Parliament warned of China's real ambitions

Australia's parliamentarians have been warned of China's wider ambitions in the region.
Australia's parliamentarians have been warned of China's wider ambitions in the region. Getty Images

Australia's new parliament has been warned not to accept the argument from some sections of the business community pushing the economic benefits of China's Silk Road initiative, without recognising it as an attempt by Beijing to create a strategic bloc to counter the United States.

The Briefing Book, given to all senators and members by the Parliamentary Library before Tuesday's opening of Parliament, provides a stark assessment of China's ambitions.

It singles out Beijing's plan to spend billions on infrastructure projects in the region, including in northern Australia, as an attempt to gain a strategic advantage and validate its claims over disputed waters in the South China Sea.

"As such, some see this initiative as a profound challenge to the current global political and economic status quo," said a briefing paper written by Geoff Wade from the Parliamentary Library.

Such a characterisation of China's Silk Road initiative, known as One Belt One Road (OBOR), is likely to anger Beijing, which has emphasised the trade benefits of improving infrastructure in the region.

Mr Wade has also highlighted growing tensions between some in the the business community who favour greater engagement with China, and strategic analysts who are wary of Beijing's geopolitical ambitions.

"Businesspeople are generally positive [about OBOR], while strategists have been less sanguine," Mr Wade said.

In her foreword to the Briefing Book, the head of the Parliamentary Library, Dianne Heriot, said the publication aimed to provide "snapshots of issues expected to figure during the Parliament's first months".

"The articles give a high-level perspective of key public policy issues," wrote Dr Heriot.

The parliamentary library is a research body for members and senators and is often relied upon by independent MPs and minor parties who don't have their own staff to cover all portfolio areas.

Influence growing

While OBOR was not a major issue during the recent federal election, China's growing strategic interests and soft power in Australia have become major headache for the Turnbull government.

The Australian Financial Review reported on Tuesday on how Chinese political donors in Australia will increasingly demand a greater say in public life.

Huang Xiangmo, the chairman of property developer Yuhu Group and a major donor himself, said the Chinese community has been used as a "cash cow" by Australian politicians and then ignored.

"We need to learn ... how to have a more efficient combination between political requests and political donations," he wrote in an editorial for the Global Times newspaper.

The warnings by Mr Wade about the strategic intentions behind China's new Silk Road come as Beijing has begun ramping up investments.

In the first quarter of this year, Chinese companies made $US3.59 billion of investments into OBOR countries, including Singapore, India and Indonesia.

That is up more than 40 per cent from the year before, according to a report by law firm King & Wood Mallesons, which cited Chinese Ministry of Commerce figures.

"Within Australia, enterprises, banks and law firms are promoting the OBOR initiative as an economic opportunity for the country," Mr Wade wrote.

"Despite the claimed economic nature of the OBOR agenda, critics see the initiative as being simultaneously a strategic program."

Mr Wade said within China the role of the People's Liberation Army in protecting this new infrastructure has been widely discussed.

"China clearly portrays OBOR as both being premised on and further validating China's claims to the islands of the South China Sea, while on the other side of the Indian Ocean, Djibouti is providing China with both a trade port as well as its first overseas military base."

Prudent attitude needed

The paper says Australia needs to keep a close watch on the progress of OBOR and adopt a "prudent attitude" in determining how the bilateral relationship develops.

"Broader concerns relate to the longer-term aims of China, with the possibility that the OBOR agenda is aimed at creating a Eurasia-wide, China-led bloc to counter the US."

If it lives up to its potential, OBOR, will involve about 65 countries and Chinese investment of roughly $US1 trillion during the next 10 to 15 years.

It is the brainchild of President Xi Jinping, who in announcing it harked back to the glory days of the Silk Road era, a time when China was the centre of the world and boasted the world's largest economy.

It is also partly a response to China's excess industrial capacity, mainly in steel and cement, which can be soaked up building infrastructure in the region.

Mr Wade, who previously worked as an independent analyst, was largely responsible for raising strategic concerns about a long-term lease over the Port of Darwin being sold to a Chinese company.