political action

on rabble.ca

Image: Dave Molenhuis
Six pervasive myths about Canada we must stop believing | Aug 5 2016 | Sophia Reuss | Myth: Canada is a safe haven for marginalized people. Status: Busted. We spoke with people on the frontlines about why these myths are so harmful.
Pride march for queer people of colour creates critical space for healing | Aug 5 2016 | Lenée Son | "Today was about giving us a space. Taking space in the city at Pride time," Fatima Jaffer. A lot of people don't feel comfortable at Pride, so this alternative space was created.
Photo: Sasha Patterson, End Immigration Detention Peterborough
Immigration detainees end 18-day hunger strike | Aug 3 2016 | Sophia Reuss | Resistance against indefinite detention amps up as massive solidarity action planned for October and groups continue to pressure Minister Goodale.
Black Lives Matter bring fight for racial justice to Vancouver Dyke March | Aug 2 2016 | Lenée Son | Support and solidarity were interwoven throughout the march on Saturday. Black Lives Matter members called for accountability.
Representatives of the gender subcommittee to Colombia’s peace talks
Women advocate for peace in Colombia | Aug 2 2016 | Frieda Werden | After decades of women's peace activism, a new accord is signed.
Photo: flickr/up4hours
Hamilton's sanctuary city languishes as political will fades | Jul 28 2016 | Sophia Reuss | Hamilton's city council unanimously approved a motion that permitted undocumented migrants to access municipal services. But lack of staff and will has led to a lack of change for these people.
Help pay for the funeral expenses of Abdirahman Abdi | Jul 27 2016 | Let's support the family as we demand justice.
Victoria's tent city could inspire national conversation about homelessness this summer | Jul 27 2016 | Jessica Hawkins | Jessica Hawkins takes a closer look at the ruling of Justice Hinkson in the Super InTent case in Victoria.
Peterborough activists call for end to indefinite immigration detention | Jul 26 2016 | Rachel Small | The Peterborough Council of Canadians supported a public letter sent this weekend to MP Maryam Monsef by End Immigration Detention Peterborough in solidarity with detainees on hunger strikes.
The Black Lives Matter Freedom School continues to inspire change | Jul 25 2016 | On July 30, come on out and join the BLMTO Freedom School to protest the incarceration of Jasmine Abdullah and support the migrant hunger strikers.
Keep fighting for affordable housing in Vancouver | Jul 25 2016 | Here are some ways you can help take action and demand housing for all.
Photo: flickr/Christopher Sessums
Hunger strike continues as Goodale refuses to meet with immigration detainees | Jul 25 2016 | Sophia Reuss | Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale still hasn't agreed to meet with over 50 hunger striking immigration detainees.

on babble

Late in life, Michel Foucault developed a curious sympathy for neoliberalism little eiffel said... One can, of course, lament the statist form in which social security is managed, or say, for...
petition: support the motion for landlord licensing in Toronto mark_alfred said... A motion for licensing of landlords will be voted on in the near future in Toronto.  Here's a...
Newfoundland is rising against austerity epaulo13 said... Newfoundland is Rising Against Austerity Something very much out of the ordinary is happening in...
Young Indigenous politicians are leading the Manitoba NDP robbie_dee said... Quote:The mood was mainly sombre and the cash-bar business was mainly brisk as Manitoba New...
Black Lives Matter mobilization in Toronto Unionist said... Epaulo posted about this, but I think it's been under-reported and deserves its own thread. Toronto...
Don't trust Reddit Guys - They deleted post of FBI moles inside RCMP for almost 20 years! Just A Moment said... Correction on first line of OP should be "no fairy tale", not "now fairy tale" which is not what I...
RCMP & DEA says American whistle blower told truth about corruption before Harper authorized fake extradition! Magic Man said... The letters from MP Alghabra and the Private Investigative report can both be found as exhibits...
Avoid the Law Society - Report crooked lawyers directly to the police. Here is proof they cover-up crimes daily... Magic Man said... For some reason this link did not activate in the above post and gives others stories of Canada Law...
Remembering Viola Desmond: A clicktivist moment! swallow said... Awesome, clicked.  Also, replying so the topic will show up on active topics. :) in
Please share some ideas with me for convention resolutions for my NDP riding association mark_alfred said... Hello fellow Babblers.  My riding association is having a meeting in a little over a week....


Fri, Aug 12, 2016
Peace Fest
Tue, Aug 9, 2016
World Social Forum 2016

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in cahoots

Unifor sends solidarity and support to the people of Fort McMurray
Unifor is making an initial $250,000 contribution to the Red Cross in support of relief efforts and encouraging all 310,000 members and locals across the country to consider making a donation as well.

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