
Al Dafna, Doha, Qatar.


Club A, New York, New York

From Dining By Design (1985)

“Bernhard Leitner, Soundcube, 1969
” garadinervi:
“Bernhard Leitner, Soundcube, 1969
” garadinervi:
“Bernhard Leitner, Soundcube, 1969
” garadinervi:
“Bernhard Leitner, Soundcube, 1969
” garadinervi:
“Bernhard Leitner, Soundcube, 1969
” garadinervi:
“Bernhard Leitner, Soundcube, 1969
” garadinervi:
“Bernhard Leitner, Soundcube, 1969
” garadinervi:
“Bernhard Leitner, Soundcube, 1969
” garadinervi:
“Bernhard Leitner, Soundcube, 1969

13 years in New York ended with the reinstallation of the shitty entryway booblight my apartment came with.

Strange to see a place I’ve slept for six of those years quickly revert to a generic, meaningless shell. It’s comforting, in a way, to see my material impact on the world efficiently erased: I couldn’t have done too much damage.

I truly loathe this fixture, and yet have thought of it frequently.

Dank sheet


gijs bakker, stainless steel face ornament, 1974, from “contemporary jewelry”, 1976.

(via tweepenningen)


Ministry buildings, Astana, 2012

Frank Herfort


We’ve been expecting you.

Me and Tag liaising