Victorians urged to register to help end the wait to transplant this DonateLife Week

This DonateLife Week (July 31 – August 7) Victorians are being asked to help end the wait for the 1,500 sick Australians on the transplant waiting list by joining the Australian Organ Donor Register (AODR) online. 

Just 19 per cent of Victorians have registered their donation decision on the AODR, despite almost 70 per cent indicating they would be willing to become organ and tissue donors. 81 per cent of Victorians agree that registering donation decisions on the AODR is important while 73 per cent would be willing to accept a transplant. 

“Victorians are overwhelmingly supportive of organ and tissue donation. We now need to bridge the gap between that level of support and the number of people registered on the AODR,” said Donate Life Victoria State Medical Director, Dr Rohit D’Costa.

“This DonateLife Week, join the register online and talk to your family to help people on the waiting list. It is the best action you can take now to show your support for sick Australians in need of a transplant,” he added.

Many people are unaware that just one per cent of patients who die in hospitals may be eligible to become organ* donors. 

“Donation is incredibly precious. To ensure every potential donor has the chance to transform lives, we need Victorians to register their donation decisions and to let their loved ones know,” Dr D’Costa said. 

The process is now even simpler, with new registration channels available for the first time entirely online at Victorian adults can sign up in minutes and share their decision with family and friends through social media. 

One Victorian family who’s grateful for the miracle of donation is the Kings. 

Nick King, 34, received a life-changing liver transplant in recently at The Austin Hospital. Photos taken before, during and after his surgery were captured to feature in DonateLife Victoria’s Giving Life photographic exhibition.

“My new liver has given me a second chance in life to fulfil my ambitions. It couldn’t have happened without the amazing gift from the anonymous donor – I couldn’t be more grateful to them and their family for saying yes to donation. My life was on hold while I was on the waiting list but everything seems possible now. Even though I have a long way to go in my recovery, I feel better now than I have for years. I strongly encourage all Victorians to register as a potential organ donor to help the other people still waiting for their chance at transplant,” Mr King concluded.

To register your donation decision today, visit

To view the End the Wait campaign video visit: 

Giving Life exhibition information: 

* Tissue donation is less limited and can be retrieved up to 24 hours after death.

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the facts about organ and
tissue donation

  • Frequently asked questions
  • Understanding donation


and register on the Australian
Organ Donor Register

  • Register your decision


your donation decision with family and friends

  • Who needs to know?
  • How to start the discussion