Spinning® Workout - Get Fit With GCN's 60 Minute Spin Class
Get fit with
Spinning® classes on
GCN! This is a sixty minute spin class, with no sprints, just variations in effort and speed
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This endurance training session is great for basic fitness or for training for longer bike rides. Set up an exercise bike, be it turbo trainer, road bike on rollers or a Wattbike and follow our on screen instructions. The session should be fun, but hard work at the same time.
For details of how GCN's training sessions run and work, see our guide to indoor training here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dq6UWX9c6A and for how to make sure your indoor bike is set up correctly, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_abRj3kInU
Filmed at
Pedal Studios in
Stereo MC's -
Prime Time: http://gcn.eu/10zz6Bq
A.S.M - Age Of The
Platypus: http://gcn.eu/134fHVp
The Blackout -
Ambition Is
Critical: http://gcn.eu/15W1OMn
Cagedbaby -
Golden Triangle: http://gcn.eu/13mzGSB
Massive Ft.
Mark Le Sal -
Better: http://gcn.eu/18yK0t9
Stereo MC's -
Float On: http://gcn.eu/10zz6Bq
Stereo MC's -
Hot Blood: http://gcn.eu/10zz6Bq
Milk -
Mr Motivator: http://gcn.eu/16lzQLa
Octave One -
Here Comes The
Push: http://gcn.eu/15Ud67p
The Anomalies -
Reptile Human (
Instrumental): http://gcn.eu/18f4wPj
65daysofstatic -
Crash Tactics: http://gcn.eu/10g3VJE
Stereo MC's -
Get On It: http://gcn.eu/YcsMfF
Deadly Avenger -
Blossoms &
Blood: http://gcn.eu/10g3VJE
Border Crossing - More
To Life (Ominous): http://gcn.eu/12nki6Z
Tristeza - Biege
Finger: http://gcn.eu/WYQNnM
The Midnight Ramble -
Lions: http://gcn.eu/10KW82B
Cause4Concern -
Psychosis: http://gcn.eu/12lF5XT
Baby Blue - Run (Ft.
Wretch 32): http://gcn.eu/15w8iVX
Deadly Avenger - We Took
Hollywood: http://gcn.eu/ZQqzWu
Cagedbaby - 16
Lovers: http://gcn.eu/YVEUOS
Cause4Concern - Epox: http://gcn.eu/12lF5XT
Cagedbaby -
Evolution: http://gcn.eu/WmtnZn
As with any strenuous exercise, you should consult a doctor/physician before beginning a programme of exercise. Discontinue your exercise session immediately if you experience any pain, dizziness or discomfort.
Partaking in training sessions following GCN's video instruction is entirely at your own risk, and
Global Cycling Network can not be held responsible for any injuries which may occur as a result of these exercises.
About GCN:
The Global Cycling Network puts you in the centre of the action: from the iconic summit of the Stelvio to the epic trails of
Fort William, Scotland, everywhere there is pavé or dirt, world-class racing, and pro riders, we will be there bringing you all the action, essential analysis and unparalleled access every week, every month, and every year.
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