QJ's Blog
Bob Skinner
Oz Blackstone
Primavera Blackstone
Email QJ

Welcome to the official website of Scottish crime novelist Quintin Jardine, Number One best seller and creator of three much-acclaimed detectives, Bob Skinner, Primavera Blackstone and Oz Blackstone, each one a very different, but very compelling character.

We hope you'll take a little time to learn about them and the books in which they appear, and also that you’ll catch up with their author, a former journalist, political spin doctor and media relations consultant.

Click on the link ‘QJ’s blog’, and it will take you to a dedicated area where
you’ll find . . . .

  • QJ’s regular diary entries, rants and occasional raves
  • His personal responses to the comments, questions and thoughts that you send him through the ‘Email QJ’ facility
  • A photo gallery
  • Important information on upcoming events

You can buy all of Quintin’s novels, signed by the author, by clicking the purchase link below, or the banner at the foot of the page.

Grievous Angel

The new must read Primavera Blackstone Novel

As Easy As Murder

Now available in paperback at a great price!


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