BHP's Samarco dam collapse a geological nightmare

The tailings dam at the Samarco mine collapsed due to a chain of events relating to structural issues, a new report has ...
The tailings dam at the Samarco mine collapsed due to a chain of events relating to structural issues, a new report has found. AP

Several dozen locals were working at tailings dam at BHP Billiton's co-owned Samarco mine in southern Brazil on the afternoon of November 15, 2015, when they felt a tremor.

The tremor at about 2pm lasted several seconds. It was enough to rattle windows and to knock objects off tables across the Germano complex at the Samarco mine which is a joint venture between BHP and Brazilian mining giant Vale.

The workers downed tools, but not for long. Minor earthquakes are quite common in the state of Minas Gerais, as was the regular detonation of explosives at the Samarco mine.

They soon continued their work which included hauling and spreading tailings for raising the Fundao dam and constructing gravel blankets for the next stage of construction.

The Samarco disaster left several Brazilian towns in ruins.
The Samarco disaster left several Brazilian towns in ruins. AP

Tailings dams are par for the course in the mining sector and are used to deal with the byproducts from mining operations, once the valuable commodity, such as coal, iron ore or nickel, has been extracted. Samarco was an iron ore mine which was a profitable earner for BHP.

Turn for the worse

But by 3.45pm that afternoon things took a turn for the worse when reports over internal radio communications warned the 110-metre high dam wall was collapsing.

A plume of smoke rose over the left hand side of the tailings dam while cracks had started to appear on the recently constructed drainage blanket.

In a matter of seconds, the dam wall – which moments earlier had looked like a secure structure – started to crack and then crumble "like a wave" or a snake, according to witnesses.

Another witness said it looked like the dam wall was "melting" as a mass of liquid and solids started "going in somersaults" downstream.

The tailings from the Fundao dam – a combination of sand and sludge – was transformed into a rolling river. The 32 million cubic metres of tailings was travelling downstream at about 11 metres per second.

The walls of the Santarem Dam further downstream withstood the torrent. But the volume of sludge meant it merely spilt over the top of the dam, creating a wall of destruction as it roared through the town of Bento Rodriguez, killing 19 people and destroying everything before it, as it quickly made its way to the sea.

In a matter of hours, the Fundao dam was gone and Samarco became Brazil's worst environmental disaster, seriously damaging BHP's global reputation and putting a serious dent in their balance sheet.

Structural failings

BHP Billiton, Vale and Samarco Mineraco, who ran the mine for the joint venture partners, commissioned consultants Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton to undertake the report with a string of geotechnical experts.

The report by the expert panel, chaired by Canadian civil engineer Norbert Morgenstern, found the collapse of the Fundao tailings dam was the result of a chain of events, relating to structural issues.

They found the buttress structure chosen for the Fundao Valley in 2005 was structurally sound, but failed in its implementation.

The two types of tailings at Fundao were sands and slime. The sand and silt-like particles are free-draining, but if they are saturated to a certain point they are susceptible to liquefaction where the material loses its strength and flows as a liquid. The clay-like slimes are much finer and less permeable.

The 76-page technical report released on Tuesday focused on the the interaction of these two substances and how a string of incidents during the tailings dam construction caused the dam's collapse in November 2015.

In short, a base of gravel and rocks are put at the bottom of the dam. Sand and slimes were then layered on top, but they need to be kept separate or it can undermine the strength of the structure.

A 200-metre buffer zone was established to ensure the slimes did not encroach on the sand that would stop drainage.

However in 2009, shortly after the "starter dam" of rocks and gravel was completed, defects in the base drain forced Samarco to abandon the original plans.

Engineering investigations later revealed serious construction flaws in the base drain and its filters, including a portion of the drain's outlet that had never been completed.

Lax dam management

In its place, Samarco implemented a revised plan which allowed the tailings dam to continue to expand. But the price was increased saturation of the sand which increased the risk for sand liquefaction.

It was the makings of a future disaster.

Lax dam management between 2011 and 2012 while the new design was being constructed, allowed slimes to get precariously close to the sands – as close as 60 metres, rather than the 200-metre safety zone – and slime settled where it was not meant to.

Another incident occurred in 2012 when a large concrete conduit beneath the dam's left abutment was found to be structurally deficient and unable to support further loading.

The dam needed to be plugged with more concrete before it could be raised any further. The alignment of the dam had to be moved from its original position – placing it directly over the previously deposited slime.

"With this, all of the necessary conditions for liquefaction triggering were in place," the report found.

As the dam raising continued through 2013, surface seepage continued and the tailing sands was being compromised. By August 2014, the replacement blanket drain intended to control the saturation reached its maximum capacity.

To an outsider the tailings dam may have been growing as per usual, but to a geologist it was an accident waiting to happen.

Toothpaste effect

The softer slimes compressed as they were supposed to when more load was put on them, according to the expert report, but at the same time they deformed laterally "squeezing out like toothpaste from a tube in a process known as lateral extrusion".

The sands above the slime were pulled apart and became loose. Most importantly, the sand was losing its strength to contain the millions of cubic metres of liquid in the tailings dam.

To prove their theories, the geologists conducted modelling of the slimes and sands in the laboratory – the saturated sand lost all its strength and collapsed as the liquefaction process took hold.

It mirrored what happened in real life at Samarco but the added stress of three seismic shocks over 90 minutes had pushed the left abutment of the dam to breaking point.

"Computer modelling showed that the earthquake forces produced an additional increment of horizontal movement in the slimes that correspondingly affected the overlying sands," the expert report found.

"Although the movements are quite small and the associated uncertainties large, this additional movement is likely to have accelerated the failure process that was already well advanced."

No blame game

The expert independent report does not seek to cast blame for the disaster, but merely concluded the dam disaster was a "consequence of a chain of events and conditions".

BHP Billiton on Tuesday said it did not have information suggesting the dam at the Samarco operation in Brazil was close to collapse.

"We have no reason to believe that anyone at BHP had any information that indicated the dam was close to collapse," BHP executive Dean Dalla Vale said.

"Samarco was aided by well-known and internationally recognised people, they have various technical committees, an independent tailings review board and no doubt all this information made its way through, so they were certainly well informed."

BHP, which absorbed a $2 billion write-down from the Samarco disaster in its recent financial reports, had agreed to a $3 billion settlement with the Brazilian government in March.

But in July, a Brazilian court allowed the reinstatement of an $8 billion civil claim for clean-up costs and damages against BHP, Vale and Samarco. BHP said it intended to appeal the decision.

The Samarco mine remains closed.