Weed Cookies and More | Over/Under