29 August 2016

Turkish air strikes kill civilians in US-backed invasion of Syria

By Jordan Shilton, 29 August 2016

The incursion of NATO member states into northern Syria heightens the potential for a direct clash between Russia and the US which could quickly spiral out of control.

“Godfather” Biden visits Turkey

More on the war in Syria »

Sarkozy launches French presidential bid based on anti-Muslim hysteria

By Kumaran Ira, 29 August 2016

The former French president called for returning to universal military service and imposing measures that would turn France’s Muslim population into second-class citizens.

French woman arrested, fined for wearing Muslim headscarf on Cannes beach

By Anthony Torres, 29 August 2016

In an unprecedented attack on freedom of religion and on France’s Muslim community, local police are moving to effectively criminalize the wearing of Muslim headscarves.

Polish PiS government encourages anti-Semitism

By Clara Weiss, 29 August 2016

The government in Warsaw is promoting a revision of history that downplays Polish nationalist participation in anti-Semitic crimes.

US torture victim Abu Zubaydah given “hearing” at Guantanamo

By John Burton, 29 August 2016

Zubaydah, one of 41 inmates still not cleared for release or transfer eight years after Obama pledged to close Guantanamo Bay, made a brief, silent appearance on video.

Boston teachers face contract fight over job security, working conditions

By John Marion, 29 August 2016

The schools district’s attack on teachers will be accompanied by a November ballot initiative to increase the cap on charter schools across Massachusetts.

Cleveland teachers threaten walkout as school year begins

By Jerry White, 29 August 2016

More than 5,000 teachers have voted to strike over “performance pay” and other attacks in America’s second poorest big city.

More on the defense of public education »

Notes on London's housing crisis
London landlords renting out dangerous "floating shacks"

By Allison Smith, 29 August 2016

The high cost of living in London is driving a record number of people to turn to renting riverboats.

Government of Finland imposes further austerity

By Ellis Wynne, 29 August 2016

The Finnish government’s Competitiveness Pact, agreed with the trade unions, aims to “restore competitiveness” by slashing workers’ wages and benefits.

Australia: Arrium steelworkers reject 10 percent pay cut

By John Roberts, 29 August 2016

From the outset, the union had no intention of waging any struggle to mobilise workers to oppose the cost cutting and fight the threat of closure.

Australian Workers Union pushes pay cuts for Arrium employees

Former detention centre workers condemn Australia’s brutal refugee regime

By Max Newman, 29 August 2016

More than 100 ex-staff members have risked lengthy jail sentences to protest against the treatment of asylum seekers incarcerated on remote Pacific islands.

Labour Party makes empty promises to New Zealand students

By Tom Peters and Chris Ross, 29 August 2016

Despite its highly conditional pledges, Labour has no intention of reducing ballooning debt and poverty among students.

New in French

Biden le « parrain » en Turquie

Par Andre Damon, 29 août 2016

Le vice-président américain a rencontré Erdogan un mois après le coup d'Etat manqué.

Selon un rapport de l'OIT, le chômage des jeunes en hausse pour la première fois depuis trois ans

Par Niles Niemuth, 29 août 2016

Selon l’Organisation Internationale du Travail, le nombre de jeunes chômeurs chez les 15 à 24 ans atteindra 71 millions cette année

Other Languages


Nothing revolutionary about Sanders’ “Our Revolution”

29 August 2016

The rollout of the new organization founded by Sanders and his campaign makes crystal clear that its purpose is to direct young people and workers into the blind alley of the Democratic Party.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

24 August 2016

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
For the unity of the working class in the United States and Latin America

27 August 2016

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
The fight for socialism and the tasks of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality

25 August 2016

Arts Review

“Political art” in New York City this summer

By Clare Hurley, 29 August 2016

While much of the artwork is as yet unsatisfying, it is welcome that many of these visual artists are registering awareness of the social and political crisis.

Anthropoid: A film looks at 1942 assassination of Nazi chief Reinhard Heydrich

By Fred Mazelis, 26 August 2016

Toots Thielemans: 1922-2016
“That little space between a smile and a tear”

25 years ago: Gorbachev, Yeltsin move toward dissolution of Soviet Union

At a September 2, 1991 session of the Russian Parliament, Gorbachev and Yeltsin presented a series of proposals aimed at devolving the Soviet Union into a collection of federated republics.

More »

50 years ago: Egypt executes Muslim Brotherhood leader

On August 29, 1966, Egypt executed the leading intellectual figure of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sayyid Qutb.

More »

75 years ago: Red Army begins Yelnya offensive

Beginning on August 30, 1941, the Yelnya offensive by the Soviet Red Army brought about the first recapturing of Soviet territory since the beginning of the massive Nazi invasion.

More »


100 years ago: Pro-Venizelos military coup in Greece

On August 30, 1916, Greek military officers staged a successful coup in Thessalonika, in opposition to the royal government in Athens.

More »


ILO report: Global youth unemployment to rise for first time in three years

By Niles Niemuth, 27 August 2016

Merkel seeks to reorganise Europe

By Peter Schwarz, 27 August 2016

No end to central bank subsidies for financial markets
Fed chair lays out long-term scenario of economic stagnation

By Barry Grey, 27 August 2016

Britain: Labour’s National Executive extends purge of party membership

By Robert Stevens, 27 August 2016

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Join the IYSSE! Join the fight against war, inequality and the danger of dictatorship! Join the fight for socialism!
Statement of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality

27 August 2016

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

West Virginia Supreme Court to weigh independent ballot access
Ruling to impact independent candidates statewide

By Naomi Spencer - SEP candidate for West Virginia House District 16, 27 August 2016

“There is going to be a civil war in this country”
SEP presidential candidate Jerry White campaigns at Detroit auto factory

By a WSWS reporting team, 26 August 2016

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White on impact of “Welfare Reform”

24 August 2016

Socialist Equality Party vice presidential candidate Niles Niemuth condemns US-backed war in Yemen

19 August 2016

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »


Potentially Earth-like planet found in habitable zone of nearest star

By Don Barrett, 27 August 2016

The 2016 US Elections

Clinton highlights Trump’s ultra-right ties to curry favor with establishment Republicans

By Patrick Martin, 26 August 2016

The 2016 elections and the crisis of American democracy

By Joseph Kishore, 18 August 2016

The real issues in the 2016 US elections

After the Sanders debacle
“Socialist Convergence” meets to prepare a new trap for the working class

More on the 2016 US elections »

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

SEP election meeting in Berlin discusses war, nationalism after Brexit vote

By our correspondents, 22 August 2016

Berlin Election 2016
Socialist Equality Party campaigners speak with Turkish workers in Berlin

“War is never the solution”
Report on the SEP’s election campaign in Berlin

Berlin state election 2016
Vote against war! Vote PSG!
Election manifesto of the Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party

Sri Lanka: SEP meeting advances socialist program to fight government attacks

By our correspondents, 20 August 2016

After Brexit: The struggle for socialism in Britain

By Chris Marsden, 30 July 2016